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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

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American - The Bill Hicks Story


The Mrs and I really enjoyed this. It's not the complete Bill Hicks story but then if you're a big fan of Bill Hicks you'll be aware of where you can find out more. It IS however a great introduction to a man who was so far ahead of his time.




Rating: 3 and a half out of 5

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Jackass 3D

You know what to expect, and for me it delivered again. Very enjoyable and the most i've laughed at a film in a while. They also upped the grossness with the poo cocktail supreme.

The 3D is actually used really well and imo the best since Avatar. Super slow motion 3D is the way forward!

It seems this might be the last Jackass as they get all sentimental for the end credits and throughout the film are little odes to past Jackass shows, i hope not as i love all the shows and movies but they are getting old now.



Just got back from seeing it and I loved it such a funny film. I love the airplane part. Ive heard Knoxville say that there is more to come but ya dont know,such a laugh though I was in tears in some parts.



Yeah I agree with all this, saw it yesterday and laughed my ass off. Its childish and shouldn't be funny, but it damn well is. Great fun. Would have preferred to see it in 2D though.


Also saw Due Date yesterday. As a huge fan of Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis there wasn't much chance I wasn't going to love this. And love it I did. Some of it falls a little flat and the trailer gives a little too many of the big laughs away, but there was still plenty of big laughs here and I really enjoyed it. Its not quite as funny as The Hangover, but its a good follow up effort from Todd Philips carried by its 2 leads.

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I watched Vampires Suck yesterday fully expecting to hate it due to Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans, etc. levels of shitness.


I actually really liked it.


Fucking hell.

Seconded. What the fuck is wrong with you dopper?

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I watched Vampires Suck yesterday fully expecting to hate it due to Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans, etc. levels of shitness.


I actually really liked it.


Fucking hell.

Seconded. What the fuck is wrong with you dopper?

Have either of you seen it?

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I don't need to force a red hot poker up my jap's eye to know it's going to hurt like fuck. If Friedberg and Seltzer have suddenly pulled their plane out of the creative terminal nosedive they've been in since the second minute of Scary Movie then it will have been the greatest turnaround in film since Lucas added the visual effects shots to Star Wars.

Edited by Loki
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also saw Jackass 3D, like everyone's said it's fucking funny stuff. It's the same old shit, but it still cracks me up, all the stunts involving people getting hit in the head had me in tears (all ill say is 'field goal').


MVP for me was Ehren...i find the whole Jackass crew are pretty much attention whores, they are crazy fuckers but they all love to be on the camera. Ehren seems to be legit petrified of everything he does, its like he'd forced to do it. Just makes his segments even funnier, crazy fucker. Knoxville took some harsh stuff as well.


Like it was said above too, the 3D was fantastic, by far better than most the 3D you see used in conventional movies.

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Saw 3D - saw this the other day so i thought i'd chime in. It's a Saw movie, its the same old shit really, the story is tired as fuck...i think that's the major problem with the series, i just couldn't give a toss about it. The traps is what everyone wants anyways, and to be honest i thought this had some of the best of the series, there's some gruesome shit in there.


Still nothing beats the rack from Saw 3.

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DJ Kris, i've seen the Michael Caine movie, i remember sticking the DVD on at like 1am expecting to nod off half hour in, 4am i was still there hooked to the TV, great little movie.


Any other Jack The Ripper movies about?



That Caine version I have always loved, spooky I think and well acted, and something you can stick on on a sunday afternoon and get stuck into to.

This was one of those free dvds you got in the paper during the `Collect all 5 Michael Caine films week` and still sells well on ebay!


haha, yeh i got a free copy in the paper... i had a full Michael Caine collection from The Mail, like 15 films, great stuff. I'd actually bought the Jack The Ripper previously though, so ive got two copies.


I ws browsing Play today and picked this up for

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So this was on the TV last night, havent watched in a while, so though id give it a go!




I remebered most of the film as it started, but i totally forgot some major parts of it. I cant really say much other than if you havent seen it, its about a killer who is having people murderd via the 7 deadly sins. For example he makes a fat bloke eat until his stomach near-on explodes etc etc.


To be honest its good, and some bits alot better than others. I honestly thought one of the best bits was when brad pitt chases the killer through the apartment block. It got me wondering about what was going to happen. Bar that, pitt is good in it, morgan freeman is "ok", but i personally think this isnt his best film. He has his moments, but im not sure about him being in this film.......as he doenst really add alot to the "atmosphere" of the film. Even in the end scene he doenst seem that "bothered", even though hes pleading for somebodys life etc.


Bar that this film is, "ok", not as good as some make it out to be. Plus to be a bit frank, i thought the ending was a bit pants. The whole scene leading up to that was good, but the actual end of the film...was a bit flat considering the nature of the film.


Worth a watch, but i doubt it'd be anybodys fav film anny time soon, and if it is.....you havent seen enough movies.



