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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Apparently 9.5 hours of it is televised each week. Seemingly all of that reaches YouTube.

That's bloody depressing. It's pretty shit nowadays so the extra tv makes no difference, whilst back in the days when it was fantastic, it only aired for one hour a week, taking in the Arena Mex semi and main only. All us lucha fans were praying for more tv in those days. Even when it went to 2hrs in total, it was still always the same group you saw because it just showed the top 2 from both Arena Mex and Coliseo, so there' was an absolute tonne of stuff you were missing out on.


9.5 hours of CMLL tv in the first half of 00's would've been wrestling heaven for me. The promotion and roster was so good back then.

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Somebody called? There's probably never been a better time to follow AAA in terms of content being avilable. And you're getting in right when things should start kicking off in the build up to TripleMania, the biggest show of the year.


What week would you recommend I start watching from to get the full build-up? Have some of the fueds started yet?

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Isn't it on at an obscene time at night, though? Every time I've saw a New Japan show, all the fans look really tired.


I think it starts at 2.30.

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Did WCW ever run with a 4 man announce team. I'm watching vintage collection with Steve Regal vs Ultimo Dragon and what sounds like Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes and The brain are all on commentary don't know if this just for the one match or did they run with this more often. The match is from Slamboree 97

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I really enjoyed the 6-man commentary from Survivor Series 07, during the inter-brand 10-man match. I think it had JR, King, Cole, JBL, Styles and Tazz all chipping in. It should have been a mess, but they were surprisingly able to keep themselves from stepping over each other's words.


I know that has no relevance to your question, but it felt like as good a time as any other to mention it.

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Somebody called? There's probably never been a better time to follow AAA in terms of content being avilable. And you're getting in right when things should start kicking off in the build up to TripleMania, the biggest show of the year.


What week would you recommend I start watching from to get the full build-up? Have some of the fueds started yet?


I guess starting from the Night of Champions makes the most sense. Unless you want to go all the way back to the start of the year and watches Reyes de Reyes. But that'd be a hell of a lot of catching up to do.


Now to the AAA storylines and characters. This'll be fun. Well, probably not, but it'll be damn sure informative.


This man is your World Heavyweight Champion:




His name is El Mesias. He came back once from being thrown in a volcano. I'm not making that up. He's so important that the biggest show of the year (TripleMania) has been put back because he's a bit poorly. That's because this man...




(Perro Aguayo Jr) hurt his arm. Which is way harder to recover from than death. Perro Aguayo Jr has also come back from cancer. Well, he hasn't, but it puts a few bums in seats. Perro is the leader of this gang...




Perros Del Mal. That's not an accurate picture of them since they seem to get different members all the bloody time. The important ones, I suppose, are Hector Garza, who has the cool facial hair (he jumped from CMLL while being their champion), and Psicosis, who isn't in the picture. More on Psicosis later. PDM (as their name is sometimes abbreviated to) are a part of La Sociedad. This is the premier rudo group in AAA led by this chap...




Barry from EastEnders, here working under the name Konnan. He's actually not important since he can't actually wrestle anymore, or shall I say he never could? Am I right or an I an RoH loving fuckwit? What is important is that Konnan has a big fetish for American wrestlers (because he thinks his own Mexican wrestlers can't really wrestle, he is right, they can lucha!) and so he's once again tried to bring in TNA. It's been more successful than last time in that a few of the stars have actually showed up every now and then, or less successful in that a few of the stars have actually showed up now and then. Depends on your view I guess. Two of the chaps who have shown up almost frequently are these fellas...







Jeff Jarrett you might have seen before, the other one is Joseph Park's brother, although the other week it seemed Joseph Park was actually working under the Abyss gimmick while his brother has been AWOL. Or the mask was really slippery and shit. Abyss is one half of the tag team champions, along with this fella...




He is Chessman, because chess boards have red and black squares South of the Border. These wacky uncivilised Mexicans. They'll probably be defending their tag titles at TripleMania in a TLC match or something. Hopefully not a cage match because TNA stars have no clue as to the rules of a Mexican cage match (you just have to climb to the top rather than getting your feet on the floor). I'm not really sure who they'll be facing. Maybe this man, or should I say Tiger (or should I say Extreme Tiger)?




Why are talking about the tag belts? It's not like anybody gives a shit about them. Back to Jeff Jarrett. Aww, Jeff. Jeff doesn't like Mexicans and he especially doesn't like this Mexican...




