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daft suggestion from Peter Hain to be honest. he has a problem with Griffin on QT but there was a deafining silence when the IRA Brighton bomber Patrick Magee was allowed in Parliament.


as echoed before the only way to show the BNP up is to have them on these kind of forums.

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So all will happen is the same people will get their identities cloned.. phone calls ridiculing them and policemen sacked as before among other things.


Why do the media, or infact anyone think this is news?


Maybe because it's a disgrace that people could have their identity cloned, be heckled in the streets or sacked from their jobs simply for joining a political organisation?


Whats even worse, is that it's somehow considered "okay" for this to happen because they are BNP members.


As menioned 'The Gov' have already lost most of the countries details in one form or another. so cloning is an issue for every one, whether they like it or not, not just the BNP



The sacked from the jobs was because the person in question was a policeman you did know this ?


The police arent allowed to be a member of any political party afaik. So the member in question would have surely known that joining the BNP was on a hiding to nothing whatever happened. So thats his own stupid mistake.


Where was it said that its okay? What I said is why is it news?... 1st time, why yes thats interesting. 2nd time, okay, this is a bit more complete. 3rd time who the fuck cares now? I mean really who cares.


The BNP have some shit Data Protection going on and need to get that sorted perhaps but as a news item its lost all interest for me and is being done for sensationalism only to keep the party in the news. I wouldnt be suprised as per the other two lists that this was 'leaked' to show again how legitimate some of the members of the BNP are.



Its like ooh theres a Lord....... Lawks a Lordy... So what a Lord is a member of a party that is considered to be fascist in nature? This means what? They are the epitome of all that is evil and should be dragged out and shot because you, the media say so? Piss off already. I just dont care. They could have 3 aliens all called Gilbert for all I give a stuff... People could then go OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLZL!!!!!111!!!!! and whatever in mock horror.



The list has been leaked ah gain *sighs* to porvoke a reaction. It has worked on me ahh gain because it has bored me to tears and I am now writing about it on the internet as if its the biggest news story since Al Gore decided lobal warming was going to kill us all ( or something :) )


Wake me up in the summer when the 4th revised BNP list is let loose or some one gets hold of another parties list....

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Its like ooh theres a Lord....... Lawks a Lordy... So what a Lord is a member of a party that is considered to be fascist in nature? This means what? They are the epitome of all that is evil and should be dragged out and shot because you, the media say so? Piss off already. I just dont care. They could have 3 aliens all called Gilbert for all I give a stuff... People could then go OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLZL!!!!!111!!!!! and whatever in mock horror.



The list has been leaked ah gain *sighs* to porvoke a reaction. It has worked on me ahh gain because it has bored me to tears and I am now writing about it on the internet as if its the biggest news story since Al Gore decided lobal warming was going to kill us all ( or something :) )


Trying to make sense of your post makes my head hurt.

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The police aren't allowed to be BNP members because police officers are supposed to support the entire community, no matter ethnicity, sexual orientation or religion, and the BNP's explicitly stated policies run counter to that.


See I still don't think that makes sense. If the behaviour of an officer who is a BNP member goes against their agreed code of conduct then by all means sack him but I don't see how you can sack him for holding a belief if he doesn't allow it have a tangible effect on his behaviour in the workplace. It's similar to the concept that you can't legally discipline someone in the workplace for having a 'bad attitude'.

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Its like ooh theres a Lord....... Lawks a Lordy... So what a Lord is a member of a party that is considered to be fascist in nature? This means what? They are the epitome of all that is evil and should be dragged out and shot because you, the media say so? Piss off already. I just dont care. They could have 3 aliens all called Gilbert for all I give a stuff... People could then go OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLZL!!!!!111!!!!! and whatever in mock horror.



The list has been leaked ah gain *sighs* to porvoke a reaction. It has worked on me ahh gain because it has bored me to tears and I am now writing about it on the internet as if its the biggest news story since Al Gore decided lobal warming was going to kill us all ( or something :) )


Trying to make sense of your post makes my head hurt.


That's because your brain has been a victim of lobal warming.

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That's because your brain has been a victim of lobal warming.


It certainly felt like it.


As far as the "leaked lists" go, he does have a point however. This is something like the 3rd time this has happened to the BNP, isn't it?


Surely they have to be held accountable somewhere along the line? Just saying that it was a "disgruntled ex-member" doesn't quite cut it when peoples personal details are at risk.


I suppose they can point at the amount of details the current lot of fools have let out there, but it's still something that has to be dealt with.


I'd also come down hard on any websites who think it's okay to print these details.

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Griffin is on live on Sky News in 5 minutes, I think it's to do with the BNP using military imagery as their backdrop saying "Battle of Britain 2009", it has angered Generals and army top brass.


I like how the sky news presenter cuts Griffin off when he doesn't get the soundbite that he's looking for.

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Griffin is on live on Sky News in 5 minutes, I think it's to do with the BNP using military imagery as their backdrop saying "Battle of Britain 2009", it has angered Generals and army top brass.


I like how the sky news presenter cuts Griffin off when he doesn't get the soundbite that he's looking for.

Shit, I must be watching a different interview.

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Shit, I must be watching a different interview.


You must be.

Guess so as the presenter I saw let Griffin talk at length and waited until he was finished talking before asking another question.


I liked his purely anecdotal reasoning that the squaddies he talked to all vote BNP therefore the BNP are more in touch with the forces than anyone else. I liked the way he said how "Our Boys" are left to rot on the streets or in jail by the government and then later on referred to prisioners as "Criminal vermin".


Yeah, he really looked good there.

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I liked the way he said how "Our Boys" are left to rot on the streets or in jail by the government and then later on referred to prisioners as "Criminal vermin".


Where's the mistake in that?


A lot soldiers certainly are getting shafted after their stint, and they are working over there in a meaningless war with substandard equipment.


I don't see any problem in referring to convicted criminals as "criminal vermin" either.


Like i've said before, he knows how to work a crowd, but to say that everything he says is complete nonsense isn't true.


It's never that black & white Keith.

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I liked the way he said how "Our Boys" are left to rot on the streets or in jail by the government and then later on referred to prisioners as "Criminal vermin".


Where's the mistake in that?

He mentioned how a lot of ex servicemen are in prison then referred to prisoners as vermin, thus referring to a lot of ex servicemen as vermin.

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