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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Ninja Terminator .......


We've also seen The Ninja Squad, Golden Ninja Warrior, Ninja Fist of Fire amongst others.


Our shit film fests have now become Facebook events with 8-12 guests attending, which is nice. Last night we watched Sworn to Justice.......


Next week we're watching NIGHTMASTER,....


all available at your local Poundland if anyone is interested!


think i`ll check these out (mostly in fast forward i`m suspecting!)

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Yeah, Poundland and CEX are both goldmines. Last purchase from Poundland was a documentary called "Tractors of Yesteryear". The person who bought this made the classic mistake of buying something soul-crushingly boring and bad but without any real comedic potential. It proved unwatchable as you'd expect.

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Yeah, Poundland and CEX are both goldmines. Last purchase from Poundland was a documentary called "Tractors of Yesteryear". The person who bought this made the classic mistake of buying something soul-crushingly boring and bad but without any real comedic potential. It proved unwatchable as you'd expect.


Theres unwatchable then theres pure suicidal!


Poundland, as mentioned, is a pure gold mine if you know what to look for.


I recommend Live Feed (a Hostel rip off), but avoid Vampires vs Zombies (I didnt make it past the first 10 minutes, not bad just god awful and apparently the vampires never actually fight the zombies) and Zombie Chronicles ( a 3d movie shot not using 3d technology, so its pretty pointless, plus the storylines are not even entertaining, so much so i watched it in fast forward)


I do have the the double DVD box of `the trial of the Incredible Hulk` and `The Incredible Hulk returns` just waiting to be watched (and yes I did get this from Poundland!)

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Had a decent week so far. Watched The Hangover on Tuesday night. I really enjoyed it. I laughed my socks off throughout. Always had a big thing for Heather Graham so enjoyed seeing her and generally just really enjoyed the story and the way it was told. I warmed to all of the characters as the thing went on which is how it should be. it's ridiculous really but a great watch.


Went to see The Road last night. First chance I've had around here. It's absolutely brilliant. I won't spoil it for those who haven't see it. It's a really different look at the sort of "World's end" scenario. It's quite similar to Lord of the Flies in the way it makes ou question yourself and your moral fibre. The relationship between the father and son is beautiful (as is Charlize Theron) and the boy's desire to be a good guy throughout keeps him pure. I can't wait to see it again.

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Watched 'The Big Sleep' last night since I'm semi-addicted to movies of that type. Film noirs are normally good for a watch, and so is anything involving Bogart who's perfect for the roles he plays, although I've never quite worked out if thats because he's a good actor or because he very much is the characters he plays. It was a good watch, quite atmospheric, not as confusing as people make out, but the ending didn't quite suit it for me. I haven't read the book, so maybe its the same as the original ending, but it just seemed a bit too schmaltzy hollywood which doesn't really suit these type of films. Still, worth a watch if you like film noir, or Bogart, and if you don't its still worth a watch until you do understand why they're great...

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Just watched From Paris With Love there and I must say I enjoyed it, nothing spectacular but a good popcorn movie. It started off pretty slow but picked up after 20 minutes or so and John Travolta looked cool as fuck in this, even though it wasn't the best I hope they do another one as it kept me entertained for 90 minutes or so.

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From Paris With Love is gonna be one of those movies that a lot of people are gonna love.


It's getting * reviews and ****/***** reviews. That means that there's gonna be a certain audience which love it, similar to Taken, i remember a lot of critics killing that film yet nearly every person (well, boy) i know loves that movie (same director).

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saw The Lovely Bones - well, you won't see many films like this. I have to admit, i really liked it, it kept me hooked from the beginning. The movie was so very, very gay though. Peter Jackson's vision of heaven was very pretty to look at it, but it was camp as tits, the mush in this movie was cranked right up. The big contrast to this is a very creepy serial killer tale. Stanley Tucci should win awards for his skin crawling performance. This movie aint gonna be for everyone, and apparently the fans of the book aint happy with what Jackson did, but i'm a newb and i fuckin' liked it!

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yes, The Exorcist is fantastic. It's a movie however that i feel has been ruined by the ever ongoing 'scariest thing ever' tags that go with it, because people watch it expecting to be frightened to shit, it'll never live up to the hype (stupid hype!).


But it's a great movie...the sequels are good too.

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I thought the Exorcist was a massive letdown the 1st time I got to see it when I was 12, mainly for the reason Ebb pointed out about it scaring you to the point of suicide and it never matched my expectations. I've come to really love the film in the past few views though and it's deffinately a film you need to see at some point in your life.

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The Crazies


went last night to see this movie. Its the run of the mill `small town american sheriff notices his towns folk start acting strange, then they go crazy and people get killed. The Military turn up to solve the problem and it looks like hell may just break out` movie that doesnt seem to start.


The problem I have with the movie is that it doesnt seem to go anywhere new. We`ve seen it all before with zombie films, end of world breakdown movies, theres nothing new here that took me and hooked me in.


Its an entertaining enough movie, theres a good deal of gun shooting and `crazy` folk, military teams running around, explosions, end of world dread and a few (well 2) jumpy bits but they just dont seem to melt together to make that something that allows us to care what happens next.


The main cast are dreadful, the sheriff is the guy that played `Hitman` in the film based on the game, and plays the same character (no emotion, no connectivity), his wife is one minute being all girly and pregnant and the next smashing folk in the face!


On a plus side though, theres an scene near the end of the movie where 2 folk are standing and you see explosion in the background and I was really impressed with the imagery, you could see that it was just cool looking. I liked that part.


the other parts are not so good.


If you want to see the movie i`d recommend a rental for it. Certainly not worth forking out any more than

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Having never seen it before and having just enough microsoft points to rent it, is the excorcist worth the 250 points?

Yeah, great film Ralphus. You must have a watch. :thumbsup:


Have a look at the documentry "The Exorcist: The Fear of God" too, which probably comes with the DVD. That's great as well.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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