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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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If you count the old NWA territories as separate entities, there's an absolute shitload. Ric Flair was Ric Flair wherever he went, for example.


Hmm, I hadn't considered that, that's a good point. Let's exclude them and set a start date from around 1990 onwards.

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Since 1990 he's worked for every half-decent company in America (and quite a few shite ones too), as well as working in Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Austrailia, and the UK.


Never changed his name, never changed his look, and even more impressive - never changed the style.


I find that impressive because a lot of people would have changed whatever they had to in order to get a break in the big-time, but Sabu stubbornly spent his entire career basically telling promoters "take me as I am or I'm not interested". Some took a while, but they all brought him in eventually. :thumbsup:

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Have we got confirmation one way or the other whether tonight's Impact debut on Virgin1 is the show that aired last night on Spike (i.e. less than 24hr delay) or is it eight days old, and just another repeat of the show that has already aired on Bravo a few times?

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