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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I saw The League get mentioned earlier and even though i did stop watching near the start of season 3 (I don't no why.) It's well worth a watch from the start.


You don't need any knowledge of NFL it's basically just American "Lads" taking the piss out of each other and trying to win this league each season for bragging rights.


Rafi is the man though.

Edited by Fox Piss
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I saw The League get mentioned earlier and even though i did stop watching near the start of season 3 (I don't no why.) It's well worth a watch from the start.


You don't need any knowledge of NFL it's basically just American "Lads" taking the piss out of each other and trying to win this league each season for bragging rights.


Rafi is the man though.


Me too. I love Fantasy Football,but 2 seasons was enough.


A good watch,but not compelling enough to keep me hooked.

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Community gets much better back half season one onwards. I enjoyed it at first but it's fairly standard sitcom - as time goes on they clearly realise that they've got a brilliant ensemble and use everyone more rather than the Jeff pursuing Britta story. Also once they start pushing away from conventional storylines (from last few episodes of season one) it starts to really become the show everyone is raving about now - they do more concept episodes and really play around with the sitcom format

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So, I posted this elsewhere but its also an accurate summary of my thoughts on Britain's Got Talent;


I fucking despise pretentious fucks who say 'I don't think I could do a normal 9 - 5, I'm just not built for it. It's not for me.'


Yeah, you're right. Now, let me sum up the world for you; the rest of us schlubs fucking love loading vans, or sitting at checkouts or at computer screens and your oh so twatting unique desire to not work does set you apart and mean that you are destined for greatness.


Fucking twats.


I actually like the show. But, there's always some twat with an acoustic guitar and a pair of canvas trainers (or Cornrows and colour co-ordinated tracksuit and Nike's) who thinks he's the only cunt in the world to play an instrument. (Or spin on his head)

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Been watching a lot of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia recently. Only just been turned on to it, but it perfectly fills the void left by Trailer Park Boys for me. Danny DeVito is absolutely outstanding.

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I've decided to stick with it and just watched the second episode - awful and really forced edginess. Except the bit with the doll which almost raised a chuckle.


So, basically the writers pick something 'controversial' every week and decide to base an episode around it, yes?

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I've decided to stick with it and just watched the second episode - awful and really forced edginess. Except the bit with the doll which almost raised a chuckle.


So, basically the writers pick something 'controversial' every week and decide to base an episode around it, yes?


Yeah that's pretty much the gist of it. I was really not interested at first and had a similar viewpoint, but caught a couple of the later seasons episodes with Danny DeVito and found the humor got a lot smarter. In fact I don't even think I watched the first series in full.

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The S2 finale confirms it - Starz's Spartacus is as good as The Wire. From this point, people need to also be talking about Spartacus when they're throwing The Wire out there as the example of the pinnacle that's been reached on television.


Was just coming to post a similar thing, the season finale was incredible. They've gotten so good at combining these huge badass moments with great character work and then brilliant yet logical twists. The way certain themes (such as vengeance this year) ran through every characters motivations and actions is simply great storytelling.

Vague spoilers (no character names mentioned):

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

They killed off half the friggin' cast and yet every death meant something to the story - some were cathartic finishes to character's arcs and some more surprising to raise stakes and so on. Add to that a brilliant and shocking twist that turned one character's actions the entire season on its head yet made perfect sense too


[close spoiler]


I was buzzing after that episode, just blown away and completely satisfied with how they'd ended this 'chapter'. I'd put the finale and the arena episode above almost anything else that's been done so far this year on television. It's such a shame that due to the (very very) poor start to the show and it's over the top nature (which does fit in with the point of the show - the abuse of the slaves and the decadent nature of roman life leading to the rebellion) so many people write it off.

Edited by organizedkaos
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It's such a shame that due to the (very very) poor start to the show and it's over the top nature (which does fit in with the point of the show - the abuse of the slaves and the decadent nature of roman life leading to the rebellion) so many people write it off.


Yeah, that's going to be the trouble with getting people to take notice of how incredible this show is. Renters or downloaders, or even people having a lend of the box sets, will have to put a lot of trust in the fact that it suddenly becomes amazing in episode four, because the first three - trashily watchable as they are - are pretty awful, and I can see a lot of people bowing out before then. The jump in quality from the fourth episode onwards is astonishing.

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so whats the deal with Spartacus? what season are you watching? Blood & Sand? Gods of the Arena? what's the difference?


It's all the same show, it's just subtitled like the volumes of a graphic novel.


Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Season 1

Spartacus: Gods of the Arena - A 6 episode prequel to S1 when the lead actor (who eventually died) became too ill to film

Spartacus: Vengeance - Season 2

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so whats the deal with Spartacus? what season are you watching? Blood & Sand? Gods of the Arena? what's the difference?


It's all the same show, it's just subtitled like the volumes of a graphic novel.


Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Season 1

Spartacus: Gods of the Arena - A 6 episode prequel to S1 when the lead actor (who eventually died) became too ill to film

Spartacus: Vengeance - Season 2


And whilst the prequel is better than the start of S1 it's really best to watch in airing order as the prequel works much better knowing whats to come (they occasionally go a little too far with the 'ironic due to what happens next' behavior in the prequel). Whilst the start isn't good i'd still recommend watching it through (establishing characters and so on - the power hierarchies are very important to the plot) but then i'm a completest who hates to miss bits of a story even if they're balls. If you can just try and blitz the first 4-5 episodes (good for a lazy Sunday)

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