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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watched two films this weekend.


The Karate Kid (2010): I've not seen the original in years so can't really make the type of comparison between the two that others have. I have to say I really enjoyed it. Chan was very good in the role as Mr. Han portraying a rather more serious character than most of us will be used to seeing him portray. He performed with great ease and delivered a very powerful performance in one extremely emotional scene in particular when the character is reminiscing about his past. Jaden Smith, 12 year old son of Will, was superb in the title role of Dre Parker and is clearly a very capable young actor at ease in front of a camera. Beautifully shot, with some genuinely heart wrenching moments and a film I'd strongly recommend.


Four Lions: The idea of a film focusing around four extremists plotting a terrorist attack is something that was bound to draw some intense controversy even before its release, but in the hands of Chris Morris you knew it would work perfectly. The film is packed with some excellent one-liners and the cast all-round, were just superb. It won't be to everyone's liking as it is very dark humour, but this is where Chris Morris shines. People are going to try and look into it as trying to make out that suicide bombing is funny or can be made to be as such, but I think it should be considered more of a coping mechanism at a time when there is a lot of genuine fear of terrorism and suicide bombers. The best way to deal with that fear is to somehow make fun of it and then it won't seem as scary.


Two very good films in their own right though.

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Watched Repo Men last night. Not sure what to make to it to be honest.


Definately not a great film. Jude Law's character (who you are supposed to feel sympathy for) is obnoxious. However there is a pretty strong fight scene towards then end (which borrows heavilly from Oldboy) and the twist at the end (which is somewhat sign-posted around 20 mins into the film) is at least different.


It killed a couple of hrs but I dont think I'll ever get the urge to watch it again.

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I saw a couple of fillms l night with my trusty Unlimited card....


Piranha 3D

Simply put, this was absolutely awful, but that humorous kind of awful. It never takes itself seriously and has some nice tits in it. The 3D once again was completely pointless and I wasted

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Some films i've recently viewed


Spread-really quite enjoyed this one. With Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche, story based around Kutcher living a playboy lifestyle in LA and using Heche to fund this. All is well until he meets his female counterpart and then his life starts to go to hell. Kutcher was a real suprise in this one and Heche was very convincing in her role too.


Taken-w/ Liam Neeson. Was alright. I was probably a little let down due to all the praise this one seemingly got.


Californication(TV Series w/David Duchovney). Just finished the second disc of season one after sitting on this for ages. I loved it and cant wait to pick up season 2. It's full of great one-liners, all the cast play their roles well.

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Taken-w/ Liam Neeson. Was alright. I was probably a little let down due to all the praise this one seemingly got.

The thing that bothered me about that film is how easily it all came to Neeson's character. I can see why it appealed to the US right-wingers, as yer man joins up all the dots straight away, ignores the bullshit French red tape, and batters everyone with nary a sweat broken. But it just didn't work too well for me. I was rooting for a scene where the big fat Arab fella takes Shannon from Lost's virginity. I knew it wouldn't happen though. I think Maggie Grace was actually really good in the film, though, she captured the essence of an awkward, annoying teenager really well.


I watched In Bruges on the telly the other night. It's an absolutely incredible piece of work. Everything about it is superb.

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I watched In Bruges on the telly the other night. It's an absolutely incredible piece of work. Everything about it is superb.



I'am gunna have to disagree.


Watched it ( even removed the 'Colin Farrell is a useless tosser' prejudices to watch the film as people had said it was good) lots of exposition, needless tedium and ooh midgets and foriegners are funny?


Bollocks.. Turned it off cos it was high grade shat, after an hour


Beautiful tourist information film for Bruges, but fuck me as a film its dull.

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I watched In Bruges on the telly the other night. It's an absolutely incredible piece of work. Everything about it is superb.



I'am gunna have to disagree.


Watched it ( even removed the 'Colin Farrell is a useless tosser' prejudices to watch the film as people had said it was good) lots of exposition, needless tedium and ooh midgets and foriegners are funny?


Bollocks.. Turned it off cos it was high grade shat, after an hour


Beautiful tourist information film for Bruges, but fuck me as a film its dull.


You're in serious danger of becoming the new Mike Castle.

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I didn't think In Bruges was a fantastic film, but it's certainly got some hilarious moments and terrific dialogue throughout. There just seemed to be something missing from the story- not a lot actually happens.

I am a bit of a sucker for great dialogue delivered well, that can mask most deficiencies in a film for me, but I thought the pace of the film was great as well. I've known a lot of people to not really take to it, but it absolutely blew me away. I love McDonagh's Oscar-winning short Six Shooter as well. His Irish-culture-through-English-eyes stuff connects with me pretty well. There's a certain kind of wit and humour that that arrangement brings with it, and I can't get enough of it. I think along the same lines (though very, very different from In Bruges) is the webseries Hardy Bucks:

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Tonight I watched Rated X, starring Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez (who also directed it). It was in the 99p box at the local computer game shop, and the cover makes it look like a bawdy 1980s sex comedy.


But it's not in the slightest. It's based on the true story of the Mitchell brothers, who made the infamous mainstream porn film Behind The Green Door, and it's basically an alternative to Boogie Nights, starting off in the 1960s, all sunshine and psychodelic music, and going through into the 1980s, with their lives becoming more and more fucked up by drugs, greed, corruption and all the other stuff you'd expect.


All in all it's pretty good, with decent performances by the brothers (in their first on-screen roles as brothers). Apparently there's an "unrated" version that runs about 20 minutes longer and has a commentary track (mine is just a bare bones edition), which I might see if I can pick up cheaply.


Oh, and there's a character who's listed in the credits as "Wanker".

Edited by surf_digby
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