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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Yeah, I saw it a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed it, a good idea well executed & really well acted. I'd have liked a bit more back story to the situation but as far as 'recovered footage' films go it was well done, especially given the budget.

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Unfortunately though your opinion is completely invalid because you didn't like Taken, which is fuckin badass. What twist did you want? Why did there need to be a twist? You're totally wrong, M-dudz Shamylam. So sadly I still don't know if Unknown is worth a watch or not...


It wouldn't seem much of a twist if i wanted it to happen! But, the film did seem to have "twist potential" thought the step dad or even big Liam himself may have had something to do with it.


I did like the fight scenes in Taken and the car chase scenes, but the same scenes in Unknown are actually dire. The whole film should be renamed Unnecessary.


Car chase scene in Unknown: reversing saloon car outruns 4x4 driving forward, WTF?


Kill scenee are also weak, but if you've got 2 hours to waste, yeah! Go watch it :p

Edited by M-Dudz
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I watched "The Order" on channel 5 last night. Straight to TV Van Damme flick from 2001.


As you would expect, really cheesy and stupid. But whoever edited it really embraced that, had some fun with it and made a dumb budget action flick that was really fun to watch. It didn't take itself too seriously... I would even go far as to call it a 'romp'. Top notch. I expect they'll be repeating it some time soon; I'd say it's worth a watch if you notice it on.


Also Brian Thompson was the main bad guy, and Charlton Heston plays a jerk. All star!

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Unfortunately though your opinion is completely invalid because you didn't like Taken, which is fuckin badass. What twist did you want? Why did there need to be a twist? You're totally wrong, M-dudz Shamylam. So sadly I still don't know if Unknown is worth a watch or not...


It wouldn't seem much of a twist if i wanted it to happen! But, the film did seem to have "twist potential" thought the step dad or even big Liam himself may have had something to do with it.


I did like the fight scenes in Taken and the car chase scenes, but the same scenes in Unknown are actually dire. The whole film should be renamed Unnecessary.


Car chase scene in Unknown: reversing saloon car outruns 4x4 driving forward, WTF?


Kill scenee are also weak, but if you've got 2 hours to waste, yeah! Go watch it :p



The best thing about Taken was it didn't try to be too clever and have some kind of wanky plot twist. He didn't turn up and find she'd kidnapped herself and was working with the french mafia all along to lure him in so they could get his pin number and she could buy herself a Nintendo DS and a Twix. No, the premise is simple. He's just a badass and he wants his daughter back. It wouldn't have worked any other way. It's just a balls out action film, check your brain at the door and watch Liam Neeson beat the shit out of some foreigners.


Unknown is ok, solid but not spectacular. It's a little infeasable and has a fair few "but...why?" moments. Worth a watch, but I wouldn't be in a hurry if you go out and see it.

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I liked Taken, but I didn't love it. It all came too easy for him.


But you see, he has a very particular set of skills...


It all came fairly easy to Arnie in Commando, but that doesn't stop it being one of the best action movies of all time. I like heroes who know their shit.

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Watched The Happening last night, a shoe in for the worst film of all time.


Killer Grass. Fuck the fuck off with your fucking off fucking pernickety shit



Gash of the highest order and I cant tell if Mark Wahlberg was playing that straight or extracting this piss all the way through it.. The stuff when the kids got shot was parody surely?

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Brooklyns Finest - Cop drama following 3 different characters who's tales are intertwined, Richard Gere plays the jaded veteran, 1 week from retirement. Don Cheadle is deep undercover, getting too involved & wants out and Ethan Hawke is a drugs agent struggling to make ends. This is by Antoine Fuqua who directed 'Training Day'. Those expecting more of the same will be disappointed as this is a much more of a slow burner but good performances all round take this out of the 'straight to DVD' category. A strong 3 stars.


Let Me In - The US remake of 'Let The Right One In'. Picked this up as Blockbuster were doing 2 for

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Watched London Boulevard this morning and found it really enjoyable. It seems to have got a hard time from the critics but as a standalone film I think it was great. Colin Farrell is awesome in it, as is Ray Winstone.


The score (by Serge from Kasabian) is absolutley immense.

Edited by Chaka Demus
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Theres been a few older reviews when this film hit the big screen so i wont bore you with any details.


Visually its stunning. The creatures are awsome (even if they are rip off of several other films) and if this film got a decient script and set pieces it would have been great but its all done for show, no substance, all fur coat and no knickers (as they say round these parts)


Worth a watch on a big screen but dont hold out for anything other than eye candy.


Oh and that ending. In my opinion, it was actually quite good. Different but good (if it had ended about 4 minutes earlier it may have been better)

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