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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Sorry if this has been asked before, But when did taker turn back face during his big evil run? He was heel at mania x8 and i'm guessing he turned before the lesnar feud, but for the life of me i can't remember when or how.

If i remeber rightly, he stayed heel past mania Helped hogan win the WWE title (sort of) at backlash, beat hogan at Judgment day, although went on to lose to The rock in a triple threat with Rock/Angle.


He had those cracking matches with Jeff during that time, and again stayed heel for some time. He must have turned around summerslam-ish sort of time to start fueding with lesner by the time unforgivene rolled around.


Hope that helps!

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  • Paid Members
Sorry if this has been asked before, But when did taker turn back face during his big evil run? He was heel at mania x8 and i'm guessing he turned before the lesnar feud, but for the life of me i can't remember when or how.

If i remeber rightly, he stayed heel past mania Helped hogan win the WWE title (sort of) at backlash, beat hogan at Judgment day, although went on to lose to The rock in a triple threat with Rock/Angle.


He had those cracking matches with Jeff during that time, and again stayed heel for some time. He must have turned around summerslam-ish sort of time to start fueding with lesner by the time unforgivene rolled around.


Hope that helps!



Wasn't it just a fairly gradual turn? He was still doing the same things just he was being cheered? I suppose the raising Hardy's hand after that ladder match could be construed as a pretty face-like move, even though he was still ostensibly a heel.

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His first feud as a proper face came when he took on test at summerslam and yes it was to do with the unamericans thing. However before that time he had slowly become a tweener. Although his main feuds with Hogan, HHH and The Rock at the time he played heel. He was having from my memory very good matches with the midcard guys and new starters including Randy Orton where they would have a decent legth match with taker winning. He would normally shake hands or show respect afterwards to them for a great fight, which was cheered by the crowed and contributed to his face turn.


I also feel at that point many people didnt want to boo taker as he was seen as a bit of a legend by this point ala sting being heel in TNA

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I mentioned in another thread I was watching all the Nitros from late 1996 onwards. Am I right in thinking that at sometime (possibly the first Souled Out) when the WCW wrestlers were coming to the ring the NWO voice would come out with things like 'Loser' over the top of their music? Or have I had a really strange wrestling dream?

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What wrestling news site do you guys use? I've been using Wrestling Attitude for God knows how long and it's absolute dog shite. What's generally considered the best/most reputable news site?


I've never used anywhere other than hear, but recently found 24wrestling.com which is cool. It doesn't ramble on, is simple to use and for the most part only posts news worth knowing rather than padding out its site with rumours and stories that aren't worth reading.

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Ok, one for the experts to try...


When was the last time a WWE or WWF Championship/Title/Belt was defended in a match on a card not promoted by the WWF/E or by V.K. McMahon or McMahon Snr?


I have heard that the WWF Womens title was involved in several non-WWF promoted matches in Japan in 1994 with one title change taking place, but has there been any more recent?

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Ok, one for the experts to try...


When was the last time a WWE or WWF Championship/Title/Belt was defended in a match on a card not promoted by the WWF/E or by V.K. McMahon or McMahon Snr?


I have heard that the WWF Womens title was involved in several non-WWF promoted matches in Japan in 1994 with one title change taking place, but has there been any more recent?


Wasn't there some sort of deal between one of the Japanese promotions and the WWF's light heavyweight belt at some point? I'm sure I read something about it in Powerslam, though I may be completely wrong.

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Big Egg Universe, All Japan Women, 20th November 1994 at the Tokyo Dome ("Egg Dome") - Bull Nakano puts Alundra down to take the WWF Womens title.


Light Heavyweight title? Pass.

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