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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I got back from seeing Monsters and I don't know what to make of it really. For several interesting premises, it really fails to deliver on any front for me. I found it hard to connect with the characters as they're given very little backstory and even the snippets we get about thier lives are minimal and never more than a second though. Its more suggestive than anything, but in doing so it lacks a foundation. It was just a whole lot of not much. It was interesting enough to keep me watching, but I really got the feeling it was going to end abruptly and indeed it did. Without looking too much into it, I've seen a lot of very high praise for this and I just can't quite see it.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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I just watched a Japanese film called Big Man Japan anyone seen it


Seriously, that is one bat poopy insane movie...

The last few minutes were crazy!


A good recommendation sir...


The last few minutes are pure distilled 'what the fuck' aren't they?


The humour in that film is so unlike the humour in any western film it's crazy but I found it hilarious, the part where they interview his daughter is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


What a crazy film, has to be seen to be believed, thanks for watching my recommendation.

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Has anyone seen London Boulevard yet?


I saw it earlier this week, I wouldn't rush to see it. It's not great. Loads of plotholes and odd decisions throughout. It is enjoyable though, I suppose as long as you don't pick up on the problems. It picks up toward the end but it is a bit Layer Cake.


The scenes with Winstone and Farrell in are decent, and David Thewlis' character is very watchable throughout. The soundtrack though... not good. Didn't fit at all. I'm sure I saw Kasabian's Sergio Pizzorno's name on the credits at the end but couldn't find anything about him being involved with the score.


Overall, a forgettable 5/10 for me.

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I got back from seeing Monsters and I don't know what to make of it really. For several interesting premises, it really fails to deliver on any front for me. I found it hard to connect with the characters as they're given very little backstory and even the snippets we get about thier lives are minimal and never more than a second though. Its more suggestive than anything, but in doing so it lacks a foundation. It was just a whole lot of not much. It was interesting enough to keep me watching, but I really got the feeling it was going to end abruptly and indeed it did. Without looking too much into it, I've seen a lot of very high praise for this and I just can't quite see it.


Watched this last night and echo your thoughts really. It wasn't bad enough I wanted to switch it off, or gripping enough that I was on the edge of my seat, it was just watchable.


The film is essntially about those two characters and not the surroundings. In fact replace the aliens with any hostile situation and you have the same film.

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Harry Potter


I thought this was cracking. They got a lot of stuff in without making it feel rushed (like with HBP). I usually find Emma Watsons performances a little cringeworthy sometimes (she overacts) but I thought everyone including her was fantastic. Rupert Grint has put on some pounds too, the boys buff.


Can't wait for part 2.


It's worth watching this film just for Emma Watson's side boob.


Disappointed to hear London Boulevard is rubbish, but then I have a fairly high tolerance for mockney nonsense (I've watched Layer Cake twice) so I might actually enjoy it.

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Harry Potter


I thought this was cracking. They got a lot of stuff in without making it feel rushed (like with HBP). I usually find Emma Watsons performances a little cringeworthy sometimes (she overacts) but I thought everyone including her was fantastic. Rupert Grint has put on some pounds too, the boys buff.


Can't wait for part 2.


It's worth watching this film just for Emma Watson's side boob.


Disappointed to hear London Boulevard is rubbish, but then I have a fairly high tolerance for mockney nonsense (I've watched Layer Cake twice) so I might actually enjoy it.


How did I miss that?

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Harry Potter


I thought this was cracking. They got a lot of stuff in without making it feel rushed (like with HBP). I usually find Emma Watsons performances a little cringeworthy sometimes (she overacts) but I thought everyone including her was fantastic. Rupert Grint has put on some pounds too, the boys buff.


Can't wait for part 2.


I thought it was complete crap. Its not that I don't like films or books meant for children, and its certainly not that I don't like fantasy films or books, but it was so boring in parts. Those parts being pretty much whenever the main characters were on the screen. Although I actually think emma Watson's got the best potential out of all of them, she just needs some pretentious French director to fall in love with her and she'll be sorted. But generally the movie was only interesting when the add on characters were on screen. There was also the stupidity of the fear scene with Ron, that I kbnow the reasoning behind but actually didn't make any logical sense in the way it played out. The whole point of "oh, if we piss him off he'll only attack Harry and not destory me too" was utter stupid and nonsensical. It was probably in the books, I gave up on them after the fourth or so. The whole quest thing seemed a bit tacked on when it came to the films, obviously that's from the books too and I'd hope that it fits the books more naturally, but everytime they mention it in the films I can't shake the feeling that Rowling didn't know how to make an ending that would satisfy her followers and so tacked on a big quest thing that doesn't quite fit it. Again, whether that's her fault or the people doing the films I couldn't say. In twenty years time when someone remakes the Harry Potter movies I genuinely think we could end up with something better than we have now.


I'm actually quite excited about seeing the new Narnia film. I was a Narnia kid during my childhood and the first one was wonderful, the second slightly flatter but the new one looks promising. Narnia at Christmas just feels right.

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Punisher War Zone


RUBBISH. I only watched it because it was the only film I hadnt seen that was on Sky Anytime TV. Its just pointless.


The Original Kings of Comedy


This is ace. If you used to like the Def Comedy Jam shows, you'll love this. Its got Steve Harvey, Cedric and Bernie Mac on top form. Loved every minute of it.


Battle Royale


Loved it. I watched it with someone who hates subtitled movies, but he ended up enjoying it much more than he thought he would. A totally unique plot, and I actually cared about a lot of the characters due to the brilliant way each one was portrayed.


Funny Games (Austrian version)


Again, another subbed film that hit the spot. The film has a great way of building up great tension for the viewer.. there were times where I was on on the edge just waiting to see what would happen next. The thing I love about the film is that you dont actually see much violence, but it makes it obvious that its happening (if that makes sense).

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The Original Kings of Comedy


This is ace. If you used to like the Def Comedy Jam shows, you'll love this. Its got Steve Harvey, Cedric and Bernie Mac on top form. Loved every minute of it.


I miss Bernie Mac :(


The Bernie Mac Show is really under-appreciated, I need to get that on DVD sharpish.

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