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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I love Stand By Me. I love the Back to the Future trilogy. I love Pulp Fiction. I love Leaving Las Vegas and Cocktail and I bloody love Jaws. So, you'd think a film starring Jerry O'Connell, Christopher Lloyd, Ving Rhames, Elisabeth Shue and Richard Dreyfuss would be a cast made in heaven, for me at least. I've just watched Piranha. Utter horseshit. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting it to be a cinematographic masterpiece, but I thought it could be an enjoyable-in-a-silly way to waste 90 minutes. Jesus wept, if I hadn't had a few cans to keep me company I might have thrown myself out of the window. Kelly Brook might genuinely be the worst actress to ever star in the same film as an Oscar winner.


I never thought I'd ever spend a Boxing Day seeing a fish eating a willy.

Edited by Frankie Crisp
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Woy, loved your blog and intend to fill the gaps of stuff I've not seen. Most pleased with your #1, I bummed the fuck out of it on here a few pages back, but everybody else I've spoke to seems to absolutely hate it. Nice to read so much drippy reverence for it in the same way I felt when it had finished. Easily my winner for this year too.

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  • Awards Moderator
Kelly Brook might genuinely be the worst actress to ever star in the same film as an Oscar winner.

Even worse than Ellen Page in that X Men film with Halle Berry?

Never seen it and likely to never bother. I don't really get X Men and that kind of film.


Saying that, there could be a thread in my not-very-well-thought-out statement...

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Has anyone gotten anything out of one of his films or performances?


I got a few laughs out of how awful was.


Unless I missed it I notice there was no mention of Kill list in your top 20, did you not see it or just not like it enough/at all?


I've just watched Kill List. Nowhere near worthy of the hype. I love the shooting style, and the two leads are great, but it's just... Well, it seems like a homogenised rip-off of A Serbian Film only with a bit of character development and camraderie replacing much of the shock-value stuff.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

If you've seen A Serbian Film, I think you'll feel very cheated by the ending of Kill List. And probably even if you haven't. The two were made too close together for it to have been nicked, but it just feels oddly similar.


[close spoiler]

Edited by King Pitcos
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Kelly Brook might genuinely be the worst actress to ever star in the same film as an Oscar winner.

Even worse than Ellen Page in that X Men film with Halle Berry?

Never seen it and likely to never bother. I don't really get X Men and that kind of film.


Saying that, there could be a thread in my not-very-well-thought-out statement...

Nor have I to be honest, it was a cheeky dig at an Ellen Page loving mod that I didn't think through properly.

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Watched Kill List shortly after reading PITCOS' review there and I would agree with him. It's a pretty boring film that seems to have garnered a strange amount of hyperbolic praise. There's some good stuff in there - Michael Smiley and MyAnna Buring are great, the use of sound is highly effective and there's a good sense of dread throughout - but overall it doesn't quite work. The protagonist is one of the least interesting, most dislikable lead roles I've ever seen, the characters do lots of really fucking stupid things which is odd especially considering their profession and the tacked-on Wicker Man-lite nonsense is, well, tacked-on nonsense. The ending makes no sense whatsoever and doesn't leave you with lots of intriguing questions, it just leaves you annoyed for having spent 90 minutes on the damn thing.

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Hostel 3- Not bad, but not amazing either. The victims were more likeable than the ones n the previous movies, so you do want them to escape somehow, but I felt it was a big mistake setting it somewhere like Vegas, as with CCTV and the like, missing people are more traceable, where you would not get that in the areas that the first 2 films are based in.


Chillerama: Very silly anthology film. Reminded me of the main movie in Amazon Women on the Moon. Knob and shit jokes throughout, but quite funny.


Little Deaths: Another anthology, and a bloody good one too. 3 Stories on this one that would have fitted nicely into something like the old Urban Gothic show that used to be on C5. Cant say too much, as it would spoil, but would advise any hrror fan to give it a gander.

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Just finished watching Kill List but had it pretty much spoiled by this post. Maybe spoiler tag things in future, anyway apart from knowing how it would end it was still dissapointing given the hype I'd read.

I'll spoiler tag it now, edit your post. My apologies, but one film essentially spoils the other anyway.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Considering I wasn't expecting anything from it, Tropic Thunder was really quite funny. Besides for Jack Black, who really should be burning calories like a mother considering how much effort he puts into trying to be funny, and the actual black guy, everyone else was really funny. The one thing I've taken away from it is wondering how you can make a film with so many individually funny performances but overall have an OK movie.

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