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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I suppose. He was sort of the champion already, but it was still completely mental, that the ref counted a fall when Bret was no where near him. That whole Nitro is worth watching. Three hours of a million things happening. 11 fucking matches on a TV show! Bret Hart gave up the belt just to screw Goldberg to win it back. Strange:Here's a run down of a mad night from DDT Digest:

WCW Monday Nitro - December 20th, 1999Baltimore, MarylandBy Wade It's Happy Holidays to the DDT Digest readership, but only coal in the stockings of the WCW braintrust. I read Xavier Doom's Starrcade report, and was rather unimpressed with WCW's marquee PPV for yet another year. So many crackheaded finishes, so many inconclusive matches. Why bring the Varsity Club back unannounced? They don't fit into any angles and, as much as I dug them back in the 80s, Sullivan's far over the hill, my man Rotunda nearly as bad, and Steiner irrelevant. What use was that? How can you protect Vampiro's credibility when he gets beaten up by a fat, out-of-shape Jim Ross imitator (and, gee, one of the bookers at that), and has to rely on a rock band for the save? Why would you have a powerbomb match end without a powerbomb, and a ref just taking someone's word that they'd powerbombed their opponent? Why does Madusa have a belt, let alone the one belt in WCW that's meant ANYTHING over the past couple of years? Why has Harlem Heat gone from together to split in two weeks? And why on Earth would Bret Hart, after all the complaining and suffering he's been through over the "screwing" incident, agree to that kind of finish? What sense did Piper "screwing" Goldberg make, either? Apparently, the live crowd wasn't impressed either, chanting "WCW Sucks" after the show. WCW actually did a decent job building up some interest for this show, but that only makes it worse when they fail to deliver. I'm usually not a fan of conspiracy theories, but I think Russo & Ferrera are Vince McMahon's master plan to finally destroy WCW. How else can you explain a booking team that both A) makes themselves the focus of the promotion, and B) make almost every angle a poor copy of what the WWF has done, serving only to highlight the disparity in quality? My cable's acting funny tonight....I wonder if it's a defense mechanism. A look back at Hart/Goldberg last night. And we're live from the traditional post-Starrcade Baltimore show. Cruiserweight Champion Madusa and Spice come down Madusa can't be a cruiserweight with all those implants. She talks about being the first female Cruiserweight champion. The crowd goes mild. She says that women are dominating WCW with a little T&A. She threatens that the Powers That Be will be the Powers That Was. She makes an open challenge to "neuter" someone. Buzzkill walks around with a sign promoting women's rights. Madusa wants him to give her the equal right to kick his ass. Match 1: WCW World Cruiserweight Champion Madusa (w/Spice) vs. Buzzkill Madusa gets Buzzkill in the ring, and whacks him with the sign. Three Missile dropkicks from Madusa. Armstrong kicks out at two. Armstrong blocks the German suplex and hits a dropkick of his own. Spice distracts Mickey Jay. Armstrong hits the Russian Legsweep, but the ref is distracted. Spice tosses something to Madusa. Madusa clocks Armstrong with the object, and hits the sloppy German suplex for the pin. Hey, I've got an idea. It's kind of revolutionary, but it just might work. F*** you, WCW.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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Stupid question, but do wrestlers wear socks when they are doing a bit of the old grunt and groan grappling?

Cena wears socks which he made reference to on Raw a few weeks ago, Bret Hart's socks are visible over his boots, Austin is shown wearing socks while putting his boots on on one of his VHS releases, Hulk Hogan wears red socks all the time (wrestling and in his every day life), so I'd imagine the majority do.
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Bellator is Spike TV's new MMA promotion. Charismatic MMA bloke and wrestling fan King Mo's (not to be confused with Sir Mo) just signed and he's supposedly going to feud with Sting and there is talk of a TNA wrestler (Kid Kash is the one batted about) having an MMA fight in Bellator. There's a load of cross promotion for both companies to help each other grow. Bellator's promoter did commentary on a TNA match a few months ago and was far better at calling the moves and putting over the wrestlers than Tenay or Tazz. Hopefully they do a switch with Tenay and their promoter full time.Sure, it'll probably die on its arse, but Spike are the ones who are in favour of it.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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Cheers guys. I'm not in the slightest bit arsed now I know, but I appreciate the info just in case it was a "Hogan, Bischoff and Adam Bomb are coming in next week on a special live Impact!", which I wouldn't want to miss.

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Does anyone own the Region 1 Pioneer release of ECW Heatwave 98. If so, does it have all the original entrances or are they cut out or even edited with shitty techno-dubbing like the Delta release?

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Does anyone own the Region 1 Pioneer release of ECW Heatwave 98. If so, does it have all the original entrances or are they cut out or even edited with shitty techno-dubbing like the Delta release?

I have the Delta Heatwave 98 release and there is no dubbing on it, all original music!
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Does anyone own the Region 1 Pioneer release of ECW Heatwave 98. If so, does it have all the original entrances or are they cut out or even edited with shitty techno-dubbing like the Delta release?

I have the Delta Heatwave 98 release and there is no dubbing on it, all original music!
Good stuff. I thought all Delta releases had the techno dubbing. Thanks for the advice. will save me a few quid.
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