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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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i remember watching on youtube an angle from the 70s/80s where a heel sent out his girlfriend with dark sunglasses on to look for the babyface he was feuding with at the time, though she didnt say why she needed to see him, just that she needed to. when the galliant babyface came out, the girl, acting strangely, eventually revealed a black eye which got a good shocking-reaction at the time. at this point the heel attacked from behind. i think it was studio shot or at least there was a desk at which the girl was being interviewed. it was a really great segment, quite chilling in how it slowly revealed things. it was called something like "i need to see....". any ideas?

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I never really been into Solie the announcer but Christ he was superb there with just a brilliant natural flow to the whole angle, it was sympathetic but almost in a "well it's wrestling, this crazy stuff happens" style. The woman also did a bang up job there too.


Plus it made me remember Tom Pritchard, underated with a fuckish lush bit of mane on the lad.

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I've read that Stone Cold was given first choice on a match with Hogan at Wrestlemania X8.


If he'd accepted it, were there any rumours circulating about who The Rock may have faced on the show?

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