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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Still? He never went. He's never left England after he was "signed" and then got into that spot of bother with the law the other year. A few promotions are putting him on their posters as a "WWE signee" yet until he's in Florida that all means naff all.


Ah... thanks for the info

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I enjoyed the Cena/Orton match on first watch, but it certainly doesn't stand up to repeated viewings. Undertaker/Punk is alright, even if it is a glorified squash, and the DX/Legacy one is a fun match. I also seem to recollect one of the non-Cell matches being really good, possibly the IC title match which always seemed to be good around this time or the US title match, but I might be getting that confused with the amazing US title match the year after.



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I don't think it was great. Undertaker and Punk had a pretty nothing match, and the other two main events were among the least memorable/exciting matches of the DX vs Legacy and Cena vs Orton feuds, I think.


Basically "not as good as Breaking Point" I think is the answer. And

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Clearing out the house, we've come across my sister's old copy of "Lita: A Less Travelled R.O.A.D." (she was a mahoossive Hardyz fan when the Big Three tag-teams were at their height), and she doesn't want it any more.


We're going to give all the other books we're getting rid of to a local bookshop for their second-hand section, but I just wanted to check with someone here first if the Lita book was worth anything first. Any ideas? I figure it's probably not worth much at all, but thought it best to verify, in case it does turn out I'm sitting on a rarity.

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His ex-wife was pretty sick, maybe he expected help there?


I genuinely can't see what sort of support he's after. Maybe he wanted to borrow the lawyers to stop the video of his daughter getting the high hard one going online?

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Has he wanted to plug his films and stuff on WWE TV? Sponsorship for MMA stuff?

This for sure. He's been persona non grata since he left. They never bring him up on TV. I dont think they use him much in terms of merchandise as well. For someone who was as close to a number two as there has ever been to Cena, he really doesn't get hyped by WWE at all. He's more on par with Goldberg when it comes to them putting him over.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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