LA PARK! The top rudo/technico in AAA. He isn't a technico because, you know, fuck the technicos, and he isn't a rudo because, you know, fuck the rudos. Instead he is just LA PARK! WOOOO! LA PARK! Yes, anyway, Jeff Jarrett and Karen have been feuding with LA Park for a while, even when they were on the same team, because they're both egomaniacs. But now LA Park has left La Sociedad and been making left hell for the Jarretts. Including dressing Karen up as a witch...





which (get it) if I were a feminist I would consider deplorable until I realised LA Park, LA PARK, did it and then I'd think it was wonderful. LA Park should not be confused with this man...





who is hopefully La Parka. You can actually tell the difference if you're paying attention. La Parka was also a rudo but is now a technico. This is because fellow rudos Octagon...




Dark Dragon...




and Tito Santana (not that one)...





turned their backs on La Parka. At least that's what Wiki said, I've seen the turn but I can't say I gave much of a shit. What's more important is now La Parka is BFF's with this man...





Cibernetico! So now the former enemies are best buddies, which is the reverse of what happened to this man...





who in this picture is holding up the ceiling of the arena. Psicosis should not confused with this man...





because his name is Psicosis so he is obviously completely different. But he's in CMLL with Los Invasors so you don't have to worry about him. Unless you find yourself without anything to do for nine hours each week. Anywho, the original Psicosis (the one walloping a clown) is feuding with this guy...





Joe Lider, who looks awfully muscular here. Odd. Anyway, Lider and the original Psicosis used to be buddy buds but Psicosis join PDM and put a staple in his old buddies face, so Joe Lider set him aflame as retaliation. they'll probably have a match at TripleMania in which they kill or shag each other. Although when it's Joe Lider and Psicosis in a match you always suspect that someone is moments away from dying. But if one of them is near death than maybe a doctor could save them...





No not these chaps, although they are all brilliant, but this man, DR WANGER JR!





He has recently patched things up this hunky fella...





Silver King so that together they can wage war against El Consejo...




Some of whom used to work for CMLL. They have been doing pretty well as of late, even managing to win the trios titles from...





LOS PSYCHO CIRCUS! They're fucking amazing. And I'll fight any of you who say otherwise.


That's the important stuff really. There are other things going on, there's a feud between two of the women (I think) and Jack Evans and Teddy Hart might be feuding two. Fuck them. Oh, and Mascarita Dorada has (I think) just finished a feud with Mini Psicosis. The picture I had of them two battling it out won't work so instead I hand youo ver to RobViper3 for his tribute video to Mascarita Dorada


People don't have dial up modems these days, right?


Edit: I should also say that anyone who wants to follow the goings on in lucha should stay tuned to this site luchablog which I've pretty much got into the habbit of visiting every day. I find that if you're trying to keep up with things (especially CMLL, which I find to be less clear than AAA, despite it being a more simple product) than Cub's site is pretty much a must. He uploads all the matches, recaps shows, knows what's in the Mexican press and pretty much holds your hand through everything lucha libre. Wonderful.

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Are Perros Del Mal, the nWo of Lucha? I ask this because I've seen everyone from Booker T to Teddy Hart to Super Crazy with one of their black and white shirts on. I'm always looking for an nWo style group to fill the void left by messers. Hall, Nash and Hogan. Are they any good?



They even have shit on the market:



On F4WOnline, Steve Simms podcast is always great to listen to. I basically listen to him, he tells me what stuff is good and I watch. I've never been a follower of the full shows weekly. When something is good, I'll watch (pretty much like all wrestling these days). The Jarrett/Angle/L.A. Park thing I can't wait for.

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Bit late to the party here.....


During what match did was first ever "This is Awesome!" chant heard? What event as well?


The first time I ever heard it was during Williams/Sabin at Turning Point 2004.

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Are Perros Del Mal, the nWo of Lucha? I ask this because I've seen everyone from Booker T to Teddy Hart to Super Crazy with one of their black and white shirts on. I'm always looking for an nWo style group to fill the void left by messers. Hall, Nash and Hogan. Are they any good?


They pretty much are the nWo except they've actually formed their own promotion, footage of which does reach YouTube. I'm not a big fan of them but they can be fun. I don't think it helped that they were in a never ending series of matches with Los Psycho Circus. Now that they've moved onto someone else it might make them more interesting again. They've recently opened up their own store which is probably where the photo of Perro comes from.

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