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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Apparently CNN have reported that NASA are due to make an announcement on UFO contact imminently, not seen the news myself but wonder if anyone can clarify on the apparent announcement?


You're an idiot.

You're supposed to be working.

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  • Paid Members
Apparently CNN have reported that NASA are due to make an announcement on UFO contact imminently, not seen the news myself but wonder if anyone can clarify on the apparent announcement?


You're an idiot.

You're supposed to be working.


I would always find time in my working hours to call Steveo an idiot.

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Apparently CNN have reported that NASA are due to make an announcement on UFO contact imminently, not seen the news myself but wonder if anyone can clarify on the apparent announcement?


Don't get your hopes up, from what I have heard its an unidentified frying object. Some one, or something, has broken into NASA head quarters and cooked all the sausage, bacon, hash browns and eggs. Apparently there may still some black pudding left but its unconfirmed at this stage.

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Where did you see that rumour, Steveo?

A friend of mine mentioned that he saw on CNN that NASA were due to make an announcement soon on UFO contact. Having not seen the report myself and nothing being on any of the major news websites, I was curious as to how true it may be.

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At a push, I'd guess that some documents are about to be declassified, and NASA are going to say there's something in them about radio signals received that could never be explained and they concede may be extraterrestrial life trying to make contact.

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To expand on Woyzeck's eloquent point, this rumour does the rounds every year, it's always someone's mate who said that apparently, and it's always bollocks.


Here's a scary fact though. The Department of Defence's budget for space vehicles is larger than NASA's budget. And that's the visible DoD budget, not even taking into account black ops stuff. So if I wanted to know what was going on up there, I don't think NASA would be the first people to ask.

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Ive read quite alot of UFO stuff, huge believer, but sensible with it all. Nick Pope and Timothy Goodall id recommend to anyone looking for quality books. Apparently all astronaughts see when they go into space are shit load of UFO's everywhere and they are told this before they go up. Also, when they landed on the moon, which I believe DID happen, there were actually UFO's sitting on the surface already not terribly far from the moon landing site

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Ive read quite alot of UFO stuff, huge believer, but sensible with it all. Nick Pope and Timothy Goodall id recommend to anyone looking for quality books. Apparently all astronaughts see when they go into space are shit load of UFO's everywhere and they are told this before they go up. Also, when they landed on the moon, which I believe DID happen, there were actually UFO's sitting on the surface already not terribly far from the moon landing site



Really? I thought this was all Above Top Secret? Who told and where's the actual evidence?


Actually It's more of the complete shite that Good churns out from his "sources" - all very handily anonymous of course. As for Nick Pope. Sorry to burst his bubble of self-importance but he was a low level, civil service deck jockey. He knows nothing and even if there was something going on he still wouldn't have been party to it. In fact, if you read his stuff or listen to him talk he doesn't say anything of interest at all never mind anything of significance.

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To expand on Woyzeck's eloquent point, this rumour does the rounds every year, it's always someone's mate who said that apparently, and it's always bollocks.

Last year when someone reported on here that Obama was set to make some sort of announcement regarding Extra Terrestrial life I found it believable to a point. Mostly because he struck me as the sort to be more open about these things. Clearly if such an announcement were ever made it would be huge, but does anyone really need that to know there is a good chance life exists outside of our little planet?


Ive read quite alot of UFO stuff, huge believer, but sensible with it all. Nick Pope and Timothy Goodall id recommend to anyone looking for quality books. Apparently all astronauts see when they go into space are shit load of UFO's everywhere and they are told this before they go up. Also, when they landed on the moon, which I believe DID happen, there were actually UFO's sitting on the surface already not terribly far from the moon landing site

I too believe that they landed on the Moon and have yet to be given reason to believe otherwise. I can also believe that Astronauts are warned about seeing UFO's when they go into space, that's not to say these are Alien craft, just object that can be seen, as such they are likely warned not to be alarmed or make too much of it. As for UFO's on the surface of the Moon though, if that were the case purely by definition they would not be UFO's, they would either be Alien craft, or some other object whether identifiable or not. Regardless of the what, there would or should be evidence of this. A credible source perhaps?

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Duane will love this one:




The founder of WikiLeaks, who recently released thousands of classified US documents on the Iraq War, is now wanted for arrest on charges of rape and molestation! They are clearly out to get him...

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