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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Bit of aging aside most of Arnold's films are still very watchable and enjoyable I always think. I like Dynamo, he was like the thing I hated most as a kid, just a fat ridiculous character but now he makes me laugh, I believe the actor was a Wrestler & Opera singer, he'd have made a perfect WWF character back in the day, sadly he died shortly after filming. I also think of Vader when I see Buzzsaw.

Anyway I've read the book and although it was a long time ago, I recall it being fack all like the film, yes it has a game type hunt with Ben Richards but thats about where the similarity ends. Same went for my reading of Jaws around the same time, its not the same as the movie. These days films stick pretty close to the source material.



The Bachman novel has Richards entering voluntarily in order to raise money for treating his wife's illness. The running man game happens across America, and the end of the story sees Richards fatally wounded crashing an airliner into the hq of the game show. It's a very different beast to the film, and could potentially be remade as a 'serious' film, but with an ending like that I can't see it at present...

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Ok ok, I thought we agreed it was 4, 3, 1, Balboa, 2?


I say we, I agreed on it and my opinion's just far more valuable than yours.


It's universally accepted as 1,3,4,6,2 and you know it.

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I know I already feel like I should have waited for a Blu-ray release. But I bought it on impulse really, me and some mates used to watch this all the time on vhs and because it's never been released on DVD I just felt like I needed to buy it straight away.


Whats the Battle Royale transfer like, I know there are some dark, gloomy and sometimes hard to see scenes on the original SE DVD tin that I've got, I'd be willing to pay out again if the Blu-ray version is much better.

That's a very nice collection you've got there, bet the look great altogether. :sneaky:


See that's the thing Arrow have stated that the source material wasn't good enough for a Blu so I'm torn between another company stepping up probably in the US or giving in and getting the Slaughter High DVD.


As for the Battle Royale Blu it absolutely is a worth wile collectors item however the transfer they were provided from TOHO whilst an improvement on every other DVD version really isn't what it could be. I'd be very surprised if ultimately there wasn't a better remastered version released either by TOHO or in the US once the 3D version makes its way to cinema screens. Potentially Arrow themselves could release another version as the UK rights holders if my speculation comes to be seen.

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It's 1, 2. That's it.

3 has a great ending, even if the rest of it is shit. I don't know where I got 4 from mind, it's only a trilogy. That'd be like saying there was a Rocky V.

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ive only got 2 Arrow releases so far, Dawn of The Dead & Battle Royale...like everyone's said, great effort goes into them. I don't buy as many as i used too and im a little pickier these days but that extra effort tilts the balance for me.


The best Blu Ray i have is either the Battle Royale set or the new Apocalypse Now set, both are tremendous.

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ive only got 2 Arrow releases so far, Dawn of The Dead & Battle Royale...like everyone's said, great effort goes into them. I don't buy as many as i used too and im a little pickier these days but that extra effort tilts the balance for me.


The best Blu Ray i have is either the Battle Royale set or the new Apocalypse Now set, both are tremendous.


I keep forgetting the Apocalypse Now set is out. I must get that. I've always wanted to see the Heart of Darkness doc. Only thing that puts me off is that I will be compelled to watch the Redux disc and it'll just make me angry all over again.

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As for the Battle Royale Blu it absolutely is a worth wile collectors item however the transfer they were provided from TOHO whilst an improvement on every other DVD version really isn't what it could be. I'd be very surprised if ultimately there wasn't a better remastered version released either by TOHO or in the US once the 3D version makes its way to cinema screens. Potentially Arrow themselves could release another version as the UK rights holders if my speculation comes to be seen.



The best Blu Ray i have is either the Battle Royale set or the new Apocalypse Now set, both are tremendous.


That settles it then Battle Royale will be in the next order. Don't really like having two copies of the same film though, might have to get rid of the tin will have a look at the going rate on ebay. :sneaky:

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That settles it then Battle Royale will be in the next order. Don't really like having two copies of the same film though, might have to get rid of the tin will have a look at the going rate on ebay. :sneaky:


If you can get hold of it the Limited Edition version is the one to get. It doesn't have extra content on the discs but it has tons of supplemental booklets and stuff. Its limited to 10,000 individually numbered sets and going for

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Saw Boiler Room the other night - loved it! It's probably because I used to have a couple of cold calling hard-sell jobs that I can really relate to films like this and enjoy them. Great performances all round, and quite insightful in to the world of brokering too.


Plus Ben Affleck's speech is almost as good as Alec Baldwin's in Glengarry Glenn Ross - another awesome film about struggling salesmen that actually get's referenced in Boiler Room.

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To support my wife's Shakespeare and Performance class, I've so far watched:


Titus - Julie Taymor, the Lion King and failed Spiderman stage director made this as a crazy anachronistic version of Titus Andronicus. It's wonderful, Anthony Hopkins is as good as expected, with Angus McFayden holding up well, and Alan Cumming all over the place. Jessica Lange seemed out of place, but looked right, and the weird modern shit that was bunged in there worked great.


Romeo and Juliet - Zefferelli's version. Maybe I'm too used to more modern stuff, but it seemed extremely dated, with only one great performance (Mercutio), although Olivia Hussey was pretty good, surprising for someone with such an up-and-down career. Leonard Whiting is well named, as he is about as animated as a fucking fish, no wonder he had no career. Basically, a shock that it was so popular. Does have the Our Tune music, though.


Romeo + Juliet - Baz Luhrmann. I've always thought this was shit hot. DiCaprio is pretty and talented, Claire Danes is a cypher, but doesn't need to do more. Plenty of people rock the house, including Brian Dennehy, one of the few people who doesn't even need lines to carry a scene. Sure, it's flashy and MTV-esque, but it knows it, and indulges it to the hilt. Design is impeccable, like all of Luhrmann's Red Curtain movies. Does the job, reminds me that I need to see Australia.


About to watch Frightmare (the Pete Walker one) to clear the decks for another Shakespeare (Macbeth, don't recall which one) - always wanted to see it, Netflix is awesome.

Edited by Adam Woodyatt
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I've seen a few films recently...


Horrible Bosses... I thought it was hilarious. A little OTT at times with the 'omg trying to be shocking humour' but I enjoyed it.


Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part II... Loved it. It did seem to be over too quickly though, I thought the pace of the film was a little too fast.


Transformers 3... Pretty much a snoozefest. Took far too long to get to the point. Rosie is also one of the most untalented people I've ever seen in my entire life. Yes she's hot, but so what? People like her are ten a penny, go pout your stupid over-inflated lips somewhere else! I mean, I know Megan Fox is hardly an Oscar Winner but at least she has some semblance of a personality.

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