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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Anyway, on the subject of 1997 WWF, we were watching some old Raw's last night at a mates house and there was one where the ad break hadn't been quite edited out and there was the start of a commercial with Freddie Blassie (I think) and a young boy. All we got was Freddie saying "Okay kid, let's see what you've got." Which, out of context and in the current climate was just hilarious!


Anyway, Google and YouTube hasn't returned anything of this so just wondering if anyone knows what the full advert was about?


It was an advert for WWF Full Metal: The Album - said ad included the young boy dancing to various theme music, including taking his clothes off to Shawn Michaels' entrance.

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I was watching the Stone Cold DVD last night (which is great by the way), and it made me realise that I've seen hardly any 1997 WWF. Does anyone have any recommendations of PPVs or Raw episodes? Preferably full shows and not just matches.


I honestly recommend you find a torrent site and download the whole year of 1997 Raw's as you won't regret it.

The really is where the Attitude Era begins and if you compare January to December of that year, it's almost like night and day.

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Hmmm, i'd disagree and start from the beginning as it puts it more into context. How the one hour raw's turned into two etc.


Honestly, the product changed more in those 12 months than it has in the past 10 years.

Edited by garynysmon
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Thanks for the recommendations all. I managed to find a pretty fast torrent for the whole year so I'll wade through that.


Honestly, the product changed more in those 12 months than it has in the past 10 years.


I think that's what intrigues me the most about the year, the transition and changes it went through.

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I was thinking the same while slowly wading my way through.


Early 1997 is typical mid 90's fayre, but by December it's well and truly Attitude era stuff. I think it's a really underrated year, usually overshadowed by 1998-99 etc.

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Knew I was familiar with their movements.





Here is a question -


Just having a look at Unforgiven 2007 on Play to see if it was worth

Edited by air_raid
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I'd agree stay well clear of Unforgiven 2007. Actually stay clear of the majority of 2007. Personally one of my least favourite years for the WWE.


The only good thing is the weird film styled promos hyping Takers return. Which is a pretty flat return


I thought 2007 was pretty good for WWE really - PPV-wise we got


New Year's Revolution with Nitro/Jeff Hardy in the cage, Cena/Umaga and the bloody mess that was RKO/DX


The Rumble match was pretty good with the Taker/Michaels at the end a good preview of what was to come in later years... MNM/Hardys was also a good match - Cena/Umaga LMS was brilliant, granted Test/Lashley was the drizzling shits


No Way Out wasn't great but the main event with Batista/Taker vs Michaels/Cena was a worthy main event with good build to WM and more of that Michaels/Taker interaction


Wrestlemania XXIII is one of the best Manias ever - every match bar the divas and Kane/Khali was better than average, and the two duds were at least short - the two Title matches with Batista/Taker and Cena/Michaels both awesome in different ways


Backlash was even better IMO, with the fourway main event a forgotten classic, the Taker/Batista rematch, and the Hardys and MVP/Benoit continuing to deliver on the undercard - not a bad match on this show


Judgment Day was a definite step down, but the main event with Khali/Cena really showed Cena can carry a match - one of Khali's best IMO. Hardys and Benoit/MVP were again highlights of the undercard - and Michaels/Orton was a masterclass of HBK working hurt


One Night Stand was another bleh show - but the ladder match with Hardys/WGTT was pretty good, as was the Cena/Khali rematch and Orton putting over RVD on the latter's last match in WWE at the time


Vengeance is overshadowed by the Benoit tragedy, but the main event is a great clusterfuck sprint, and the Hardys/Murdoch/Cade match again delivers in the last ppv match of their series


Great American Bash was a step up from the previous few PPVs with Lashley/Cena, Umaga/Jeff Hardy, MVP/Matt Hardy all good, and Dusty Rhodes in a short little match/angle with Orton, even Kane/Khali/Batista was not as bad as it sounds


Summerslam was not as good as it should have been but Cena/Orton main event was excellent (and not totally played to death as it is today), Rey's return match was decent, and Kane/Finlay was also good undercard stuff. Did not like the HHH return though, which I think was pretty much Booker's last match with WWE up until then as well....


Unforgiven, as previously mentioned, was dross, worst show of the year - nothing really to see here...


No Mercy, I disagree with the previously expressed views. They had to change the whole show at short notice due to Cena's injury the week before - I thought the three HHH matches were pretty damn good all things considered, Khali/Batista jad the crazy Batista leap spot in the Punjabie Prison, Mysterio/Finlay and the six man tag were both decent on the undercard


Cyber Sunday is really underrated I feel - the HHH/Umaga, Batista/Taker and Michaels/Orton all good as main events, and Mysterio/Finlay the standout on the undercard


Survivor Series is another excellent show, with Taker/Batista closing their feud with HIAC, Michaels/Orton with the superkick banned, and the elimination match all good stuff


Armageddon ends the year with another forgotten show, the first Jeff Hardy/HHH match, Michaels/Kennedy in the best match Kennedy had in WWE, Edge/Taker/Batista, and the other matches all being good or better, even Khali was decent in there with Finlay.


Apart from the PPVs you had some great stuff on tv with Benoit/MVP at the beginning of the year, Cena/Michaels in the long UK match, Matt Hardy in great matches against Regal and Kennedy on Smackdown, and the Big Daddy V squashes and ECW push if you like that sort of thing.


I reckon you could argue that this was Cena and Taker's best year, along with maybe Batista. The Hardys both delivered as a team and in singles, and you particularly saw the beginning of Jeff's rise to main event after his return in 2006


All in all a good year - certainly better than a lot of the other more recent years in WWE...

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