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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Yep, really enjoyed the first series. There's something about old-school spy stuff that I just love. Fuck all this super-gadgetry and tech bullshit - give me dead-drops, cheesy disguises and Russian double-double agents any day of the week. I find the lead female actor very sexy too, which always helps.

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Watched about 5 episodes of 'Longmire' on Netflix over the last week. Basically a president day cop drama set around the rural plains of Wyoming. Nothing to write home about and lacks a bit of bite in places, but I'm finding it an easy watch and am happy to go back to it when I've got some time to kill. The unspoiled, New Mexico western setting is lovely and right up my street. Robert Taylor is doing a great job as the lead and Katee Sackhoff knows how to squeeze herself into a pair of tight Levis.Anyone else seen it?

i'll take a look at that Silk!
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finished season 1 of Vikings last night. After Game of Thrones i fancied another show with a similar kind of vibe and conveniantly Vikings had just finished. It's like GOT but on a smaller scale, but it's well casted (Travis Fimmel is excellent as Ragnar), got an interesting story and it's very entertaining. The season is only 9 episodes so it's not long and thankfully it's been renewed for a second season :)

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I love vikings so I was intrigued when I found out about the show. I thought the first episode was pretty pants though, and never watched the second. Just seemed like a rubbish Spartacus. It's on Lovefilm Instant so I might give it another go.

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Futurama is as tremendous as ever.

Enjoy it while you can, seen as its been cancelled again.Gutted to hear that The Borgias has been cancelled too after 3 series. It was supposed to run for 4 but Showtime has cited cost of production as the reason for the cancellation
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Thought the 14th episode of Futrame with the drag racing was absolutely awful, I love the show but it's probably had it's day. Apart from one half a season that was really good it's been rubbish since it came back.

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