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New Doctor Who


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Also gutted that he's leaving. I knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later, as he's been doing the gig for four years now. He really got into his stride in the last couple of years, and has really embodied the Doctor better than anyone before him I feel. That being said, the announcement of the next Doctor is always an exciting time!

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I'm guessing the increasing American influence probably means they'll try and lure someone with something resembling an American profile. Or, at least, something they can refer to that means something to Americans.


I have no fucking clue who they'll get, though.


I'll pick someone out of the box like Ben Whishaw, just so i'll look clever as shit if I'm right.


But, no, I reckon given my first point, the pool they'll try and attract will look something like;


Ben Whishaw; Idris Elba; Russell Brand; Chris O'Dowd; Benedict Cumberbatch; Martin Freeman; Daniel Radcliffe.


Ewan McGregors career is seven shades of fucked, but he cold still be presented as a massive deal. He's shit, though. And, even given his Homeland success, Damian Lewis hasn't exactly gone on to bigger and better things. He'd be good.


To be short, I don't know.


And I haven't even begun to contemplate how much the Christmas special is going to kill me.

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They'll much more likely cast an unknown rather than someone who already has ties with Hollywood I would've thought. I also think that the new Doctor has already been cast, considering they'll need to film a regeneration scene in the next month or two. Moffat knows what he's doing and has probably had this planned for years.

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I'm guessing the increasing American influence probably means they'll try and lure someone with something resembling an American profile. Or, at least, something they can refer to that means something to Americans.


I have no fucking clue who they'll get, though.


I'll pick someone out of the box like Ben Whishaw, just so i'll look clever as shit if I'm right.


But, no, I reckon given my first point, the pool they'll try and attract will look something like;


Ben Whishaw; Idris Elba; Russell Brand; Chris O'Dowd; Benedict Cumberbatch; Martin Freeman; Daniel Radcliffe.


Ewan McGregors career is seven shades of fucked, but he cold still be presented as a massive deal. He's shit, though. And, even given his Homeland success, Damian Lewis hasn't exactly gone on to bigger and better things. He'd be good.


To be short, I don't know.


And I haven't even begun to contemplate how much the Christmas special is going to kill me.


I think you're mental. Even if you end up being right I'll think you're mental. Most of those names have way too much going on to be tied down to some TV show that up so much time. A relative unknown's going to be cheaper and more likely to make a longer commitment. Cumberbatch and Freeman barely have enough time to fit in Sherlock.


I don't really get why they'd need someone with an American profile either. The show has the profile now.

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I think their aims in the American market, and their achievements so far, make casting another Matt Smith very difficult. Rory Kinnear seems to be the clever choice at the minute, and he's not particularly obscure.


But, seriously, search 'Ben Whishaw the Hour' and tell me that's not a Doctor in waiting.


Also, Vamp, that wasn't 'my' choice so much as what I think the producers might do. I have no preference. I didn't know Matt Smith, and he's my favourite Doctor of all time. I trust them.


I think whilst the show does have a profile, it offers them a foundation to build on as opposed to a finished product. They've made it clear they want to move the show on in the US, a recognisable and credible lead could do that. Harry Lloyd might be a good shout, too.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I think their achievements so far tell us the name of the actor doesn't mean anything. Doctor Who's over like a rover over there, and Matt Smith wasn't a star then. It's the show that draws.


I love Ben Whishaw. He'd be fantastic. I seriously doubt he wants to be tied down to Doctor Who with its long filming schedules. He's surely got better thing to do? You know, like Shakespeare, well various plays actually, movies, etc.


I didn't say they were your choices. I think you're mental for thinking any of them will be the man the producers end up getting.

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They probably wouldn't get any of them, I imagine they'd try.


As long as they don't put it to a public vote, we'll be alright. Miranda can fuck off.


According to The Mirror (yeah, I know), Moffatt's preferred choices are Chiwetel Ejiofor (which would be great) and Stephen Mangan (which would be less great).

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It does appear that way. He was the 'favourite' last time, too.


Edit; so, the Mirrors site have completely blitzed the last story from their archives and replaced it with;




No explanation why, though hilariously it seems they sourced their story from bookies sites which hadn't updated their odds since last time. The new story has a breakdown of the current odds being given.


Looking on Who sites, there's a lot of support for Grint.

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Yeah, pretty much.


It's my first time using Who sites, I'd never even watched the show prior to Smith. They're a funny bunch.


They appear to favour Grint because they could laugh about the Doctor previously saying he didn't want to be ginger. Personally, i think I'd favour Olivia Colman. Mainly because I love her.


You'd also be amazed how many people think they're getting Carey Mulligan back some day.

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I adore Coleman too, and I'm well up for a female Doctor, I'm just not sure about Coleman as the Doctor. I'm sure I'd probably change my mind shortly after though.


Not that I think we'll get a female Doctor next.

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