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New Doctor Who


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I guessed it would be a Tesselecta Doctor when they appeared half way through. Very enjoyable episode but I thought the ending was shit. 'Doctor Who?'....Really?!?! They took a shit knock-knock joke I first heard aged 5 and turned it into 'the most important question in the universe'?? Load of bollocks.Shame really, as aside from that I really enjoyed it.

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Everyone go check out the blog on The Guardian website, it's a perfect review. It's the first result on 'google news' when you put in Doctor Who.The key points about it being great I agree with are; for all the rubbish about it being complicated it was really quite simple; it practically rebooted the show for next year; the running thread of Doctors obsession with his own destruction being dispelled by those that live him; Moffat essentially erased RTD's obsession with The Doctor being Superman-cum-Jesus by making him covert again and, in case I forgot, it was fun as hell.

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It wasn't shit. That's a tad harsh. Lame or unsatisfying perhaps. There's something about this series where there's been good episodes, even a few great ones, adn even in episodes which arn't that good there's a few nice ideas and yet I never feel quite satisfied by it. I've mentioned it before but I always feel I'm promised something bigger. There was a hell of a lot of build up for this and I couldn't help escape the feelign of "Really? That was it?". Still some nice moments. I liked the fact that the Doctor clinged onto life so desperately and then realised with the death of one of his best friends that everyone needs to die sometimes. Although that went by the wayside a little when he cheated death with what I think was meant to be a 'twist' but of course was too simple to count as one. And I did feel like the first third of the episode was exposition and poorly disguised exposition at that. The wedding was a touching moment, but it came after Amy had ruthlessly slaughtered the Silence with a machine gun and then let a woman die which was appaling. I'm okay with stepping up the violence a little but not like that. Amy felt like the wrong character for it. The season finales are normally nowhere near the best episodes in a series, but with build up like this one had it kind of needed to be and that made it all the more dissapointing. I loved last series and the Christmas special, but this one I'm not very fond of overall. It hasn't been the worst, series two of the new series probably takes that honour, but I can't say its near the top of the list for me. But I get the feeling that more than last year's series this one was a transition towards something different. So I guess maybe that's why.So yeah, I'm disappointed. And actually I'm quite glad that's the end of the series. Here's to the break.

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The only bad point I have to say about the episode is the fact it did not feel like a series ender - just a bog standard great episode like the girl who waited (although that is not a bad thing to say the least).I thought the question was great though and its nice to see Steven Moffatt work everyone with just how simple it was - that goes for the whole episode too.We also find out (to a degree) where the eleventh will fall... nice, very nice. Love it that are making the final build up for the Eleventh Doctor and not for the actor because in my view, the End of Time (which was awesome btw, loved it) was written not for the end of the Tenth Doctor, it was written for the end of David Tennant playing the Doctor.Roll on next year.

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Well its not fully tied up as the silents will find out he is not dead eventually?

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Well its not fully tied up as the silents will find out he is not dead eventually?

Not necessarily. If your after a guy and you "know" when, how and where he will die, why pursue him and try to kill him elsewhere? You "know" you've got him and you "know" you've already won.in addition The silence don't know when the doctor dies in his time lime. so every time they meet him, they will presume it's the doctor pre-lake silencio, and thus dont't need to kill him.
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