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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Not that I want to go Bryan Alvarez levels of egotistical here, but the above post has to be a deliberate trolling of me.


If it makes you feel any better Seven, I watched The Social Network last night and thought Reznor's score was bloody amazing. The film is a modern classic and deserves all the praise it's gotten. Also, Andrew Garfield is dreamy.

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If it makes you feel any better Seven, I watched The Social Network last night and thought Reznor's score was bloody amazing. The film is a modern classic and deserves all the praise it's gotten. Also, Andrew Garfield is dreamy.


I loved The Social Network but don't really understand how Trent Reznor won an Oscar for the score. I barely even noticed the music in it at all. Maybe if I listen to the CD I'll get a better taste for it. Personally I thought the Inception score was better just for that giant honking theme they had that sounded like God's telephone ringing.

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Saw Captain America: The First Avenger last night. It was actually pretty good fun. I think I enjoyed it more cause i thought it was going to be awful, but it was bloody good fun.


Went to see it last night, got the balance between humour and action right and was another strong film for Marvel

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think Bucky was wasted in it, the relationship was never really built on, also there should have been more Howling Commandos, maybe even a link to Nick Fury taking over after Cap went. Also would have been nice if they'd somehow left the opportunity to make a 2nd film set during the 2nd world war. Oh and a surprising amount of violence for a kids film, didnt expect the Hydra guy to hit a propeller and explode in a shower of blood


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Went to see it last night, got the balance between humour and action right and was another strong film for Marvel

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think Bucky was wasted in it, the relationship was never really built on, also there should have been more Howling Commandos, maybe even a link to Nick Fury taking over after Cap went. Also would have been nice if they'd somehow left the opportunity to make a 2nd film set during the 2nd world war. Oh and a surprising amount of violence for a kids film, didnt expect the Hydra guy to hit a propeller and explode in a shower of blood


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They could of done another movie set during WW2 but they needed him in our time for The Avengers so that was the only way plus we all knew how it would end.


I guess they could do another movie set during WW2 they could say we didn't see all his missions and do a movie based on another one.


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They could of done another movie set during WW2 but they needed him in our time for The Avengers so that was the only way plus we all knew how it would end.


I guess they could do another movie set during WW2 they could say we didn't see all his missions and do a movie based on another one.


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Yeah I always knew that the film would end with him ready for The Avengers but it wouldn't have been too difficult to do a '1 year later' type of deal. I was even expecting a montage (which it had) but it just seemed so specific to the Hydra base attacks and quite a closed narrative but regardless was a good fun comic book movie that set up the character well and wasn't as Pro America as I was expecting


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Having decided to splurge a little I watched Law Abiding Citizen for the first time today. Very good film. Gerard Butler was absolutely superb in his role as th good guy who seems to get more and more evil as the film progresses, and Jamie Foxx I thought did a good job. Nice plot too.


But that's the worst film ever?


I really enjoyed the first hour and found myself asking what the big ending would be.


My suspicion for a while was that ... SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

the mystery boyfriend of Ricky Bobby's wife that we never saw could either be Butler himself or Butler's accomplice

... but the ending they came up with was fucking terrible.


So I have seen way shitter films that didn't have the good firrst hour, but such a crap ending did ruin what came before it a bit.

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there's certain movies that seem to connect with the general male audience, it's kinda weird but every now and then a movie comes out that everyone proclaims is the 'best film ever!', recent ones were Law Abiding Citizen another was Taken.


anyone else know what i mean?

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Taken was fucking great though. And I know plenty of ladies who enjoyed it.


I thought Law Abiding Citizen looked interesting, and I'll probably watch it when it's on tv. I can't imagine it's amazing though.

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I thought LAC was pretty shit tbh. It was a while ago so my memory might not be the best but I remember finding Russell Crowe's character really unsympathetic. IIRC Jamie Fox's character hadn't actually done anything corrupt yet was being targeted by Crowe? Unless the whole moral ambiguity of the situation was the point?

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Went to see it last night, got the balance between humour and action right and was another strong film for Marvel

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

think Bucky was wasted in it, the relationship was never really built on, also there should have been more Howling Commandos, maybe even a link to Nick Fury taking over after Cap went. Also would have been nice if they'd somehow left the opportunity to make a 2nd film set during the 2nd world war. Oh and a surprising amount of violence for a kids film, didnt expect the Hydra guy to hit a propeller and explode in a shower of blood


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SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I loved Bucky in it, granted he didn't do that much but for what he was it was good and the little dynamic that shifted between him and Cap was great....and maybe just maybe they could do a Winter Soldier film cause I don't think they'll mae a Captain America 2 for a while



Also with the bit after the credits The Avengers just became my #1 must see film of next summer, surpassing The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises at the moment!

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Against my better judgement I watched SpiceWorld The Movie this weekend. I remember watching it as a kid and enjoying it as I was just at the right age back then, but it really hasn't aged well and has made me realise that they were never actually that good, just purely right place right time.


(Appreciate that it was never intended to win an Oscar and is just meant to be a bit of fun - but still!)

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I thought LAC was pretty shit tbh. It was a while ago so my memory might not be the best but I remember finding Russell Crowe's character really unsympathetic. IIRC Jamie Fox's character hadn't actually done anything corrupt yet was being targeted by Crowe? Unless the whole moral ambiguity of the situation was the point?


Sorry to be a smartarse but it's Gerard Butler. Although he does look alot like Crowe in the film.


I'm not saying it's the best film ever, I just enjoyed it.

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