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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Just back from seeing The Inbetweeners movie. Really, really enjoyed it. It wasn't even marred by the morons with broad Scouse accents sat behind us going "dat's you dat is lad, you know" to each other every time one of the characters said or did something. Phenomenally popular, as well. The queue to get in the likes of which I've not seen before in a cinema, apart from the last Batman film in an IMAX place.


If you like the Inbetweeners on telly, you'll like the film. It's not faltered in transition to the big screen at all. But if you don't like the TV show, the film doesn't add anything that would make you a fan.


See, I'd disagree with that, but it's also the reason I didn't enjoy it as much as the TV series. Don't get me wrong, there were a few belly laughs (the dancing scene in particular), but it seemed to me as clear a case of shark-jumping as I'm ever likely to see.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

For me, what made the TV series great and set it apart from your standardised T4 generation Hollyoaks/Skins shite was the bang-on representation of how tragically mundane teenage life is for 90% of the population. The characters and their lives were cringeworthy, but ultimately incredibly relatable. I feel like they've fucked all that off here in order to appeal to the mass market with the big, barely-credible Hollywood ending, where they all fuck models and live happily ever after despite acting like clueless cunts for the entire film. Plus, Neil has somehow become a philandering arsehole and Simon a ridiculously ignorant moron.


To me, it wasn't a series like the Office that needed that sort of ending. The 'no hugging, no learning' mantra would have worked better here for me.


Edited by Magnum
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Having a weird night - went to sleep at five pm (Fridays is currently a half-day for me), and woke up at ten, then me and the Mrs. watched Tangled - bit of a mess in terms of an actual plot, but plenty entertaining and well designed. Songs not much to write about, but always fun spotting folks like Brad Garrett and Jeffrey Tambor.


Now, I'm staying up till six am, so I can call my grandpa and hopefully get a ride to New Jersey to pick up supplies for this fuck off storm, and watching Mulberry Street - nothing much to write home about, but nice use of real world media to create a movie that will have a weird appeal that may be peculiarly limited to people who live in NYC (especially as it's set ten minutes from where we used to live, and the place where my grandpa gets his eye treated was just on the screen).

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Just watched Rise of The Planet Of The Apes film. Pretty bloody breathtaking, and not afraid to say I got a bit teary eyed at the ending.


Not sure if it was just the DVD copy of it I had, but during the first part of the credits, theres something about a soldier or someone, going to an airport, then gets a bleeding nose. Not sure if this was a cut in of another DVD that had been on the disc prior to ROTPOTA, or was this significant in some way?


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

do you remember James Franco's dick of a neighbour that the fat guy sneezes blood on? Well that's him in the end credits, turns out he is a pilot and carries it to New York!



Great movie,


I too enjoyed the Inbetweeners Movie very good fun, and saw it in a packed cinema which is always a good thing for me. My favourite bit was the old womans wheezing when having sex with Neill and pretty much the whole ending with Simon :)


I would also have no problem having a go with the "fat" lass...

Edited by Cobra1000
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watched a couple of films this week on bluray, first up was Dawn Of The Dead, the original since id never seen it before. It was ok, but not scary at all, infact it was part comedy really. but then again its an 80s film and horror was more campy back then.


then on thursday i got Hanna through the door, even though its not out till monday, so stuck that in and very much enjoyed it, had been waiting to see it since i saw the trailers months ago. all the actors played their parts perfectly.


and then today ive watched terry and june series 4 dvd this morning - and it still maked me laugh. they dont make them like they used to.

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I rewatched Bullitt last night and I think every time I watch it, it gets better.


Almost everything about it is perfect but it is so easy to forget how great it is because the many outstanding things in it are overshadowed by THAT car chase.


1) The opening titles are fucking ACE. They must have been an absolute pain in the arse to do back in the 1960s, but they are fucking brilliant.


2) The score from Lalo Schifrin is incredible and could not fit the mood of the film more perfectly if it tried. He is one of the greatest film score creators of all time and I think some would argue that he is THE best.


3) I think this is my favourite Steve McQueen performance. He's really understated and of course just effortlessly cool. The situation never really seems to get to him. Far cooler than, say, Harry Callahan.


4) Jacqueline Bisset is just absolutely beautiful. She really should have done a LOT better with her career, and this isn't all that challenging a role for her, but Christ she's gorgeous.


5) Robert Vaughn almost acts them both off the screen. Easily his best film performance.


6) The chase through the hospital outdoes the car chase for sheer tension.


What I will say about the car chase is that it IS great, but I wouldn't say it is THE best standing on its own - I think the ones from The French Connection, The Seven Ups and a couple from The Driver are better, off the top of my head, but in terms of the context of the film it works perfectly.


What a great film.



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Watched a bunch of stuff recently, here are just a few I'll write a little more in depth about some of the others I've seen when I get the chance:


The Decline of Western Civilisation Part III: Wanted to see this for a dogs age as I'm a big fan of part I (less so part II) and Hardcore in general. I was not disappointed, and would even make the argument that while it doesn't quite catch a significant musical epoch like the first film it has much more emotional depth and offers a glimpse into a sub-culture rarely given the time of day.


Jesus Camp: This documentary investigates Evangelical Christians in America, focusing on the eroding of the gap between state and church and how these religious groups are looking at youth to take back America. Absolutely terrifying, not unlike what I would imagine a documentary on Nazi Youth might have looked like pre-WWII.

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I watched Grindhouse the other night. I'd never seen either of the features and managed to acquire them with all the trailers to watch the whole thing properly over a four or so hour period. Got to say, I really enjoyed both films. Kurt was the bollocks in Death Proof, which was silly as fuck but a total blast. Planet Terror was marginally less exciting, but tons of fun all the same. I made the decision before watching to not take either seriously, and turning down the shit filter made it a rather fun moview watching experience.


Highly recommended if you unscrew your brain at the start.

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That Jesus Camp doc is really mental. Every American should be forced to watch that to see just how insanely their favorite religion can be interpreted. Crazy folk!


I watched DEMON WIND, starring MMA commentator/idiot Steven Quadros.


It was utterly fantastic. One of the best "so bad, it is good" films I have ever seen. A ludicrous plot, hilarious 'acting', awful dialogue, cliche overload, then a last ten minutes that seems to have been written during an awesome Acid trip. Possibly the funniest film i have seen this year.


Whole film, in 10 parts youtube


(search on the right, "demon wind" for all parts)

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Just watched Thor. I'm not a comic book fan, and I don't go out of my way to watch comic book movies, but thought I'd give this a go. I thought it was OK. Entertaining enough, humorous in places, good action sequences. I imagine they'll bring out a second, and I imagine I'll watch it.

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Last movie I saw was Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. It was a lot better than I was expecting.


I want to go see 30 Minutes Or Less at some point this week. I love Jesse Eisenberg.

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