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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Saw Kick Ass yesterday and loved it. JLM got it spot on though I havnt read the comic or anything so I dont know the original backstory of Hit Girl & Big Daddy, though Hit Girl was definatly my favourite character in the film. Ive been out and bought the comic today, gonna make a start on it later.

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I got round to seeing Alice In Wonderland last night and "dull" is the word to describe it really. It wasn't terrible, but I just felt like I was waiting for it to end.


I've also been watching season 1 of Chuck after my brother saying for ages to watch it. Its absolutly awesome and I'm in love with Sarah.

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I got round to seeing Alice In Wonderland last night and "dull" is the word to describe it really. It wasn't terrible, but I just felt like I was waiting for it to end.


I've also been watching season 1 of Chuck after my brother saying for ages to watch it. Its absolutly awesome and I'm in love with Sarah.


You are right on both counts.


I've actually just recently started Chuck again from the begining because inevitably the wife and son have both got into it and wanted to watch it from the start.

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Seen Kick Ass last weekend, my favourite film of the year so far, a good 4/5 stars at least. And I'm one that hasn't read comics in years. And any movie that upsets the Mrs. Lovejoy's in the Daily Mail is more often than not worth it.


Chloe Moretz as "Hit Girl" is worth watching for the fee alone SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

and the scene featuring her taking out numerous henchmen of Frank D'Amico to the tune of the Banana Splits is genius. Also the ending of it definitely sets up for a sequel for Red Mist to get revenge the same way Hit Girl has done.



Seen The Crazies last night without realising it was a remake from an original in the 1970's. It is rather clich

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Me and the missus rented Law abiding citezen last night. I absolutely loved it. Shes not one for blood so didnt really take to it but I bloody loved it. Kind of crazy how it developed into terrorising the justice system but awesome all the same

Seen this when it was in the cinema, thought that altogether it was quite a good movie and both Butler & Foxx gave solid performances with a logical progression of how the main character evolves, but the second half of the movie was stretching the boundaries of reality a tiny little bit. Or at least it was until I seen "I love you Phillip Morris" and realised that was based on a true story!

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Chloe Moretz as "Hit Girl" is worth watching for the fee alone SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

and the scene featuring her taking out numerous henchmen of Frank D'Amico to the tune of the Banana Splits is genius. Also the ending of it definitely sets up for a sequel for Red Mist to get revenge the same way Hit Girl has done.


Thats a good one but I liked the SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

FPS style shootout along with her fight with Frank near the end

more since I think already seeing the scene you mentioned heavily highlighted in trailers took away from its impact.


If I had seen Kick-Ass after only seeing its original trailer which frankly made it look a bit shit lord knows what my reaction would have been :laugh:


Great movie :thumbsup:

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I got round to seeing Alice In Wonderland last night and "dull" is the word to describe it really. It wasn't terrible, but I just felt like I was waiting for it to end.


I've also been watching season 1 of Chuck after my brother saying for ages to watch it. Its absolutly awesome and I'm in love with Sarah.


You are right on both counts.


I've actually just recently started Chuck again from the begining because inevitably the wife and son have both got into it and wanted to watch it from the start.


I've only seen the trailer for Alice in Wonderland, and it looks dire. From what I can see, it seems Burton's just grafted the structure of Return To Oz on to the Alice and the Wonderland world.

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I got round to seeing Alice In Wonderland last night and "dull" is the word to describe it really. It wasn't terrible, but I just felt like I was waiting for it to end.


I've also been watching season 1 of Chuck after my brother saying for ages to watch it. Its absolutly awesome and I'm in love with Sarah.


You are right on both counts.


I've actually just recently started Chuck again from the begining because inevitably the wife and son have both got into it and wanted to watch it from the start.


I've only seen the trailer for Alice in Wonderland, and it looks dire. From what I can see, it seems Burton's just grafted the structure of Return To Oz on to the Alice and the Wonderland world.

Put it this way, I've only walked out of two films in my entire cinema-going life (which has been quite lengthy as I have the Unlimited Card) and this version of Alice In Wonderland is one of them. Shame to see such an overall good cast reduced to this.

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I got round to seeing Alice In Wonderland last night and "dull" is the word to describe it really. It wasn't terrible, but I just felt like I was waiting for it to end.


I've also been watching season 1 of Chuck after my brother saying for ages to watch it. Its absolutly awesome and I'm in love with Sarah.


You are right on both counts.


I've actually just recently started Chuck again from the begining because inevitably the wife and son have both got into it and wanted to watch it from the start.



It really is fantastic, finished my brothers Season 1 today and thankfuly my mate has hooked me up with season 2 and 3 so far. I'm falling more madly in love with Sarah with every episode, the Leia outfit, slow mo shots of her, her in her underwear etc etc. She also does the voice of Miranda in Mass Effect 2. Its a growing obsession. Just an awesome show though, its funny, dramatic and with some great action. I highly recommend anyone to watch it thats never seen it.

Edited by Harvey Dent
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I watched this DVD today




I've always been a big fan of the orignal Japanese Godzilla movies I think they're great!


Anyone else here a fan of them?

I tend to go with phases in my film tastes. I'll go through a phase of enjoying shitty early 80s sci-fi films, then I'll go through a phase of enjoying really poor no-budget horror films, and so on. I've had two phases of enjoying man-in-rubber-suit Godzilla movies, and will probably have another crack at them before I die.

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Put it this way, I've only walked out of two films in my entire cinema-going life (which has been quite lengthy as I have the Unlimited Card) and this version of Alice In Wonderland is one of them. Shame to see such an overall good cast reduced to this.

What was the other one?


I've never walked out of a movie before, the closest i have came was during the Woody Allen film Match Point. I'm glad i stayed until the end though purely for the terrible acting of Jimmy Nesbitt.

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