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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watched The Crazies last night in search for a genuinly terrifying film. In a word, it was rubbish. It felt like I'd got a dodgy copy with loads of scenes missing. It was quite hard to follow as well untill I gave up on it and watched Saw 6, which was also appalling and would have also been turned off if not for the odd bit of gore which I'm always partial to.


Leprechaun and Salem's Lot tonight.


Anyone recommend a legit scary film??

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Watched The Crazies last night in search for a genuinly terrifying film. In a word, it was rubbish. It felt like I'd got a dodgy copy with loads of scenes missing. It was quite hard to follow as well untill I gave up on it and watched Saw 6, which was also appalling and would have also been turned off if not for the odd bit of gore which I'm always partial to.


Leprechaun and Salem's Lot tonight.


Anyone recommend a legit scary film??


I don't know, really, I can't say that I've ever been really 'scared' by a film - loads have made me jump, but I think that's different.


I always thought Prince Of Darkness, the John Carpenter one, was quite unnerving once you get past the initial ridiculous premise. Some creepy imagery in that one.

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I'm on a Rambo-a-thon. I've just watched Rambo 3, which is crap next to the first two and the last one.


Now first blood is amazing, we all know that. First Blood part 2 is amazing, again we all know. 3, well, its not that its a bad film, it just misses a few things for me. First Rambo gets by in the first two on the fact he can be all sneaky and hide in the surroundings, thats how he gets by and fucks shit up so wonderfully. In 3 he doesn't do this fucking once, the closest he gets is hiding behind a rock in a cave which is just so much shittier than the wonderful becoming the jungle parts in the first 2.


Now I can forgive that a bit, but he sneaks into a Russian camp, ohh how sneaky and good is Rambo, but no he's not because he is followed by a artard 8 year old with a rifle who ambles about un-noticed. This tells me Rambo didn't get in by his skill, it was clearly just that all the Russians are blind stupid fucks and it left Rambo looking like a tool.


It also under sells Rambo's troubled mind and soul. The other 3 show that side of him, he is a character with feelings and a purpose. He has a meaning to what he does and why he does it. Every action has a feeling behind it. In 3 he's a man with a big gun who walks about and his character never really gets to shine. And that bit where he just sits in a hole and blows up tank after tank while they fire at him and an OAP, It just seems silly to me.


I enjoyed it, its not Rocky five bad and theres plenty of action, but its just not up to the others for me

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went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World tonight at the cinema...in a word, bonkers.


if you didn't like the look of the trailer, you are going to hate the movie.


i aint sure if i liked it or not, it's unlike anything ive ever seen...props to Edgar Wright for trying something different.

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Yesterday evening, I was to be apart from the good lady for the night and decided to spend the time wisely.


"I'm going to the cinema." I said, and so I went to see Scott Pilgrim vs The World.


As Ebb said, if you didn't like the look of the trailers you probably won't like the film. I was in the opposite camp, and thought that this was a very good film. Definite kudos to Edgar Wright for his efforts. Michael Cera is in "the Michael Cera role" with added ass kicking. There are little subtle things that make this really good as well as some really obvious ones. I know nothing of the comics but maybe very tempted to check them out.


4 stars

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Watched The Bourne Identity last night (for the third time but first in HD). It's still brilliant. Matt Damon is utterly incredible. I love everything about this film, it's just flawless.


Saw Kick-ass last week (finally). That is excellent too. I'm not a superhero person but I loved it.

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Watched Shutter Island aka Mind F**k last night.


It's not terrible but the amount of dream/flashback scenes is just annoying.


The ending is extremely open, as is the whole entire film really, you never really know what the f**k happens.


Not great but, still not a bad as Wolfman or The Happening, or Highlander.

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Watched The Crazies last night in search for a genuinly terrifying film. In a word, it was rubbish. It felt like I'd got a dodgy copy with loads of scenes missing. It was quite hard to follow as well untill I gave up on it and watched Saw 6, which was also appalling and would have also been turned off if not for the odd bit of gore which I'm always partial to.


Leprechaun and Salem's Lot tonight.


Anyone recommend a legit scary film??


Here's a couple:


Dark Water

The original Jap version put the shits up me.




A low budget Romanian film but, again, pretty scary.



Obviously, both films a lot scarier if watched late at night with all the lights off and the sound turned up. Preferably alone. I think "how" you watch scary movies is quite important.

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Watched The Crazies last night in search for a genuinly terrifying film. In a word, it was rubbish. It felt like I'd got a dodgy copy with loads of scenes missing. It was quite hard to follow as well untill I gave up on it and watched Saw 6, which was also appalling and would have also been turned off if not for the odd bit of gore which I'm always partial to.


Leprechaun and Salem's Lot tonight.


Anyone recommend a legit scary film??


Here's a couple:


Dark Water

The original Jap version put the shits up me.




A low budget Romanian film but, again, pretty scary.



Obviously, both films a lot scarier if watched late at night with all the lights off and the sound turned up. Preferably alone. I think "how" you watch scary movies is quite important.


These are good nominations actually. Again, I would class them as unnerving but I can see how they could be scary. Them is one of the best films I saw last year, it's fantastic.

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I think unnerving IS scary though. It's pretty easy to make someone jump in a film - look at Paranormal Activities. But a "scary" film for me puts the shits up you generally, so that after you've finished watching you basically have trouble sleeping, or keep looking at the darkened windows and wonder what's out there.


Sometimes even a relatively bad film can do this. The Mothman Prophecies, for example... having come across it late night about 10 minutes in, I watched the rest of it and then sat up for about an hour reading about the whole thing on the net, and slept not a wink that night.

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Films wise I'm quite fine, I do feel suspense very harshly though, heart going 100mph, but not really scary, anything can make you jump, there's not really much skill or storytelling needed for that.


Put me in front of Resident Evil [Actual Resi, not 5] or Silent Hill and I'm a little schoolgirl, must be the interactivity.

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I think unnerving IS scary though. It's pretty easy to make someone jump in a film - look at Paranormal Activities. But a "scary" film for me puts the shits up you generally, so that after you've finished watching you basically have trouble sleeping, or keep looking at the darkened windows and wonder what's out there.


I guess so. I think by that criteria I would probably throw Repulsion by Roman Polanski in there, that really freaked me out. The original The Haunting is also very good.

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Just watched "A Serbian Film" (That's the name of it) and erm, i dont quite know what to say apart from that it had a new-born baby being raped in one scene....


Fuck...is there an excuse for that to be in a movie?


Pretentious filmy answer

A Serbian Film is the first independant film to come out of Serbia. Previous output from there was all government funded and they heavily controlled imagery of violence/sex/etc. Thus the film is very much a reaction to how filmmaking has been in the past. There is a Serbian curse that directly translates to "may you be fucked from birth" and several of the scene in this film are based on similar curses taken literally.


More likely answer

There are a whole load of sick people who get off on watching horrific imagery, but they convince themselves if its not real then its OK! Filmmakers have realised there is plenty money to be made (and I'm sure several start as fans of the genre) and make films which are little more than a collection of increasingly horrific images with little plot. The fans all get off on these films and chat about how "totally fucked up" this latest film whilst labelling themselves horror aficionados rather than serial killers in the making




I've not actually seen it, but have read a couple of articles on it..

Edited by organizedkaos
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