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I'm just guessing he doesn't know, because it's just one of those Daily Mail things people say about some mythical England that existed before now that is actually total bollocks.

I know they did used to have police officers walking the same beat every day, but wasn't that back in the 50's & 60's?


What age is Duane?

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Don't bother, I doubt he'll be back to answer, like all the conspiracy threads he starts.

Ha, ha! :)

I think my ears were burning....


By the way you can always try PMing me if you have a question, I don't seem to be receiving thread updates at moment, don't know why?


Something to add relating to government in a moment.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Yeah, except you come back to threads, yet still didn't acknowledge previous questions and just start posting something new.


So I don't know if you intentionally avoid questions or you just post stuff with no intention of ever reading responses or the rest of threads. Either way it makes what you post worthless, and trying to have a discussion with you incredibly frustrating. Seriously. So frustrating.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Did you? What was his name?

He said his name was Bobby.




I'm just guessing he doesn't know, because it's just one of those Daily Mail things people say about some mythical England that existed before now that is actually total bollocks.

Loki, I don't see the point in questioning me to be honest, why would I lie that there used to be a local copper you would recognise and know the name of. It's a bit daft. I couldn't tell you the name of the policeman when I was a kid because it was bloody years ago!

I'm 34 mate. Lived through 4 different prime ministers so old enough to have noticed changes like this through life's experiences.


The fact we often don't know or at least recognise by face our local copper just goes to show how things have changed. We live in a faster paced world with a bigger population and less of a village way of life with a lot of people needing to commute to work spending more time away from their local area.

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Yeah, except you come back to threads, yet still didn't acknowledge previous questions and just start posting something new.


So I don't know if you intentionally avoid questions or you just post stuff with no intention of ever reading responses or the rest of threads. Either way it makes what you post worthless, and trying to have a discussion with you incredibly frustrating. Seriously. So frustrating.

I have replied to Loki now, Sorry I can't be on here 24/7 :rolleyes:

Not sure if it was worth the effort lol


If I recall last time I replied to Loki in another off topic thread he went a bit quiet...

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Back onto the topic of politics and government.


When you get a chance check out this video:

John Harris - It's an illusion 2, at BCG Conference London


The video is by John Harris and relates to how government deceives us, I think there is a bit on there about our ego too and how we are fighting our own ego.


If you don't have time to watch it have a butchers at this website about standing up to government and the illusion of the system we live under. You might not agree with it all but please take a look.



There is no left or right...

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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Did you? What was his name?

He said his name was Bobby.




I'm just guessing he doesn't know, because it's just one of those Daily Mail things people say about some mythical England that existed before now that is actually total bollocks.

Loki, I don't see the point in questioning me to be honest, why would I lie that there used to be a local copper you would recognise and know the name of. It's a bit daft. I couldn't tell you the name of the policeman when I was a kid because it was bloody years ago!

I'm 34 mate. Lived through 4 different prime ministers so old enough to have noticed changes like this through life's experiences.


The fact we often don't know or at least recognise by face our local copper just goes to show how things have changed. We live in a faster paced world with a bigger population and less of a village way of life with a lot of people needing to commute to work spending more time away from their local area.


Yeah but you are lying, I'm 30, my woman's 33 and neither of us remember it. Granted it might have happened in the one year you have over us, but it didn't.

It's really odd that you would attempt to present as fact something you read in the daily mail by pretending it happened to you. But if that's the way we're going, gay immigrants raped my swan and gave the queen aids, I saw it damnit, I was there!

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A Local who and the what now?


Did anyone see John Prescotts Bat shit mental interview from yesterday over bullying on News 24 it was class. Ben Brown couldnt have looked more bemused by the nutter he was interviewing if he tried


He was calm-er on the Daily Politics





Still 'bullish' though :p

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I'm with Kiffy on this. I'm also mid 30s and I don't ever remember there being a local bobby that knew everyone's names and all that. I think that happened in Dixon of Dock Green in the 50s, but I reckon it's pretty much a race memory now.


Each generation thinks things have got worse because life as a kid is always sheltered from the realities of that era. The media bang on about asbos and hoodies now, but they were banging on about yobs in the 80s, punks in the 70s, mods and rockers in the 60s and Teddy Boys in the 50s.


Britain hasn't got worse in the last 50 years, it's got infinitely better. People generally don't die of rickets and polio, the mentally ill don't languish untreated in loony bins, there aren't food shortages and mass flu epidemics. Hotels don't have signs outside saying No Niggers, No Irish. Women aren't laughed out of the workplace. Everybody has a phone, a car, a tv, internet, a microwave. Of course there are things that we've lost, and that are worth lamenting, but this whole idea of Broken Britain, or "England's gone to the dogs"... it's just bollocks!

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