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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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A little bit off-topic, but in a moment's nostalgia I bought the entire X Files on DVD and have started watching from the beginning. And fuck me it's really good! Some of the storylines are really dated (oooh computer comes aliiive) but generally it's really well done and the scripts and characters have stood up amazingly well.


It's also reminded me how much fun the 90s conspiracy larks were. In those days people were into UFOs, abductions and cool supernatural powers. Now it's all New World Order, the destruction of the World Trade Centre and secret military contractors. Much more sober and less fun.

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A little bit off-topic, but in a moment's nostalgia I bought the entire X Files on DVD and have started watching from the beginning. And fuck me it's really good! Some of the storylines are really dated (oooh computer comes aliiive) but generally it's really well done and the scripts and characters have stood up amazingly well.


It's also reminded me how much fun the 90s conspiracy larks were. In those days people were into UFOs, abductions and cool supernatural powers. Now it's all New World Order, the destruction of the World Trade Centre and secret military contractors. Much more sober and less fun.


I started watching them from the beginning again a couple of weeks back, one of the best programmes of the 90's. There's quite a few that I never caught the first couple of times as when I got the DVD box sets I tended to skip a lot of the one-off shows because I was desperately trying to understand the mythology. We should lend the box sets to Stu, they would blow his mind. We'll have 50 threads on here tomorrow with claims of Jersey Devils, ufo sightings and guys that can stretch their body through vents and letterboxes. All with youtube links of course.

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I believe in UFO's with Danny "fakkin" Dyer - Tues, BBC3, 9pm


I thought that useless wanker quit telly because Charlie Brooker made him cry?


He did but it lasted about 2 months. He recently did an episode of The Real Hustle, and once again failed to come off as the slightest bit likeable. I'd find it hard to believe he actually has fans if it wasn't for the fact cunts like that are ten a penny.

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I believe in UFO's with Danny "fakkin" Dyer - Tues, BBC3, 9pm

I thought that useless wanker quit telly because Charlie Brooker made him cry?

Oh, I like the sound of that. URL please?


I just hope they abducted Dyer and he gets experimented on like in that film "Fire in the Sky". That would be cool.

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Whats the most conclusive UFO footage out there.



I have seen UFO's twice. One while drinking and another whilst stoned. Thing is i have witnesses that saw the same thing and alas they were also pissed/stoned.


I don't know what exactly it was but both times there was a large circle of light that got brighter and brighter and finally took off at a great speed.


Like i said i wasn't exactly sober and i don't believe in little green men but i do know what i saw.

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i do know what i saw.


One while drinking and another whilst stoned


If you were pissed or stoned, then you don't really know what you saw. The fact that everyone agreed probably means one or two of the most forceful personalities in the group convinced the less forceful ones that a bunch of lights which could have been anything were UFOs.


I don't think there really is any conclusive footage out there. The story I'm most inclined to believe is the Rendlesham Forest incident - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendlesham_Forest_incident - but it could have any number of rational explanations. Basically, a good rule of thumb is - if the show "UFO Hunters" has reported on it, it's almost certainly false.

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i do know what i saw.


One while drinking and another whilst stoned


If you were pissed or stoned, then you don't really know what you saw. The fact that everyone agreed probably means one or two of the most forceful personalities in the group convinced the less forceful ones that a bunch of lights which could have been anything were UFOs.


I don't think there really is any conclusive footage out there. The story I'm most inclined to believe is the Rendlesham Forest incident - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendlesham_Forest_incident - but it could have any number of rational explanations. Basically, a good rule of thumb is - if the show "UFO Hunters" has reported on it, it's almost certainly false.



Like i said, what i saw was a circle of white light that got bigger and bigger and then took off at great speed. I said to my mates "DId you see that" and they all said they saw the same thing.


In face we laughed about how no-one would believe us because we were smoking.

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I don't think there really is any conclusive footage out there. The story I'm most inclined to believe is the Rendlesham Forest incident - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendlesham_Forest_incident - but it could have any number of rational explanations.


That was a good read there Morty, thanks for posting it.


Thanks from me too :thumbsup:

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Yeah I've heard of that incident before. Of course with it being so close to an airbase, was it another secret military testing? It would explain the cover up.


I'm quite open minded about all this, whilst I'm not ignorant enough to think that we are the only living beings in the entire universe, I don't think we've had any visits extra terrestrial life. But I do believe that one day we could prove that life on other planets exist. One question that has been brought forward is if we do, should it be made public knowledge risking widespread panic?


How would you guys feel if the government announced that they have found existence of life (actual beings) on a distant planet?

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