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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Probably a bit late to bring it up, but I'm watching the last series of Hustle. I've loved the show since Marc Warren days and will b sad to see it go, but thus far they've pulled out some bigger names and pretty good stories. Loved Eddie barring them all for defacing a picture of Ian Rush and the Johnson as a dodgy gold dealer.

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Earthflight is just one of the most breath-taking things I've ever seen on television.


I'm really hoping that, at the point that Digital Switchover happens in April, the Beeb will reshow that on BBC HD. I'm slavering at the mouth for my first HD Freeview signal, even though I don't care about BluRay much, as I've said before. I'm a strange person and no mistake.

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Probably a bit late to bring it up, but I'm watching the last series of Hustle. I've loved the show since Marc Warren days and will b sad to see it go, but thus far they've pulled out some bigger names and pretty good stories. Loved Eddie barring them all for defacing a picture of Ian Rush and the Johnson as a dodgy gold dealer.

Watch Mad Dogs- Marc Warren is great in that. As is Ben Chaplin, Max Beesley and unsurprisingly John Simm and Philip Glennister.

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Did anyone watch We'll Take Manhattan? Just wondering if it was any good before I decide whether to download it or not.


I enjoyed it, the lad playing David Bailey was superb and just as you'd imagine Bailey being around that time, I remember seeing a preview of it in the paper and they said Karen Gillan didn't have much to do other than stand there being pretty which was a bit harsh as she does have some good scenes


Overall, it was nothing groundbreaking but it wasn't supposed to be so I'd say it's definitely worth a watch

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Caught the first 3 episodes of Game of Thrones yesterday, and while it's enjoyable I'm struggling to find why everybody raves about it. There's just so much going on and cutting between bits that it's a chore to keep up.


Also spoilers -


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I read ahead to see if anything really good happened in the rest of the season (I wasn't enjoying it enough to be bothered by spoiling it) and it just turns out that the majority of the interesting characters die. So I doubt I'll bother with the rest anyway.


[close spoiler]

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Did anyone watch We'll Take Manhattan? Just wondering if it was any good before I decide whether to download it or not.


I enjoyed it, the lad playing David Bailey was superb and just as you'd imagine Bailey being around that time, I remember seeing a preview of it in the paper and they said Karen Gillan didn't have much to do other than stand there being pretty which was a bit harsh as she does have some good scenes


Overall, it was nothing groundbreaking but it wasn't supposed to be so I'd say it's definitely worth a watch


Cheers. I would probably have watched it anyway for the chance to see the Gillan in something that wasn't Doctor Who, but it's nice to have something else to watch it for.

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I've been watching that Dance thing on Sky. I have no idea why that awesome tap dance guy didnt get through, he was wicked, and even the boy who was doing the modern dance was good (he made my daughter dance and then clap when he finished).


And how did those weirdy lizard looking people who were jumping in to a massive fabric vajayjay managed to get to the final. I hope that they trip on one of the fabric flaps in the final. Frickin lizard people.

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Just saw an ad saying that Sky Atlantic will be broadcasting Friday Night Lights (I'm assuming all 5 seasons) from the beginning. Anyone who has not seen it, I highly recommend it. Don't be put off by the subject of American football as it is about so much more than that. Starts Tues 14th.


promo for it sends chills up my arm, such an underrated show. Edited by dharmabear
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Just saw an ad saying that Sky Atlantic will be broadcasting Friday Night Lights (I'm assuming all 5 seasons) from the beginning. Anyone who has not seen it, I highly recommend it. Don't be put off by the subject of American football as it is about so much more than that. Starts Tues 14th.


Seconded, I have absolutely zero interest in sport in general and had never bothered to watch FNL because of that. Finally decided to give it a shot and it rapidly became one of my favourite shows of all time. I'm hoping what with the emmy wins, Sky reshowing (showing for the first time?) it over here with some publicity and the gaining critical support that it'll be much like the Wire where it really gets the attention it deserved a few years after it ended.

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Is it one of the TV crimes of the century how Friday Night Lights didn't become huge?


I honestly would challenge people to find a better acted show. Kyle Chandler give Emmy winning material for 5 seasons. Then you have a group of young actor who nail each part on the head. I mean each character connects in someway or another.


The setting and how the series is shot is unique and makes you feel like you know Dillon Texas.


The story lines that run throughout are brilliant you get the odd shit storyline but for the most you get powerful/emotional and sometimes inspirational story lines that you don't find to often on TV or in Film.


A Pilot which is considered by some to be the greatest pilot of all time.


A great cast turn around.


Just up near the top of the greatest TV shows i ever seen.

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I'm warning my friends to stick with it despite some of the silliness of S2. Also I love how they gave it new life in S4 by focusing on new characters with intermittent appearances from those who left but in ways that made it feel authentic.


And surely Coach and Tami are one of the best onscreen couples in recent memory. In fact, I find it troubling to think they don't actually exist somewhere out there :(


I'll definitely be getting my friends on to this so I can finally talk to people in real life about it.

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I remember watching the awesome Billy Bob film and loving it. ...but I had no idea it was a TV show, despite me definitely being on Kyle Chandlers wiki page after Super 8... I'll def be watching it!


I hope it has some awesome Explosions in the Sky for the soundtrack.

Edited by Cobra1000
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