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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Parks and Rec is a sitcom about the small town "Parks and Recreation" division of the local government office, all the characters are slightly over the top in a way that is kept within the limits of reason but gets a bit unrealistic in later series and it definitely deteriorates over time, season 4 is less funny than 2 and 3. It's worth getting into though and there are some good moments, it's an easy watch and probably my favourite sitcom for a few years. Ron Swanson is a great character and it's pretty much worth watching for him alone.


The main star is Amy Poehler - the blonde woman who played the heel in the Will Ferrell ice skating movie blades of glory alongside her real husband Will Arnett (GOB from Arrested Development).

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Trailer Park Boys is FUCKING AMAZING. Just watched Mrs. Peterson's Dog Gets Fucked Up and it's one of the funniest episodes of any TV show I've ever seen. I wish I had a pretend grandma who bought me NWA albums.


I love this show.

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I love the way they turn up at his place and he's already planned out that he wants them to nick the lawnmower as payment.


I like the fact that it has quirks but actually refers to them. It's not a case of "Oh, let's a have a character who's always carrying a rum & coke and another one that never wears a shirt" just for the sake of being quirky, but they actually match their characters and they're not just left in the background as a gimmick.

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Almost a decade and a half behind the rest of the world I've started watching The West Wing, having owned the boxset for over 2 years. Almost finished season1 and I'm absolutely loving it. The collection of characters is fantastic and I can't imagine any of them leaving, though I did accidentally find out one does indeed leave soonish. I initially thought Sam was the main character, but then thought it was more Josh, but it really is more of an ensemble cast. I'm intrigued to see how they deal with 9/11 in a couple of seasons.

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Almost a decade and a half behind the rest of the world I've started watching The West Wing, having owned the boxset for over 2 years. Almost finished season1 and I'm absolutely loving it. The collection of characters is fantastic and I can't imagine any of them leaving, though I did accidentally find out one does indeed leave soonish. I initially thought Sam was the main character, but then thought it was more Josh, but it really is more of an ensemble cast. I'm intrigued to see how they deal with 9/11 in a couple of seasons.


Have you watched Aaron Sorkin's other shows; Sports Night, Studio 60?

Edited by ukfan11
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I like both Sports Night and Studio 60, Sports Night does show it's age where a Studio 60 looks similar to The Newsroom. Enjoyed both of them, though. Both shows have some great cast.


Not got through all of West Wing yet, but it's just as good as his other stuff.

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Watched the new episodes of Parks and Rec and The Office. Quite depressing to see the difference in quality between Parks and The Office now. The new episode of Parks was fantastic. Loads of gags, loads of great characters, and they weave in an interesting story on top.



On the other hand, its quite depressing to see The Office these days. Not that its bad by any means, its just become very dull, lifeless, lost all of its charm, and just clearly a show that has run its course. There isnt a great character left in the show. The genius of Andy has been completley wiped away, and the character now is probably 1/5th as good as it used to be. Pam, Jim and Dwight have all become tired as charcters. Without Ryan and Kelly, youre left with a pretty dire list of supporting characters (does anyone still find a Kevin or Erin funny? I dont). Toby is comfortably my favourate character on the show now, and hopefully he gets a bigger role in future episodes. The episode itself was very average, with not many laughs. That said, half the time in the episode they are not even going for laughs, focusing more on the storylines (the Jim and Oscar stuff were not even attempting humour).

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So maybe I'm half a decade behind the rest of the world. Been watching The Sopranos for the first time at Sky Atlantic pace for the last year or so. Just watched the penultimate episode. Actually got a chill from watching that. I'll be a total nervous wreck watching the last one next week. The start of Boardwalk Empire season 3 is the only consolation I have for this. What a brilliant piece of television The Sopranos has been though.


On a similar note, I've somehow only just discovered Peep Show and am currently working my way through my pal's DVD. Amazing stuff.

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