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I think you're completely wrong about Se7en in many ways.


1) Morgan Freeman is the best thing in the film by far. He is absolutely essential to the atmosphere of the film - it precisely needs his calmness and quiet demeanour to ensure it doesn't just become a lurid murder fest.


2) The ending is cracking. You genuinely don't know what will happen and it is a great twist - as long as you haven't had it spoiled by some arsehole cousin before you've even seen it, grumble moan whine....


3) Freeman is great during it as well, I don't really think he seems 'meh' about it at all.


4) You doubt it would be anyone's favourite film? I think you'd be surprised, and I don't think you need to be a seasoned movie goer to appreciate how great a film it is. I've watched piles of films since I was 14 - I'm not saying Se7en is one of the very best that I've seen, but it's one of the better ones.



Anyway, on Thursday night we had a double bill - two films that fit together perfectly. The Transporter 2 was a bit of a letdown though, not a patch on the original, but still quite diverting. Amber Valletta was surprisingly good as a total nutter - who knew? Otherwise it really lacked any of the original's standout scenes, although Jason Statham does a great job again.




And then, Marathon Man! A few years since I've seen it, but it's still a fantastic film. It does make me wish that Larry Olivier had done more non-Shakespearean films because he is far and away the best thing in this. Plus, Roy Scheider was really prolific in terms of picking great films in the 70s - this, Klute, The French Connection, Jaws, The Seven Ups, Last Embrace, All That Jazz - what an awesome back catalogue to boast. But the whole cast is ace here and the story is sprawling but just about manages to stay away from being too complex.


I still think my favourite scene is

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

where he gets the guys from across the street to rob his apartment and William Devane can only look on helplessly


[close spoiler]

");document.close();, but it's just another truly great film from the 1970s, my favourite film decade.



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Can I tell the probably Marathon Man apocryphal story here? I think I can.


So, Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier have their big torture scene coming up. Hoffman, being of the Method school of acting, goes for 3 days without sleep to get into the character of the sleep-deprived, tortured "Babe". He turns up on the set dishevelled, unshaved, eyes like black holes, and before the scene he bumps into Larry coming out of his trailer, dressing gown on, cigarette poised between his fingers, hair immaculate.


Lord Olivier asks why Hoffman is such a mess, and when he finds out it's preparation for the scene he exclaims "Have you ever tried acting, dear boy?"

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I think you're completely wrong about Se7en in many ways.


1) Morgan Freeman is the best thing in the film by far. He is absolutely essential to the atmosphere of the film - it precisely needs his calmness and quiet demeanour to ensure it doesn't just become a lurid murder fest.


2) The ending is cracking. You genuinely don't know what will happen and it is a great twist - as long as you haven't had it spoiled by some arsehole cousin before you've even seen it, grumble moan whine....


3) Freeman is great during it as well, I don't really think he seems 'meh' about it at all.


4) You doubt it would be anyone's favourite film? I think you'd be surprised, and I don't think you need to be a seasoned movie goer to appreciate how great a film it is. I've watched piles of films since I was 14 - I'm not saying Se7en is one of the very best that I've seen, but it's one of the better ones.


Dont get me wrong the film needs sombody like him, although i personally thought that when it came to that final scene with the box he seems still a bit flat although he is indeed trying to make a big statement. It needed somebody with alot of energy to play it like freeman, but then to give it the energy it needed in places.


Again its not the worst film ive ever seen, (ive seen by far worse ones), but it doesnt stand out to me as "an awesome movie" like some had told me it was. Again worth a watch, although im mainly saying its not as good as some make it out to be. I still think the best part is the whole chasing scene, when the killer turns up and opens fire and pitt makes the chase. I found that a whole lot more exciting that most of the movie in general. The final scene certanly adds to it, im mainly stating in the closing moments, where pitt is taken away.....it seems a bit "oh right, its finished".


Some good moments, very clever in places, great twists........just not as good as others had told me, and some moments could of been alot better IMPO.

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Can I tell the probably Marathon Man apocryphal story here? I think I can.


So, Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier have their big torture scene coming up. Hoffman, being of the Method school of acting, goes for 3 days without sleep to get into the character of the sleep-deprived, tortured "Babe". He turns up on the set dishevelled, unshaved, eyes like black holes, and before the scene he bumps into Larry coming out of his trailer, dressing gown on, cigarette poised between his fingers, hair immaculate.


Lord Olivier asks why Hoffman is such a mess, and when he finds out it's preparation for the scene he exclaims "Have you ever tried acting, dear boy?"


One of my favourite film stories ever. Speaking of method acting, apparently Christian Bale is putting himself through losing a whole load of weight for a new film again. If it's half as good as The Machinist it will be worth it though.

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Gladstone, we should start a film recommendation thread, based on what's coming up on tv so we can all watch the same film and talk about it afterwards. And lube each other up.

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