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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I caught Executive Decision (1996) on tv last night starring Kurt Russel, Steven Segal, featuring John Goodman, Halle Berry, Poirot, a million 90s actors whose faces you will recognise but don't know their names.


I can't believe I'd never heard of this film before.. Nothing mindblowing by any means, but surprisingly decent stuff. Coherent and at times tense, a very passable action thriller.


Certainly better than The Big Easy which I watched part of after. That was garbage; I can't believe that was down as your pick of the week, Gladstone and Executive Decision (the sem-precious stone in the rough that it is) didn't even get a look in! At least you acknowledge that Kurt Russell is better.


Good work, Loki. The Big Easy is fantastic. Dennis Quaid is my reserve favourite actor if Kurt Russell carks it.


Execuvtive Decision is fantastic!


it also features arguably the most shocking moment in film history...Steven Seagal dying! i remember watching it as a kid and that just blew my mind, it happens so early too...i was like 'eh!?! Seagal just flew away, i didn't see no parachute? maybe he can fly?' and then at the end i realised he had died, made me very sad.

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Currently working my way through all the Nightmare on Elm Street films followed by all the Friday 13th film. Been 9 years since i watched them all one after another for my dissertation so have forgotten how bad some of them are. First Nightmare film still holds up quite well. Some of the effects still look great ( Both scenes with the rotating room are amazing and Freddy streaching through the wall pisses all over the CGI version in the remake.) There are some effects that just look shit now but thats to be expected and Freddy is a lot more of a bumbling twat than I remember him being.


Watched A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2 last night and it is just shit. Freddy has about 10 minutes of screen time. The whole film has the most blatent gay subtext of all time which apparently no one picked up on at the time and theres a scene where a parrot explodes for no reason(possibly through gayness, im unsure). Dream Warriors tonight which is the first film when they start pushing the comedy into the franchise


I done the same thing last week after I watched the Never Sleep Again doc, I don't think number 2 is that bad really especially when you compare it to number 4 which is just horrendous. I always skipped NOES 4 when I used to watch them all years ago and I realized why when I finally watched it last week, everything about it is just awful, the acting, deaths just everything even worse than some parts of NOES 5 like Freddy in the wizard of oz

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Currently working my way through all the Nightmare on Elm Street films followed by all the Friday 13th film. Been 9 years since i watched them all one after another for my dissertation so have forgotten how bad some of them are. First Nightmare film still holds up quite well. Some of the effects still look great ( Both scenes with the rotating room are amazing and Freddy streaching through the wall pisses all over the CGI version in the remake.) There are some effects that just look shit now but thats to be expected and Freddy is a lot more of a bumbling twat than I remember him being.


Watched A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2 last night and it is just shit. Freddy has about 10 minutes of screen time. The whole film has the most blatent gay subtext of all time which apparently no one picked up on at the time and theres a scene where a parrot explodes for no reason(possibly through gayness, im unsure). Dream Warriors tonight which is the first film when they start pushing the comedy into the franchise


I done the same thing last week after I watched the Never Sleep Again doc, I don't think number 2 is that bad really especially when you compare it to number 4 which is just horrendous. I always skipped NOES 4 when I used to watch them all years ago and I realized why when I finally watched it last week, everything about it is just awful, the acting, deaths just everything even worse than some parts of NOES 5 like Freddy in the wizard of oz


Nightmare 2 is in the 'so bad it's hilarious' camp for me, so I can still kinda have fun watching it. Nightmare 4 is pretty bad, but the worst one for me is 6.

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What does everyone think of last years Elm remake? Having only seen the original movies when I was about 11 at a mates house and being shit scared I quite liked it, the way the back story was told was quite lame and unimaginative but for me most part is was quite a good, polished horror film, which is how I like em.

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What does everyone think of last years Elm remake? Having only seen the original movies when I was about 11 at a mates house and being shit scared I quite liked it, the way the back story was told was quite lame and unimaginative but for me most part is was quite a good, polished horror film, which is how I like em.

I haven't seen it but from the trailer it appeared to fail on the most basic level of an Elm Street remake in that the effects actually looked even more dated than the original.

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Currently working my way through all the Nightmare on Elm Street films followed by all the Friday 13th film.


I remember excitedly getting my hands on the Friday 13th box set afew years back coz i'd only seen the odd one and felt I was largely missing out on some quality horror history. How wrong was I?! Absolute crap! And even the 'better' ones couldn't hold a candle to the likes of Halloween. Saying that, I didn't mind the recent remake afew years ago. Which was a surprise considering im not too keen on new horror films and/or remakes


I think all the Slasher films are a product of their time. The first Halloween film is fantastic and is one of my all time favs and theres rightly a huge love for John Carpenter on here but the sequels were mainly shit (apart from Season of the witch which was actually quite a cool film and H2O with its scream style self referencing) I actually prefer the Friday 13th films over The Nightmare films, always have done. The Friday films actually always remained slasher films, Nightmare tried throwing all sorts of gimmicks into the mix and slowly fell more and more into comedy. Friday 13th mainly stayed with Jason fucking people up in more and more elaborate/stupid ways. My fav will always be machete in the head to the lad in the wheelchair in part 2, followed by pushing him down the stairs Pow, right in the kisser (A close second would be punching the boxers head off in Jason Takes Mahattan with aFalcon Punch )

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I caught Executive Decision (1996) on tv last night starring Kurt Russel, Steven Segal, featuring John Goodman, Halle Berry, Poirot, a million 90s actors whose faces you will recognise but don't know their names.


I can't believe I'd never heard of this film before.. Nothing mindblowing by any means, but surprisingly decent stuff. Coherent and at times tense, a very passable action thriller.


