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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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This week's Eastbound and Down was incredible.


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"Pubic play?"


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"No good lugging a lot of hate around...It will give you ass cancer."


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Although last weeks episode with the requiem for a dream dildo reference and "with a name like Spurgeon, you know he gets pussy" were also absolutely hilarious.


I was a little disappointed with the second season, this one has been really strong though.

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Anyone who skips episodes - let alone full seasons - of narrative TV shows is a freak who doesn't deserve TV. Just power through it, bitches. This isn't the week-by-week dark ages, it's box sets and torrents and "Oh hey this is 10x better now that I know the characters and get all the in-jokes because I watched from the start like a big boy!"


Some people still haven't got time to 'power through' a series that may or may not be shite. I hardly watch any TV as it is because I don't have the time for it, so I don't particularly want to waste it.

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See in the time it took you to write that post you could have got half way to becoming a Master of Karate and Friendship for Ev-er-y-one


I suppose ambiguous referencing won't sell it but Sunny definitely does improve with further series. The fact that I'm struggling to remember early episodes suggests they weren't that good but must have been worthy to continue.


Like someone has said it kind of poses itself as a modern Seinfeld with the incredibly selfish characters each happily fucking each other over (with the perhaps honourable exception of Charlie), and that oddly almost being the thing that keeps them together. The humour can be incredibly dark not just lol offensive Frankie Boyle dark, but creepy in the way it looks at their reasoning justifications for doing some fucking abysmal shit and how they are so unphased by it all. Like most sitcoms though it's just the quirks/delusions of each of the characters that will raise the most laughs as/if you progress. In conclusions- stick with it- you get to see Roddy Piper.

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Still struggling through S4 of True Blood, how the mighty has fallen. Probably hop off the train at the end of the series unless things drastically improve. Homeland is watchable fare, liking the overall premise but some of it can be a bit of a chore. Luck has been rather excellent and it probably would have become a stormer had they managed to keep them horses alive but alas. S1 of Friday Night Lights is as good as I remembered and I'm glad to have the chance to see the rest of the show. Game of Thrones and Dexter starting up within the week on UK TV so there's more than enough to be getting on with.

Edited by Pegasus Kid
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Anyone who skips episodes - let alone full seasons - of narrative TV shows is a freak who doesn't deserve TV. Just power through it, bitches. This isn't the week-by-week dark ages, it's box sets and torrents and "Oh hey this is 10x better now that I know the characters and get all the in-jokes because I watched from the start like a big boy!"


This would be fine if people stopped making shows that I wanted to watch. If we could just stop TV for a couple of years I might catch up. As it is in between <super internet bragging at how full and excellent my life is> I have to accept that I will most likely never have time to watch seasons 2-7 of Desperate Housewives. I'm not happy about it, but it's that or not teaching my kids how to read.


...that'd be not having time to teach them to read, rather than teaching them to not read. That would just be ridiculous.


Desperate Housewives?


Yeah, you can probably skip that whole thing.

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Finally got round to watching Community. Glad I did, it's bloody hilarious.


Enjoy it while you can, but don't get over-excited. Barring some still-glorious moments, it falls off a cliff towards the end of Season Two, and doesn't seem to be recovering long into Season Three. An almost flawless first season though.


Just finished watching Season 2 and I didn't notice that massive of a dip in quality. Some of the storylines were a bit over the top but I don't think it detracted too much.


Pierce's transformation into a full-blown supervillain throughout Season 2 is probably my favourite part as a whole of the entire show. The Dungeons and Dragons episode was completely made just by him being a complete dickhead.


My favourite episode overall though is still Modern Warfare from Season 1. Just so many references to so many of my favourite films, I wept a single tear.

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Community is next on my comedy list I think. I've asked a few people to recommend me something in the same mould as 30 Rock, Arrested Development and Parks and Recreation and that seems to be the one most commonly coming up. Glad there's a few fans on here too.

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I liked Season 1 of Community but I hated season 2, couldn't make it through the whole season, it seemed to lose all subtlety. I'm used to sitcoms gradually getting worse and more over the top but to me it seemed like community went from great to shit almost instantly, SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

once other people wanted to be in their group it seemed more cliquey, I hated it, it stopped them from being a band of loveable misfits and into quasi college celebrities and don't get me started on the love triangles and shit, holy fuck it went downhill

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i really enjoyed season 2. the halloween, christmas and D and D episodes were great. the paintball 2 parter is fun but fizzles out and could never really top 'modern warfare' anyway.


season 3 had a good start remedial chaos theory, the dean pelton episode and the christmas glee pisstake was the best of the bunch. admittedly the two since it's come back are nowhere near the show's strongest (and shown out of order as well) but the upcoming two-parter looks great. big bang theory's back in the US tomorrow so the show's going to get mullered in the ratings. the first ep since they came back was the highest for a while but fell on the second week but was still the highest rated show on NBC and signs look good for a fourth season. which i hope it gets at least as that would be what jeff needs to get his new degree.


cant believe i forgot 'Inspector Spacetime' bloody brilliant

Edited by iamtheman
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I liked Season 1 of Community but I hated season 2, couldn't make it through the whole season, it seemed to lose all subtlety. I'm used to sitcoms gradually getting worse and more over the top but to me it seemed like community went from great to shit almost instantly, SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

once other people wanted to be in their group it seemed more cliquey, I hated it, it stopped them from being a band of loveable misfits and into quasi college celebrities and don't get me started on the love triangles and shit, holy fuck it went downhill


You must have hated the last episode. I thought, after watching it, that Harmon was making a point perhaps of NBC trying to interfere with the show and make it more accessible with all those graphics he included. Also no return of the Clooney impersonator from S2 :(


I'm really surprised that S2 is getting a bit of a rough deal. I thought it was pretty consistently good to fantastic that season. The "fake" clip show was a revelation with so monay different types of comedy thrown together, it was a joy to watch. Also really enjoyed the mockumentary episode in the hospital. I love how Britta has evolved and gone from being the boring, activist love interest to Jeff, to being such an un-cool doofus.

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