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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Well played Woyzeck.


Though this isn't strictly in the realms of conspiracy or paranormal, I think it has interesting parallels with the sort of Keelan-mania we've been talking about. It's the case of a guy called Tim Langdell.




He is/was a games developer who founded Softek in the 80s, which produced such classics as Fairlight and Garfield: Big Hairy Deal for the Spectrum and C64. In 1990 he founded a company called Edge Games, who haven't actually produced a game since 1994. What has he been up to, you may ask? Well, he's been trying to copyright the word "Edge" when related to videogames, basically.


This includes suing EA for the use of the word in "Mirror's Edge" and sueing Future Publishing over here over Edge Magazine. None of these legal attempts have been successful.


There's a great article about his latest courtroom hilarity here:




The man's gone a bit loopy, is the point. He's so obsessed with proving something that's not true, he's completely immersed himself in his own reality, to the point of making up people as witnesses, retroactively creating videogames that never existed, and generally cooking up evidence even of the most blatantly ludicrous kind.


You have to wonder at the mental processes of someone who'd first of all try and copyright a word as universal as 'edge' but also continually fight large companies and fail over it. How can he afford the lawsuits? Doesn't he ever start to question the fundamental premise even after he's caught in a lie?

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WTC 7 wasn't "ravaged by severe fires" though, hence people thinking something dodgy went on with it. The news crew announcing it had collapsed rather prematurely didn't help.


According to the official FEMA report, WTC 7 sustained relatively light damage prior to it's collapse. So why did in go down and again how many examples can you find of steel-frame high-rise buildings that have been ravaged by severe fires collapsing as a result of said fires?


This is ridiculous.


How many examples of huge sky scrapers being hit by planes and suffering severe fires and massive temperatures can you think of? And how many of those buildings didnt collapse as a result?

Edited by Van Dammer
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Heard a cool paranormal story at work today.


This client of ours was out at the time driving around somewhere. At one point their daughter, sat in the back seat with her teddy bear, started crying. They asked her what was wrong and she said that they needed to go home. They asked why, and she said "Timmy told me that we need to go home". Timmy is the daughters teddy bear.


When they got home, they found that their dog had passed away.

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Heard a cool paranormal story at work today.


This client of ours was out at the time driving around somewhere. At one point their daughter, sat in the back seat with her teddy bear, started crying. They asked her what was wrong and she said that they needed to go home. They asked why, and she said "Timmy told me that we need to go home". Timmy is the daughters teddy bear.


When they got home, they found that their dog had passed away.

That's both a slightly freaky story and a little bit sad too :(

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Copied this over from the Mediumship thread, because it's hilarious, and pretty apt for the current "nothing will change the minds of hardcore believers" nature of this thread.


"Psychic" Sally Morgan busted doing a Peter Popoff and using an earpiece

Don't go into this thread much, but I looked up that Peter Popoff and the guy was raking in $4 million a month from the sheep. Wow.

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Here you go Duane


August 4, 2011 12:00 AM BUY THE BOOK

Debunking 9/11 Myths is available as a paperback, ebook, and enhanced ebook. The latter contains ten videos and audio clips, carefully selected to support the evidence presented, including the security camera footage of Flight 22 crashing into the Pentagon.





Thanks I'll check that out over the weekend.




I see it's a book etc to buy. Sorry but I'm not buying that mate, surely this supposed video evidence should be freely available in the public domain. If there's a youtube video please post it? Cheers.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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This video is well worth checking out if you watched the BBC 3 Conspiracy Road Trip programme or for that matter anyone interested in the 9/11 topic. It's an excellent rebuttal and only about 40mins long. Keelan makes some valid points and quotes some expert engineers.


Propaganda Defined: BBC Conspiracy Road Trip Review


By the way Charlie Veitch who featured in the Road Trip programme is known for "doing a Duane", as it's now known as around here ;) Myself and others posed questions at him on Facebook regarding the anomolies of 9/11 and he never replied. Odd as well how he left Facebook in March when he decided he needed to go all low-key following March 26 demonstrations in London, then a month or 2 later he reappeared on there.


You've got no comment or input at all on the last 3 or 4 pages of this thread? Where people have debated and presented proof that answers pretty much all the main contentions of 9/11 theorists? And you're going to instead post a 40 fucking minute documentary made by a guy who famously lost his shit all over this forum? You really suck, Duane. At least Horrorshow had the balls to have some back and forth before pulling the disappearing act.


EDIT: oh, wow. The first few pages of that Keelan thread are brilliant. He's a complete lunatic. Butch posted a cartoon a couple of pages in from Viz that perfectly sums up the madness of conspiracy theory.

When have popped by I noticed Horrorshow was doing a good job on his own, I wouldn't want to steal someone else's thunder :)

Anyhow feel free to discuss the video by Keelan, or is just going to get ignored and the poor the fellow insulted instead?




Guess I've mainly quoted other people and videos, rather that saying what makes me question the official story.


To me the destruction of Building 7 really makes me question it, it wasn't hit by an airliner and we see it go down like pancake, exactly like a controlled demolition. A demolition expert was shown footage and said he can a controlled demolition before being told it was one of the WTC buildings.


The passport of the alleged hijacker conveniently found despite nearly everything else literally turned to dust.


Thirdly there is the question of the war games occurring at the same time as the hijackings.


If anyone replies to this and thinks I'm ignoring their comments when there is no reply, feel free to give me a nudge and PM me and I'll then happily reply in the thread. However I'll tend to ignore insults!


Edited by Dynamite Duane
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To me the destruction of Building 7 really makes me question it, it wasn't hit by an airliner and we see it go down like pancake, exactly like a controlled demolition. A demolition expert was shown footage and said he can a controlled demolition before being told it was one of the WTC buildings.

Not WTC7, but the main towers, when they collapes they appeared to be pancaking on each other starting roughly around the floors that had been hit by planes. Now I know sod all about demoltion so I maybe way off, but surely they would collapes starting at a lower level?


Can't you just reply to all of that in one post?

At least he's replied! I think that's all that matters.

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