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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watched The Descendants earlier today. I could've sworn I read somewhere that it was charming and funny, it wasn't. More about how messed up families can be, especially if you live in a nice part of the world. You can't help but think that it was cast wrong. Paul Giamatti yes, Clooney no.


That's one of the reasons I didn't watch it. The trailers made it look like a comedy, but the plot makes it sound like a drama about death.

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The Producers.

Well this is a very funny film, I'd already seen the Curb episode though so that sort of ruined the plot for me a little bit. Still, it's a very enjoyable film, in particular the "Springtime for Hitler" song.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Superb, right down my street of arty-farty films. A great cast too, except for Elijah Wood. I find Jim Carrey far more likeable when he does more restrained, serious acting, like in this and Truman Show as opposed to his gurning in "comedy" films.



Very powerful stuff, with a brilliant performance from Michael Fassbender in particular. The film is directed beautifully, which isn't suprising considering Steve McQueen's background as an artist. I can't wait to see "Shame" either, whenever my local cinema stops showing The Iron Lady relentlessly. Shanice (my girlfriend) and I (Trevor) had a lovely piece of chocolate during it too, very tasty.


Day of the Dead.

It was O.K I guess. The main baddie in the film was pretty terrible character, plus a zombie going around shooting a gun was a rather ridicilous sight.

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I saw The Artist last night at the pictures and it deserves all the praise it's getting and more, i can say when i last saw a film so charming and clever. The lad with an obviously low IQ that served me the ticket mumbling "You know it's a silent movie?" and the people walking out were the only bad things about it.

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Red White & Blue.....


Absolutely loved this, minimal dialogue but what was available was stunning i thought the movie was brilliant and the ending wow, gotta be seen

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I saw The Artist last night at the pictures and it deserves all the praise it's getting and more, i can say when i last saw a film so charming and clever. The lad with an obviously low IQ that served me the ticket mumbling "You know it's a silent movie?" and the people walking out were the only bad things about it.


Is it completely silent, as in no sound at all is played, or is there music with no talking, like the proper old school silent films?

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  • Awards Moderator
I saw The Artist last night at the pictures and it deserves all the praise it's getting and more, i can say when i last saw a film so charming and clever. The lad with an obviously low IQ that served me the ticket mumbling "You know it's a silent movie?" and the people walking out were the only bad things about it.


Is it completely silent, as in no sound at all is played, or is there music with no talking, like the proper old school silent films?


Music pretty much all the way through - it's got a brilliant score. Saw it for the second time yesterday, I still love it - but go to an independent cinema if you can! Also a great film to take a lady to.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Can anyone think of any decent quality films that are similar to Punch Drunk Love, Lost in Translation and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?


If you like that sort of crap, you'll probably like Rushmore, Little Miss Sunshine and Napoleon Dynamite as well.

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Haywire with that MMA bird and a great (under used) cast.


Found it completely up it's own arse with music lifted from the Ocean's 11 movies to completely confuse the audience into what the hell it was - ie: a snarky self-congratulatory thriller or a tough serious indie style movie.


Some reviews have mentioned the art house style direction and the shades of lighting to signify emotions of the characters etc but I thought it was shite.


For the first time since I watched Knowing I left the cinema feeling ripped off.

Edited by Jas
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Can anyone think of any decent quality films that are similar to Punch Drunk Love, Lost in Translation and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?


If you like that sort of crap, you'll probably like Rushmore, Little Miss Sunshine and Napoleon Dynamite as well.

Not necessarily true. I really liked Eternal Sunshine, but couldn't stand Rushmore, couldn't finish Napoleon Dynamite and hasn't seen Little Miss Sunshine (although I do want to).

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I saw The Artist last night at the pictures and it deserves all the praise it's getting and more, i can say when i last saw a film so charming and clever. The lad with an obviously low IQ that served me the ticket mumbling "You know it's a silent movie?" and the people walking out were the only bad things about it.


It's certainly a film that you need to stick at. I watched it at a preview so I had no idea that it was a 'silent' film but once you get past the first half hour it really gets a lot more fun. The French guy in it certainly deserves the awards he's getting.

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