Certainly better than The Big Easy which I watched part of after. That was garbage; I can't believe that was down as your pick of the week, Gladstone and Executive Decision (the sem-precious stone in the rough that it is) didn't even get a look in! At least you acknowledge that Kurt Russell is better.


Good work, Loki. The Big Easy is fantastic. Dennis Quaid is my reserve favourite actor if Kurt Russell carks it.


Merely an oversight on the part of Loki, I'm sure, Executive Decision is his type of film. I fully endorse the choice of The Big Easy though, it's tremendous.

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The V For Vendetta film is just bollocks. The opening scene where he says every letter beginning with V in the alphabet, the Benny Hill scene, the rioters all with V masks on...the film has no proper message, no political agenda, no tension, no excitement...it's just an embarrassment. I'm sure everyone who made it felt they were making an intelligent movie and gave themselves a right pat on the back. They should have shot themselves through the head so that such idiotic nonsense would never be released to the public ever again.


To be fair, there's very little chance they could use the original political message of the GN, as Moore wrote it in protest against the Thatcher regime and the direction she was taking society in in the early 80s. We were a lot closer to sinking into neo-fascism back then than we are now.

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What does everyone think of last years Elm remake? Having only seen the original movies when I was about 11 at a mates house and being shit scared I quite liked it, the way the back story was told was quite lame and unimaginative but for me most part is was quite a good, polished horror film, which is how I like em.


Its shit and has zero redeeming features. I watched it last week (may have actually posted about it at the time.) It can't seem to decide if its a shot for shot remake or a 'reboot' (hate that phrase) The Freddy pushing through the wall shot is horrible, soft CGI and actually makes it look more dated than the original effect. With most of the remakes they just seem to settle for jump cuts and loud musicial cues for cheap scares

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Just watched We Were Soldiers for the 1st time. Would recommend to everyone

One of my favourite Vietnam films, the fact its true and based on a book written by 2 guys that were there (Mel Gibson & Barry Peppers characters) makes it more impactful, not as much as Band Of Brothers but in that direction. I don't think the first U.S. battle of the Vietnam war has been covered in a film, correct me if I'm wrong, so it adds extra interest in the face of the tons of Vietnam movies out there. One of my favourite Mel Gibson performances as well, I'm not his biggest fan either. Some good emotional scenes too, you'd have to have a heart of stone not to feel anything when the wives of the men in the battle have to deal with the 'death notification' telegrams that start coming in or think 'holy shit' during the 'Broken Arrow' sequence. Sam Elliott fits his character like a glove and is joy to watch. "Any of you son's of bitches calls me 'grandpa'....I'll kill you". In fact I'm slipping it in the DVD player now, after talking about it, I can't not watch it immediately.


It's in there with X Men 3 and Alien Vs Predator as the biggest missed opportunities in cinema history.


I can't agree with that. On the surface the idea of Alien Vs Predator is a cool one, but when you boil it down and try and think of how you could place that into a film that lived up to the quality of the original Alien and Predator films and for it to live up to their (general) quality, I think it was pretty much an impossible task. It was always going to be Sci-Fi Channel Mega Snake Vs Gateroid level junk.

Agree with Gladstone on this. You either like AVP or you don't but no matter what, you can't really change it from what it was. Its movie monsters vs movie monsters, even if they made it identical to the original comic book (which before it existed I hoped they would) it'd probably still be held in the same regard as the one that did get made.



Speaking of AVP. I was rewatching The Relic at the weekend and wondered if it influenced AVP:Requiem in the lighting department, both are dark as fuck, literally. Still think The Relic stands up well as a good B-movie, thanks to decent special effects and a Stan Winston monster.

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Yeah, The Relic is great fun. Penelope Ann Miller is lovely, shame she's dropped off the face of the earth, she should have been a huge star. Good quality monster movie though, not one of my out and out favourites though.

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Hobo With A Shotgun - Much as I love big Rutty Hau, and as excited as I have been for the flick, it was a bit of a letdown. I hate visual gimmicks (if you will) in movies, but I reckon this flick would have benefitted from the ol' worn-out print/cigarette burn effect that was used in the faux trailer (which, incidentally, is better than the movie).


The Giallos Flame score and random tunes placed around the flick are brilliantly done though.

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Hobo With A Shotgun - Much as I love big Rutty Hau, and as excited as I have been for the flick, it was a bit of a letdown. I hate visual gimmicks (if you will) in movies, but I reckon this flick would have benefitted from the ol' worn-out print/cigarette burn effect that was used in the faux trailer (which, incidentally, is better than the movie).


The Giallos Flame score and random tunes placed around the flick are brilliantly done though.


Downloaded this today. Not watched it yet but was surprised by the high IMDB rating (which admittedly can be misleading). I'll now watch it with low expectations in the hope that I enjoy it more than I should.


The movie title is quite direct, much like Nude Nuns With Big Guns, which I'm still to watch.

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Can anyone recommend some movies which features surprising twists or keeps you guessing throughout etc?


I've seen Usual Suspects, Memento etc but nothing else springs to mind.


The Machinist. Also, watch some Hitchcock.

Good calls. Could I also add 'Under Suspicion'. Despite having Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Tom Jane & Monica Bellucci, its usually shown no attention. It even kept me guessing on second viewing cause I couldn't 100% remember the outcome. Maybe its lesser known cause it had such a low key release, for some reason it only hit 19 theatres in the states therefore only made 1% of its budget back, but its worth a look.

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They had that in Poundland the other day, I'm not sure why I didn't buy it.


Exam is also great for twists and turns. Very bad ending though.

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