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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Went to see the Inbetweeners movie last night. I laughed my pants off for most of it so obviously thought it was pretty good. Enjoyed the cinema experience with a TV show. Pity it doesn't happen more often. Thought it was true to the characters, didn't go in for any Hollywood crap though there was a sort of happy ending.


I've been anticipating this for a while and thought it lived up to my expectations and was well worth my money.

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Went to see the Inbetweeners movie last night. I laughed my pants off for most of it so obviously thought it was pretty good. Enjoyed the cinema experience with a TV show. Pity it doesn't happen more often. Thought it was true to the characters, didn't go in for any Hollywood crap though there was a sort of happy ending.


I've been anticipating this for a while and thought it lived up to my expectations and was well worth my money.

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See i thought the opposite. I laughed pretty hard at most of the gags but the characters were all a bit off key. Simon was pretty overwhelming with his whining and almost ruined the character for it. How am i supposed to buy in to an attractive girl pursuing him when he's that much of a nob. Jay who is usually the biggest cunt of the group was probably the most likeable and since when has Neil been a granny shagging lothario. The ending was too unInbetweenersish as well. That said the gags had some of the biggest belly laughs i've heard in the cinema and the positives definitely outweighed the negatives.


I thought that too. The Simon character was always the most levelheaded and I suppose normal of the bunch. I ended up hating him during this film.


On a unrelated note, is the new Final Destination worth watching in 3D? A mate of mine recommended it but I'm not too sure after suffering through the previous ones.

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See i thought the opposite. I laughed pretty hard at most of the gags but the characters were all a bit off key. Simon was pretty overwhelming with his whining and almost ruined the character for it. How am i supposed to buy in to an attractive girl pursuing him when he's that much of a nob. Jay who is usually the biggest cunt of the group was probably the most likeable and since when has Neil been a granny shagging lothario. The ending was too unInbetweenersish as well. That said the gags had some of the biggest belly laughs i've heard in the cinema and the positives definitely outweighed the negatives.

Jay's never been a cunt. He's full of shit but he never actually hurts anyone. Neil is stupid enough to shag anyone.


Simon's always been a bit of a tit. He was the most normal (dull) of the four when they were together but he was always a spoilt little fucker around his Mum and Dad and a cunt to his little brother. I don't think it's unrealistic that having finally got with Carly after years of obsessing, the thought of losing her would take that obsession up a notch. I'd agree that they didn't really do enough to show why Lucy would like him so much though, they never put across his good side.


The ending was very Inbetweenerish. Still managing to fuck things up, whether winning or losing.

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Just re-watched Resevoir Dogs last night, I got the Blu-ray a while back and had the Bank Holiday blues.


Sad to say its not aged as perfectly as I hoped it would, i'm a big fan of Tarantino's work both as a writer and director, but on the extras some critic pointed out that's probably because it's been parodied and copied so many times it's lost it's impact somewhat. There are still some cracking techniques used and shots filmed (such as the whole Mr Blond bit, as he turns up at the warehouse during the stand-off between White and Pink).


So many quoteable lines too.


I had the pop-ups on, and they provided some good nuggets of info. Most of them i'd read about in a couple of books about QT, but a few were new to me. One example is that when Pink/White and Orange are the first 3 back at the warehouse, in the back room where White is doing his hair, there are some bottles on the shelf. They are filled with.......either pink, white or orange liquid.


Other things of note were the unused 'ear-cutting' scenes that were more graphic, but going with the pan-away was clearly the best option. Leaving the audience to imagine what was going on. Oh and they interviewed some of the stars in 2002 and boy, had Chris Penn put some weight on.

Edited by BigJ
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Just watched Rise of The Planet Of The Apes film. Pretty bloody breathtaking, and not afraid to say I got a bit teary eyed at the ending.


Not sure if it was just the DVD copy of it I had, but during the first part of the credits, theres something about a soldier or someone, going to an airport, then gets a bleeding nose. Not sure if this was a cut in of another DVD that had been on the disc prior to ROTPOTA, or was this significant in some way?

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

It's the neighbour. He mentions he's a pilot when John Lithgow tries to ride off with his car. He gets infected when the chimp handler sneezes on him. The pilot then helps spread the virus by flying to new destinations and infecting others. This mass infection is what reduces the human population for the apes to completely over-run the planet.


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I went to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and loved it. Plenty of "Ooh fuck, someone's gonna get hurt" moments, and brilliant facial expressions on Ceaser. The only weird thing is that both the humans and the apes are the bad guys.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I also felt it a little odd that Rocket has nothing of significance during the finale. If anything, he and Koba inhabit the same role. To me, it would have worked better for Rocket to have been taken to Gen-Sys, to then be freed by Ceaser and reluctantly accept subserviance to him. This would have given the bit where he offers the killing of Jacobs to Koba/Rocket a bit more depth.


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Super. Another vigilante superhero movie. Very much tongue in cheek for the most part, though quite violent. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but if you can tolerate it, the last 10-15 minutes were some of the most intense, violent and brilliant bits of film I have ever seen. It literally transformed from a silly comedic film into a big dramatic and intense finale (before returning to the former for the close of the film). Well worth a watch just for that.

Edited by Steve Justice
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Watched two films the other night, both excellent in different ways.


First up was Tucker and Dale Versus Evil. If you're a fan of comic horror, I can't recommend it enough. Starts off with the obvious 'kids going to stay in a cabin in a wood' bit, then turns the whole premise on its head. It's laugh out loud funny all the way through, too. Very good.


Then watched Stakeland. Think Zombieland but with Vampires, and not played for laughs, at all. It's pretty much unrelentingly bleak, but is very, very good, and paints an interesting post apocalyptic future that's not totally cliched and obvious.


All in all a good night, but the person hosting the bash runs gorepress.com so she always picks good films.

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I thought that too. The Simon character was always the most levelheaded and I suppose normal of the bunch. I ended up hating him during this film.


On a unrelated note, is the new Final Destination worth watching in 3D? A mate of mine recommended it but I'm not too sure after suffering through the previous ones.


went to see it this week and had a great time. honestly one of the funniest films ive seen. a great fim to watch with mates. the 3d was very good and was basiclay the only reason i went.


after one of the deaths it took about a minute and a half for a lot of people in the theater incudling myself to stop laughing.


it's never gunna win any awards but for a good laugh and a bit of fun i recommend it

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Also, not sure if it was intentional, but did anyone else pick up on the hints throughout the film of a space mission? Again, please bare in mind I haven't seen any of the other Planet of the Apes films, but is this something to do with any others? Or a hint at things to come?

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Also, not sure if it was intentional, but did anyone else pick up on the hints throughout the film of a space mission? Again, please bare in mind I haven't seen any of the other Planet of the Apes films, but is this something to do with any others? Or a hint at things to come?

There were absolutely shit-loads of nods to the original film, both in homages and plotwise (eg: "Bright Eyes" is what the scientist calls the human in the cage in the original film).


On the TV at the sanctuary the news tells of the first manned mission to Mars. A newspaper later on tells of the ship being lost. At some point that ship will return to Earth, by which time the apes will have taken over and the pilots will assume it's a different planet altogether.

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I've just finished watching Armageddon, with Rutger Hauer and Mark Dacascos. Now, with those two in, and the DVD sleeve warning of "frequent, strong nudity", this film should be almost guaranteed brilliant.


But it's not. The plot is dull/convoluted/confusing, Hauer is phoning it in, and the random attacks by naked female assasins do nothing to lift the feeling of "I'm watching this, why?"


Dacascos has a goatee, that's how we know he's the bad guy.

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