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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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You're not the only one, I honestly didn't realise until my wife pointed it out. A couple of others on here the same. I don't mean my wife pointed it out to them as well, that would be suspicious.

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Come on guys, Jesse J? Really? Is this some sort of unconventional fetish gone wrong?! She's manky! Not particularly attractive (though not ugly), horrible trap on her and annoying as fuck with her ADHD-like habits. And too skinny.


Holly looked alright tonight, but something I never noticed before- does she have a dodgy eye?

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She's not somebody i rate normally and she does looking minging in the majority of her videos but tonight for the 20mins i watched she looked good.


Holly just look boring to me. Not that attractive at all.

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The Voice is terrible. Awful. Rubbish. Poo.


The guy who gave his guitar a run in the 'made entirely of wood' stakes did absolutely terrible things to a song that wasn't good in the first place. And, then, just to compound the fact that he was in no way a 'rock' singer, he preceded to make terrible excuses, show an awful lot of manners and generally just look like a meek muppet.


The shows marketing department is full of shit, too.


The 'it's all about the voice' thing collapsed within seconds of the first show, when we realised the contestants were 'invited' to appear so, as such, cynical TV folk just hired a bunch of attractive sub-X Factor style singers (but, not those endearing types who may never have had a chance to sing professionally. Instead, we got lumbered with failed stage school retards, old cruise ship hacks and members of bands that were once quite famous pretending to be hard done by) and the odd person with a syndrome. And, the 'we don't have sob stories' was nonsense because those with a syndrome got to cry about their syndrome before they sang. And, some of them had dead relatives. And, a singer from the boyband Five tried to make the fact that his 15 minutes of fame was over into a sob story too.


Anything else...?


Oh, yeah, we were told with some authority that this show wasn't about the judges. Yet, an unreasonably large portion of each show is dedicated to judges bickering, fawning over each other or just name dropping all the bands they've produced/sang with/fellatio'd.


It's okay, though. The redeeming feature of this particular steaming turd is that, at the end of such unimaginable torture, we wouldn't get the theatrical nonsense of the X Factor. Instead, in its place we'd get the cream of the UK vocal crop.


Or, that's what we were told.


Instead, we got theatrical nonsense. Backing dancers over playing their hand, judges crying and, perhaps worst of all, singers who weren't very good.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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The 'it's all about the voice' thing collapsed within seconds of the first show, when we realised the contestants were 'invited' to appear so, as such, cynical TV folk just hired a bunch of attractive sub-X Factor style singers (but, not those endearing types who may never have had a chance to sing professionally. Instead, we got lumbered with failed stage school retards, old cruise ship hacks and members of bands that were once quite famous pretending to be hard done by) and the odd person with a syndrome. And, the 'we don't have sob stories' was nonsense because those with a syndrome got to cry about their syndrome before they sang. And, some of them had dead relatives. And, a singer from the boyband Five tried to make the fact that his 15 minutes of fame was over into a sob story

Totes this. After the initial few weeks deciding on their talent, it quickly became the one thing it was supposed to not be- X Factor. Image played a pivotal role and the sob story, ballad-music infested video packages appeared in hordes. Shame, really. Still much less cunty than X Factor, no doubt due to the more tolerable judges (Jesse J aside) and also because the crowd aren't made up entirely of teenage girls that boo the slightest bit of constructive criticism from the judges.

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Anyone watching The Bridge at the moment? I'm getting quite into it. Admittedly I'm one of those wankers who likes watching Scandinavian crime thrillers on the goggle box but the realtionship between the two leads in good fun and the theme music is awesome. And Sweden and Denmark always film well.


Its only redeeming feature, and the one thing stopping me from (trying) to put my foot down with the missus and turning it off, is that Will.I.Am seems like the nicest bloke on earth...


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The last couple of episodes of The Office have been great with some proper laugh out loud moments.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Dwight's erection comments in last week's episode were superb, as was the entire impotence meeting.


[close spoiler]

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Anyone watching The Bridge at the moment? I'm getting quite into it. Admittedly I'm one of those wankers who likes watching Scandinavian crime thrillers on the goggle box but the realtionship between the two leads in good fun and the theme music is awesome. And Sweden and Denmark always film well.


I don't think there's any doubt about it, the Europeans make the best crime TV in the world these days - I'm watching The Bridge, and am massively looking forward to the return of Braquo tonight on FX too. You can tell The Bridge is partially filmed in Sweden, because I haven't seen a single actor from The Killing/Borgen/Those Who Kill.


On the slim offchance that there's anyone on this forum who knows about such things, has Scandinavian crime TV always been this good? Are there any other examples I should be tracking down that haven't appeared on our screens yet?

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Anyone watching The Bridge at the moment? I'm getting quite into it. Admittedly I'm one of those wankers who likes watching Scandinavian crime thrillers on the goggle box but the realtionship between the two leads in good fun and the theme music is awesome. And Sweden and Denmark always film well.


I don't think there's any doubt about it, the Europeans make the best crime TV in the world these days - I'm watching The Bridge, and am massively looking forward to the return of Braquo tonight on FX too. You can tell The Bridge is partially filmed in Sweden, because I haven't seen a single actor from The Killing/Borgen/Those Who Kill.


On the slim offchance that there's anyone on this forum who knows about such things, has Scandinavian crime TV always been this good? Are there any other examples I should be tracking down that haven't appeared on our screens yet?


I quite enjoyed the Wallander movies from the 90s, although they're quite different you I should imagine you've already seen them.


I'm actually surprised someone hasn't done something similar to The Bridge in concept but set around trouble in Ireland/Great Britain. Maybe it wouldn't go so well.

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The last couple of episodes of The Office have been great with some proper laugh out loud moments.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Dwight's erection comments in last week's episode were superb, as was the entire impotence meeting.


[close spoiler]



SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I loved Andy slightly tripping to get out of Nelly's office before Nelly counted down to 0.


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