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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Thanks. Is that the only time then? Weird, considering the colour is linked so strongly with him. He even decided he'd give lilac a try.


Is it? Outside of the DX lighting display/clothing/neon shit, I can't think of many times it's been associated with him. I think more of black with HHH.

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I was going to say that as well. He's always had the green lights and green logos on his Titan Tron after DX anyway. When he got back together with Michaels, he still wore the black tights and boots. Apart from that period where he wore purple and blue trunks with white boots, he's worn the same colours since about 1999. Black has always been his primary colour.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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Yeah green is definitely a Trips colour. I love little quirks like that in wrestling, it was obviously the DX thing but it remained with him post-DX when he adopted The Game moniker and all fit very nicely. It's never been big involved on his ring attire but it's been heavily involved in his whole imagery, as Blackson says all over his tron and shiz. I like that, didn't needed it plastered all over his trunks that would have been too much. Like when Jericho returned with all the ''Save Us' code shiz and then turned up with tights with the fucking codes on, not understanding the two should have been kept seperate. I love Triple Hs evolution as a character/wrestler. I love Triple H in general these days tbf.

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When I first joined this board, back in about 2002/3, everyone hated HHH and Undertaker. Hated them. Now they're the most bummed people on here. How times change.

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I've always liked them both plenty really. I've just grown to enjoy and appreciate them more and more with time. I was never on that hating side for them though. With Trips, the more i learn about him outside of the WWE persona the more i like, respect, relate to and admire.


The main guys i couldn't stand when i first joined up but now furiously bum would be Orton and Batista. Definitely had a complete turnaround of opinion on them.

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The Triple H hate was justified, for the most part, in 2002/3. The fella was a right mess during that period, all over the telly and not being the force he once was. I don't think he would have got as much abuse if he was showing the form that made him the best baddy ever, in 2000/01. He's improved dramatically since I started watching again in 2008 - that'll probably be why.


I still think 'Taker is a bit boring though.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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