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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Just started watching Breaking Bad seeing as Mad Men is finished for now. Fucking hell, what a good show. Just finished episode 3, and the scene with the plate and following result of that is just one of the most well acted scenes I've watched.

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If you didn't watch the two documentaries Nina Conti made for BBC4 in the past week you really missed out on some incredible television. The 1st one in particular was breathtakingly good.


iPlayer that shit, yo.

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Thanks to Netflix, watched the first series of Pete VS Life in one late-night sitting. I don't like the gimmick of the show with the two commentators as that aspect is quite forced and it doesn't really do anything new with the 'guy does things at the start of the episode that will come back to haunt him by the end' but I like Rafe Spall and some of the writing is decent. I get the feeling the show didn't make much of a splash though?

Nah, it's been canned. Pity because it was a good show. i liked the commentating. They didn't add a whole lot but there was some occasional with from them. i haven't seen the first series, only the second which is really good. Spall is great and the cast is pretty strong overall. Don't think it had a whole lot of life left in it even if they hadn't ended it.


I think it was let down by being a bit rubbish, which was annoying because there was a lot there that was good, but something just didn't click. It might have been down to the supporting characters being really underbaked and badly-acted, but it could be a case of the creators just not figuring out how to pull the concept off entirely. I watched every episode and thought they were alright, but I felt they could've been so much better.


I remember watching this when it first appeared, and it was another one that for me fell under the umbrella of easy, inoffensive watching that would inevitably get a bit trite and irritating after a while. However, I'm not really a fan of Rafe Spall - I find his acting a bit samey, which on the surface of it might seem a bit ironic given his turn as a psychotic gangster in The Shadow Line. For me though, perhaps because I saw Pete vs Life first, I could never begin to take him seriously as a murderous hard man - it seemed to me like his 'I'm losing my patience with you and about to go a bit mental' voice in The Shadow Line was exactly the same as his 'Pete tries desperately and unsuccessfully to bluff his way out of an awkward situation with a woman/employer' voice.

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I've watched Series 1 of Desmonds on 4OD. I saw sporadic episodes as a kid watching with my Grandad and remembered liking it. No idea what started me watching it again. It's as good as I remembered. It's cruel and bigoted in places but has great warmth. Desmond and Pork Pie are like Alf Garnett in some ways in that they're probably dislikeable if you think about it but yet you do really like them.

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I've watched Series 1 of Desmonds on 4OD. I saw sporadic episodes as a kid watching with my Grandad and remembered liking it. No idea what started me watching it again. It's as good as I remembered. It's cruel and bigoted in places but has great warmth. Desmond and Pork Pie are like Alf Garnett in some ways in that they're probably dislikeable if you think about it but yet you do really like them.


My parents worked with the guy who wrote Desmonds. Going to watch some eps now that you mentioned it, still remember watching it as a kid here and there.


With no Mad Men and GOT to watch now, and all the NBC comedy finished, I'm without something on retainer to watch till Breaking Bad in July. Thinking of getting into Justified. Worth it?

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Halfway through Heroes season three. Fuck me, it's bad. I've been fast-forwarding quite a bit of it as I can't stand most of the characters but I'm determined to see it through because I hear once it comes off the rails it simply refuses to stop. My plan of skipping every single scene with Greg Grunberg in it has been cut short because they fucking paired him up with Brea Grant, who is aesthetically pleasing even if her character is as wretched as everyone else (the reveal of her on crutches was fucking hysterical). How goes Greg Grunberg get work? He is the most awkward, creepy, rotten-looking cunt I've ever seen get taken seriously in a major American TV show. I hate his face. I fucking loathe it.


Other thoughts:


- Sylar is the worst. In season one there was some nice mystery to him and I genuinely thought Zachary Quinto was fun to watch but now I wish he never had a career. He's also had more heel/face turns than Big Show at this point, and he only started to turn babyface for the first time IN THIS FUCKING SEASON AND I'M ONLY 13 EPISODES IN.


