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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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That question reminded me of the WCW Cruiserweight Tag titles. Were they announced and created pre McMahon buying the company and therefore expected to live for longer or just WCW Pointlessness?

From what i recall, it would of been before the by out and would of been to attempt to have something a bit different i think. There was a tournament and 2 different champions (The first being Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo IIRC, and the second/last champions being Rey Mysterio & Billy Kidman).


So who know, i loved the idea as WCW's Cruiserweight were by far the best thing of nitros back in the day, but along with the TV title, were not picked up by WWE.

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That question reminded me of the WCW Cruiserweight Tag titles. Were they announced and created pre McMahon buying the company and therefore expected to live for longer or just WCW Pointlessness?


Yeah, they were a Bischoff and Johnny Ace thing. Bischoff was going to put more focus on the Cruisers, that's why they brought a fair few in during 2001. Air Raid, Kid Kash and the quality Jason Jett to name a few.

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Anyone know why WCW dropped the WCW Women's Title so fast?


Seems weird to spend money on a new belt, hold a tournament and then drop the Title shortly after crowning the first ever champion, actually wasn't there even a WCW Women's Cruiserweight Title that was dropped by the company as well?


Watching some 1996 Nitro and it reminded me that the Title existed.

Not 100% sure, but both titles basically went to japan for about a year or so to the GAEA promotion. Then they were dropped. God know, WCW would of set it to compete with WWE, although found that (most likely anyway) nothing improved in the ratings, so just dropped it.


Good point also I think the WWF had dropped the Women's Title at that point after the Blayze/Madusa fiasco so WCW had nothing to compete against anyway.

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Could anyone tell me who The Chav's from 1PW were known as and what they're doing now (I know Mark Haskins was one of them)

Not 100% sure although there may of been various "Chav" teams in the UK, as Wasnt Joey Hayes one of the Northen chavs, in the "Manchester Massive" i believe.

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Just found out the other member was called Harry Mills. He still work? Maybe Mark Sloan can tell us.


Not sure if they were the same group in 1PW, but the original FWA:A chavs were Dan James, Harry Mills, Mark Haskins and Tommy Langford. Obviously, we all know about Haskins. Mills did an IPW:UK Portsmouth show or two. Not sure about the other two, perhaps they showed up in Hayling Island Wrestling?

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Thanks for your reply above, just one more mid 90s related WWF question. For a time when attendance was down etc was there any special reason other thank it being shawn michaels home town that they went to the alamo dome? I know they had 60000 there but how did the fill it..comps or just the draw of the hometown boy?

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  • Paid Members
Thanks for your reply above, just one more mid 90s related WWF question. For a time when attendance was down etc was there any special reason other thank it being shawn michaels home town that they went to the alamo dome? I know they had 60000 there but how did the fill it..comps or just the draw of the hometown boy?

Remember reading about this in PS at the time. Eric Bischoff made a dig about WCW not having to give away tickets which PS pointed out was stupid because while the WWF had given away thousands of tickets to fill the place, they had sold about 37,000 first, way more than the WCW event Bischoff was bragging about.


The Rumble that year was so unremarkable that HBK (and Sid) has to take credit for those numbers.

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Yeah. Cornette said they did every trick in the carnie handbook to get people to the building on that night. His exact words were that it was a "stadium that needed a show, rather than a show that needed a stadium". It was a perception based tactic, to make it look like they were still capable of filling stadiums. They wanted to show that WWF could still draw a huge crowd like they did back in the late 80s/early 90s, but with cheap tickets and running the show in the champions home town. It sort of worked as well, but it was a desperation tactic, because they needed something to show they weren't a spent force. Superbrawl 7 outdrew the Royal Rumble buyrate though. Uncensored outdrew WrestleMania as well that year. And Uncensored might as well have had "This PPV is Usually Shit" as its tagline. WCW was on fire during the early part of 97.

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