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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I've never seen or heard about how Sensational Sherri ended up managing The Million Dollar Man.


I saw her unforgettable performance alongside Macho King at WrestleMania VII (arguably the great managerial performance for a single match of all time) at the end of March 1991, and then the next time I saw her was alongside Dibiase on the UK Rampage video which was taped at the end of April 1991.


Was there an actual angle or announcement when they got paired up or did they just throw her out there with him?

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Was there an actual angle or announcement when they got paired up or did they just throw her out there with him?

It happened on WrestleMania VII. She joined up with Ted Dibiase during the Virgil match.


That match actually reminds me of one of my favourite "nice little touch" moments in wrestling. In WCW the nWo squared off with Piper as he was talking and Piper pointed at Virgil and said "I taught you how to fight, so back off". A nice call back from their WWF storyline.

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I saw that reply last night (thanks Ian) and was suitably disgusted at myself for forgetting that, as any self-respecting long time wrestling geek should be. So I dug out the Tagged Classic and watched the show.


So now I know how her surprise run-in took place (with all new dress & makeup to what she wore for Macho/Warrior an hour earlier) but I don't know why.

I texted summerslam1990 about it and the best conclusion we came to is that she was interested in him for his money. That was probably it.


14 matches for a 3 hour ppv (including a few 3 minute squashes) is insane, I thought that was only done in 1999/2000 WCW.

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I think it was more that both needed someone to help them get by in the WWF. Dibiase had recently lost Virgil, who was always a healthy distraction and Sherri had lost Randy Savage who was bringing in the cash. Ted and Sherri was a perfect pairing because they both needed to fill a void.

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14 matches for a 3 hour ppv (including a few 3 minute squashes) is insane, I thought that was only done in 1999/2000 WCW.


They will have had a longer window than 3 hours. Several matches were clipped and backstage interviews and entrances removed to allow for a 3 hour home video release. The clipping is especially noticeable in the Bulldog/Warlord and Perfect/Boss Man matches and a really sloppy edit during the Warrior/Savage match.


This is also evident on the tapes of Mania V and VI. It's actually quite funny in the opener of Mania V to watch Hercules' spirited babyface comeback from apparently hardly any offence received from Haku. On VI the Model/Koko match skips from Martel's first (of two) failed attempts at the Boston Crab straight to the finish, cutting Koko missing a crossbody from the second rope which was the opening Martel needed. They also remove both the pre-match interview with Andre/Haku/Heenan and a post-match with an irate Heenan, as well some of the match itself. Probably for the best though, since Mean Gene "accidentally" calling the champs the "Colostomy Connection" is hard to watch.

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Oh yeah, from a behind the scenes point of view they both needed something to do. Especially Sherri as there was no women's division at the time, in fact after the mixed tag match at Mania 6 I don't think she wrestled again until Luna rocked up 3 years later. And they were the perfect fit at the time too. Sherri had 'lost her meal ticket' in Savage and Dibiase was minted. I just don't think there was ever a back story to it.


Love that Piper / Virgil reference.

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Did Brutus do anything in the WWF after WrestleMania 9 or leave straight away? I can't remember him even once after that.


He worked house shows with Hogan opposite Money Inc, beating them by DQ before Inc dropped the belts to the Steiners, and by pinfall afterwards. He did the late July/early August European tour, going over Terry Taylor every night, then left when Hogan left. Mania IX was his last televised match though.

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-First one was all the way back in 1987 with Shawn Michaels. They had signed and then were fired for partying to much. Which was a bit harsh considering who they had on their roster at the time.

-Second came in 1992 (goodbye WrestleMania payday) when he went a bit mental and attacked a police officer.

-Third came when Shawn Michaels grassed him up saying he was off his tits in the sub-par Royal Rumble 1993 match. Mr Perfect got him rehired a few months later.

-Fourth came in 1994 when he disappeared around March time and was again let go. The WWF was in the process of a lawsuit where Jannetty broke a jobbers neck.

-Fifth came in 1996. He lasted a bit longer than he usually did in the WWF. He got let go because he wasn't really much use. He looked well past it. His final big appearance came at Survivor Series 96 when he didn't wear knee pads and spoke to his mates in the crowd for a lot of it.

-Number six. They actually signed him to a proper contract in 2005. He would have had another crack at the big time because he looked so great in his matches in the lead up to Mania 21. Then he got fired for his third DUI.

-Number 7 came a year later when WWE cryptically put it had "severed all professional ties" with him on their website. Turns out he couldn't travel for parole reasons. They'd actually planned to use him in a Rockers vs Spirit Squad feud as well, in the lead up to the eventual DX reunion. That would have been canny for him as well.

-Number 8 came a few months later in 2006 when they signed him as a trainer, but didn't think he was up to it and canned him again. This was an odd one because for months he said it was actually the Boogey Man who had got the sack and not him. Until Jim Ross had to come out and say "take no notice, Marty's talking shite".


He appeared a few times as one offs, but they've never offered him anything again. They haven't even offered to pay for his fucked ankles.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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-First one was all the way back in 1987 with Shawn Michaels. They had signed and then were fired for partying to much. Which was a bit harsh considering who they had on their roster at the time.


Just to elaborate, the day the Rockers arrived in the WWF Jay Strongbow told them he didn't think they would fit in, due to their rep. Later on they went for a few beers with the boys in the Ramada bar in the evening and Jimmy Jack Funk got into a verbal spar with them about their partying reputation, while chewing up glasses. Shawn responded by smashing one over his own head as a means of saying "look, we're crazy." Then Shawn went and got a taxi back to the Rockers' hotel because he didnt want trouble. The only people that saw it were Funk, Jannetty, and Davey Boy and Jim Powers who the Rockers had gotten on with. After Shawn left, Marty pulled the girl that Funk had been trying it on with.


Next day at TV, Funk tells all the other boys that the Rockers were tearing the place up, breaking bottles and causing trouble. Shawn says ten years later Davey Boy was still telling that story, even though he was there and knew it to be bullshit. Anyway, The Rockers have their match with, of all people, Funk tagged up with Jerry Estrada, with Strongbow as the agent. It goes off without a hitch, Funk tells them afterwards how talented he thinks they are. Everything's fine, Rockers think. They run into Vince in the hall.


Vince (laughing) : "Hey, let's watch the old having fun."

Shawn : "Yes sir, it will never happen again."


A couple of days later, Marty rings Shawn having just got off the phone with Terry Garvin, and they were fired. They went for a meeting with Vince (prior to which he makes his infamous "boots made for walking" crack) and explains he has to let them go, but he'll hear their side of the story. They tell him, Vince says he believes them, but the locker room is a family, and the locker room doesn't want them, so if he kept them on, the boys would just drive them out anyway. He also made sure to point out maybe someday they'd try again.


That's the version Shawn tells in his book, and that at 22 he thought his career was over.

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8 times, fucking hell! It boggles the mind that they'd keep rehiring him - even so, I'm surprised they haven't helped him out with surgery just by way of a goodwill gesture. Nice one, Ian.

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It's a shame he got lost in the shuffle in early 1998 WCW too, he was in pretty good shape at that point - had quite a few spirited little tv matches v the likes of Benoit, Jericho and Raven. It's especially shitty when you consider the likes of prince Iaukea was getting plenty of exposure with PPV matches at the same time.


He disappeared for a bit in the summer before coming back in neon pink and green for a couple of matches too. I take it that wasn't a firing as i'd imagine he wouldn't have been rehired if it was?

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