- Milo Ventiglimia cannot act. At all. Scrunching up your face does not equal emotion.


- I can't tell if it's wrong to want to fuck Hayden Panetierre or not. She's got some weird almost-dwarfism thing going on.


- The guy playing Mohinder might be a worse actor than Milo.


- There's literally no suspense in this show because every single time a major character appears to die, they're alive in the next scene. As such, every other character might as well have a ticking clock over their head because heaven forbid they kill off one of the principal cast.


- With that in mind, was pretty sad to see Marlo from The Wire go out like such a bitch. His character sucked though. LIKE ALL OF THE OTHERS.


[Larry David]Can't go on. Must go on. Can't go on.[/Larry David]

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Greg Grunberg is a lucky cunt, that's the problem. He's mates with JJ Abrams from childhood, so Abrams tries to shoehorn him into everything. He's even got a brief part as the pilot in Lost, and I'm sure Abrams had something to do with his presence in Heroes.

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- I can't tell if it's wrong to want to fuck Hayden Panetierre or not. She's got some weird almost-dwarfism thing going on.


- The guy playing Mohinder might be a worse actor than Milo.



Hayden Panetierre has a whole host of rumours about her going on, including numerous 'blind' items (including this one) and part of some elaborate Hollywood black book thing.


Mohinder is wooden as owt in the first episode of Ultimate Force. Oh, your brother has died... No emotion whatsoever :/

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- I can't tell if it's wrong to want to fuck Hayden Panetierre or not. She's got some weird almost-dwarfism thing going on.


- The guy playing Mohinder might be a worse actor than Milo.



Hayden Panetierre has a whole host of rumours about her going on, including numerous 'blind' items (including this one) and part of some elaborate Hollywood black book thing.


Mohinder is wooden as owt in the first episode of Ultimate Force. Oh, your brother has died... No emotion whatsoever :/


Can you link/elaborate more on those rumours?

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Can you link/elaborate more on those rumours?


I linked a blind item there, search for Hiiiiim or Enty iirc. There is apparently some god awful 'book' whereby Hayden gets featured regularly. It's probably all bollocks but hey ho

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I just read the entry (What are these blinds?) and that hiiiim entry's. I got confused in the end but this is what seemingly wasn being put across (Sounds more like a weirdos fantasy..)


- Her dad battered her mom and abused Hayden whilst her mom knew.

- Young brother Klitch broke up with her because he thought he would kill her.

- She likes getting dominated in the bedroom ;)

- She was offering herself to producers

- She brought mates around to her parents house and had orgys which her dad filmed.Got confused around this point.A book got brought up by a famous British women hooker. Also something about a women and a guy who used to run Barclays who are real seedy.

Edited by Fox Piss
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I just read the entry (What are these blinds?) and that hiiiim entry's. I got confused in the end but this is what seemingly wasn being put across (Sounds more like a weirdos fantasy..)


- Her dad battered her mom and abused Hayden whilst her mom knew.

- Young brother Klitch broke up with her because he thought he would kill her.

- She likes getting dominated in the bedroom ;)

- She was offering herself to producers

- She brought mates around to her parents house and had orgys which her dad filmed.Got confused around this point.A book got brought up by a famous British women hooker. Also something about a women and a guy who used to run Barclays who are real seedy.


Basically Blinds are either celeb gossip, utterly crap or supposedly leaked by industry insiders. There was a thing a few months ago when Robert Downey Junior had to deny he was an 'insider' in a press release because all things pointed towards him. Whether it's bollocks or not some of the stuff that they come out with ranges from the bizarre to the downright mindblowing

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So, with Star Trek, are Next Gen/DSN etc. accessible on their own or do you have to watch the original series to have a clue what's going on..?


Same question, but with the feature films too...


You can watch TNG and DS9 separately without having seen anything else. I did and I hate the original series and everything else they did. DS9, in particular, was fantastic at times.

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