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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Good Cop was great. What I liked about the performance of Graham and his crew was that there was nothing redeeming about them. Even the most brutal villains can sometimes stir mixed loyalties in a Tony Montana/De Niro in Heat kind of way, but Graham and the writers made his character into such an oily, thoroughly dislikable cunt without turning into a pantomime villain or detracting from the charisma of the performance.

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Just watched A Touch Of Cloth. The jokes were pretty formulaic but still managed to raise a laugh. On another note, from the adverts I could've sworn that it was James Nesbitt playing the lead. Sorry, John Hannah. :(


Caught up with this last night. As you say, a few things in there that raised a laugh.


As comedy police procedurals about a mid-life crisis murder squad DI with personal demons paired with a fast-rising young female partner go, however, it wasn't a patch on Vexed.

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Stephen Graham's not that menacing in Snatch. I want to watch that thing he was in with Sean Bean the other week. My idiot brother-in-law had a funny drunken rant about it. Being working-class and learning disabled, he was very offended that Bean -- a bloke he'd previously have had in his "firm" if he was making a British film -- was dressing up like a faggot. His favourite on Big Brother is Julian Clary, so it's not blanket hatred of gays, I think it was that Sean Bean pulled the wool over his eyes by not being queer in other things.


I watched a wee bit of the Sean Bean transvestite thing you're talking about. I turned it off just before Stephen Graham's character went into the flat with him. I was expecting Graham to batter him in a very sadistic way inside. I wasn't in the mood to watch that, that night.


I agree with what you're saying Magnum. In Heat De Niro's crew are cool as fuck, sort of like the cool heel ala Austin. Stephen Graham and his mob in Good Cop are like 1991 Jake the Snake. Utterly vile.

Edited by BiffingtonClyro
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Just watched A Touch Of Cloth. The jokes were pretty formulaic but still managed to raise a laugh. On another note, from the adverts I could've sworn that it was James Nesbitt playing the lead. Sorry, John Hannah. :(


Caught up with this last night. As you say, a few things in there that raised a laugh.


As comedy police procedurals about a mid-life crisis murder squad DI with personal demons paired with a fast-rising young female partner go, however, it wasn't a patch on Vexed.


Yes, I love this programme. Toby Stephens is such a phenomenal comedic actor. He can say one simple word and make it ludicrously funny. His new partner Georgie is terrific as well. It's been a while since I watched the first series, but I think this series may be better than that. I've heard ratings wise it's not doing too well, so I would imagine that might go against it getting a third series.

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Been getting back into The Office lately, only have the first four seasons on dvd but got fed up waiting for season 5 to come down in price so decided to watch online. In the last couple of weeks I've not only worked my way through season 5 but also 6 and I have the last couple of episodes of 7 to watch tonight. Gonna crack on to 8 tomorrow and then I will be caught up for the start of 9 in a couple of weeks. I can see where the decline started with the show but have still got some laughs out of it

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Just watched that first ep of Accused. Really good performances from Sean Bean and Stephen Graham. Thought the writing was a bit hit and miss but on the whole, a dead good bit of telly. I'll watch Good Cop tonight as well perhaps.


Is there a new series of Accused? Have to take a look


The first series had a great cast, I thought.

Edited by ukfan11
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Just watched the mid-season finale of Breaking Bad:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

What an episode. I didn't think anything would top the scene with Mike's imprisoned guys being killed off, but that ending - Holy shit. I thought it was a tad daft that Walt would leave evidence like that about, and it could be argued that a scrawl at the front of a book is easily forgettable, but it didn't make the ending any less awesome. I can't bloody wait for next year.


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SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read


The prison scene was absolutely brutal, particularly the full-nelson stabbing of the lawyer. That ending though was immense, and I really can't wait to see where they go with it. How will Hank manage to pin this on Walter now that Walter is "out" and pretty much everyone involved is dead. I think the finale will end with either Walt, Hank or both dying.

SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I found the whole prison scene unintentionally hilarious. The "just to make sure" nature of the guy being stabbed in the chest and then the neck, followed by being thrown over a safety railing was brilliant.


I've tried to tell myself that they wouldn't kill off Hank, what with him mainly being the all smiling, happy-go-lucky good guy. Then I remember what show I'm watching.


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I've started watching Star Trek: TNG on Netflix again. The first two series weren't all that good, were they? It gets much better around series 4, I think.


Jonathan Frakes was such a shit actor, too.

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Watched A Touch of Cloth. It was right up my ally (meta gags, Airplane-like humour, a hint of satire), but the first half was miles better than the second, where sometimes it got a bit lazy and contrived in a flat-out bad way ("She was killed in Coldblood... Coldblood was the name of the town.").


Overall, though, good fun.

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Watched the first episode of Good Cop. It's good, and I'm hooked, but the plot holes are a bit massive.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

What are the odds of the police really having "nobody available" to watch a house where a copper's had his head caved in? And there's no way Stephen Graham would've gone back to the house that night.


[close spoiler]

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