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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Anyone watched Breakout Kings? Was browsing around some Prison Break pages, and noticed that the guys behind it have made this show. Seems to have a pretty decent rating on IMDB, and the idea doesnt exactly seem a mile away from Prison Break.



Watched the first episode of Angry Boys, which was pretty decent. Someone told me its airing on BBC3 already, so will watch it on there instead of downloading it.



For a bit of mindless TV before bed, Ive started to watch Cops on CBS Reality. Theres a 50% chance that the featured bust is boring, so its handy to record it so you can FF any shite. Sometimes it will strike gold and have a great case, and watching car chases is always fun.

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just watched episode 9 of game of thrones and


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

having not read the books i did not see that coming real edge of your seat stuff and while its a shame sean bean will not be in it anymore i am looking forward to the finale and season 2


and also joffery must die in the most painful way possible


[close spoiler]

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Having read the books iamtheman, let me tell you. Don't get attached to anyone


I've just started Book 4 (Feast for Crows?) and I'm finding this quality a bit of a double edged sword. On the one hand, it keeps everything nice and unpredictable - anything could happen at any time, and he's not afraid to make sacrifices in order to keep the story going. On the other hand, I think sometimes the inability to get attached to anyone can be detrimental - even just one character who you kind of know is 'safe' helps ground it and connect you more to the goings on... but anyway, that's just me. Great episode this week. People I know who haven't read the books all appear to be suffering from shock and traumatic stress after what happened.



I mentioned this in 'Comments that don't warrant a thread', but I've been watching lots of Horrible Histories recently. It's bloody BRILLIANT. Best sketch show there's been for ages. Fuck you if you think it's 'just for kids' - it's genuinely very, very funny.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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May I just ask if anyone else is watching Paul Merton's Birth of Hollywood? Thus far I think it's been a cracker. I'll admit I'm constantly interested in old hollywood and films, and this has been very good. Paul Merton is a great narrator as well.


I came in here to raise the 'Birth of Hollywood' to you fine people too. It really is very good, after watching the first episode I couldn't find the second on Iplayer, until last night (which also had episode 3). I thought episode 2 was particularly fantastic, focusing on Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle and the trial that ultimately led to his downfall. Anyone unfamiliar with the case, or that would like a delving look into the origins of film, should watch this.


Well done Mr. Merton.

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May I just ask if anyone else is watching Paul Merton's Birth of Hollywood? Thus far I think it's been a cracker. I'll admit I'm constantly interested in old hollywood and films, and this has been very good. Paul Merton is a great narrator as well.


I came in here to raise the 'Birth of Hollywood' to you fine people too. It really is very good, after watching the first episode I couldn't find the second on Iplayer, until last night (which also had episode 3). I thought episode 2 was particularly fantastic, focusing on Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle and the trial that ultimately led to his downfall. Anyone unfamiliar with the case, or that would like a delving look into the origins of film, should watch this.


Well done Mr. Merton.


I did a university project on the Roscoe Arbuckle case, it really was interesting and like Merton said my research pointed to William Brady and Maude Delmont being the villians of the piece. Virginia Rappe was too messed up from a life of abuse and heartbreak to be anything other than a victim, sadly. I wished he had made this then as I probably could've done half the work I did and not spent so much on books.

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Really enjoyed Breaking In starring Bret Harrison, Christian Slater and Michael Rosenbaum. Its a sitcom about a high tech security firm who are hired by companies to break in to the their businesses to find the flaws with their security systems.


There were only 7 episodes and it hasn't been renewed but it is definitely worth a watch :thumbsup:


Plus if you need any more reasons to give it a go... :love: :love: :love:




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