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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Genuinely, Cryer is like a fucking temporal blip - he has caused me to travel mentally through time and reassess any project he has been involved with, in light of his shit spread on top of the twat bagel of Two and a Half Unbearable Cunts.



I thought he was a dickhead before, but if he's got you questioning Back to the Future then that's really unforgivable..



As to the rest of the conversation about all sitcoms being shit and being a dying trend - utter bollocks. There's just shitloads of choice and we get more of the US ones than we used to. There's always been a multitude of appaling sitcoms made in the US and we generally only got the best. Nowadays cable channels here will buy any old shite to fill TV time. There's still plenty of good shows too.


In that case Chest can you recommend some to look out for? I don't think we've had a good sitcom over here for a while though.

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I've been watching The Big Bang Theory recently, I think it goes well with "How I Met Your Mother" and "Two And A Half Men" under the "extremely popular comedy shows which are extremely fucking shit" umbrella.


Absolutely. I'm completely baffled by how popular they all are. They are all completely terrible. It's quite sad just how far the US network sitcom has fallen since the 90s, actually. At one time you had Friends, Frasier, Seinfeld and Roseanne crossing over.


Sitcoms have felt like a dying trend in the US since the late 90's. The four camera comedy just seems to die on it's arse now. In fact over here it's a pretty similar thing. Shame really, We all love a good studio audience sitcom.


EDIT: I think I've only seen two episodes of Two and a half Men and yes, it was fucking awful. In addition I hate seeing a show slowly losing it's way. Scrubs for example IMO had three really good seasons then it slowly started dying and it was sad to watch as it wasn't a bad show. Then it became an unbearable show.


I felt sad that way about Scrubs too - for those first few seasons, I really enjoyed it. Started to collect the DVDs, and watched later seasons on TV. Then, I just stopped liking it, and now, I can't bear to watch it at all.


30 Rock teeters on the edge of that these days, too.

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Finished the 4400 last night. A very underwhelming finale from a mildly interesting TV show. I don't know how much they knew of the cancellation but they could have done more in the final season to wrap things up better.


Might start Jericho now. Is it any good? Only 2 seasons so I'm not holding out much hope.

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Chest's right, for every turdlike Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory there's a 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and Community. And let's not forget we get new Arrested Development next year.


He's right but the first ones mentioned are all studio sitcoms in 'live studio audience' vein, whereas the others are better shows but are filmed differently. My point was there hasn't really been a culture changing (like Friends or Seinfeld) type sitcom in the live audience style.


By the way, is anyone a fan of Cheers. That might be my favorite 'nothing's on but this will kill a half hour' show when it was shown on Paramount Comedy.

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As to the rest of the conversation about all sitcoms being shit and being a dying trend - utter bollocks.


I don't think anyone said that, though, did they? My point was that the network and more mainstream ones are, comparatively terrible, considering what we had 15 years ago.

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Fuck a live studio audience. Who needs 'em?


You are right on this point. It seems as if time has just passed really for this type of audience sitcom. Red Dwarf as mentioned is back to using a live audience but time will tell if that actually works. It's a more a case of 'Who needs 'em now' than who needs them. Many sitcoms would have not had that extra touch had it not been the addition of an audience. There would just be something lost on them somewhat. Timing etc.

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People who are complaining about The Big Bang Theory being rubbish are way off the mark. It's an inoffensive, harmless mainstream sitcom that at least comes up with new scenarios for its non-stock set of characters.


If you compare it to other mainstream US comedies like Everybody Loves Raymond, or According To Jim, it looks like a Rembrandt.

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People who are complaining about The Big Bang Theory being rubbish are way off the mark. It's an inoffensive, harmless mainstream sitcom that at least comes up with new scenarios for its non-stock set of characters.


If you compare it to other mainstream US comedies like Everybody Loves Raymond, or According To Jim, it looks like a Rembrandt.


Raymond pisses all over Big Bang Theory. Raymond is how you do a totally mainstream sitcom - bland as shite center, and some awesome character actors around them. Let's forget his terrible, terrible, nasty wife, though.

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You disgust me.


Raymond.. is just an awful awful show. Every episode is exactly the same, it's like being caught in some horrible timewarp. The parents are grouchy (omfg), the brother is tall (lollercaust), his wife is slightly too good for him (pwsome). It feels like it's been autowritten by some giant semi-computerised US sitcom machine that was accidentally left on for 9 years in a basement somewhere. When you consider it took over from Seinfeld as the biggest comedy ratings draw, it says something about what happened to America during the last 10/15 years.


At the very least, if nothing else, Penny is fit as fuck in Big Bang. As she was in 7 Simple Rules.

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Well, of course she's better than Britta. Britta is awful. It's a funny show, but none of the women in it do anything for me.


Not digging Britta's "me so hungee" routine? Gets me everytime. Especially in the skin-tight outfit she wore in the Xmas ep last year.

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