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i think this may be all getting a bit blown out of proportion. i would never blame a company for what someone may put into a promo, the promoter cant stop something from being said on a live mic!In SWA in scotland, the faction known as the A--List are usually called the Gay-List on interviews and promos. I've never heard of anyone being offended by that

I'm ALWAYS offended by it. Anyone who knows me knows my feelings on it and I won't rant about it here as that's not the specific subject of this thread, but casual homophobia in wrestling is all too common and when it's faces using "gay" as an insult which they encourage children to chant at heels, it's just wrong in every way.
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It's not acceptable. Claiming that there's nothing wrong with yelling "faggot" is just stupid - it's a pejorative term coined by people to denigrate homosexuals, something that it is generally accepted is not permissible in this day and age.I would like to know the views of Mike Castle or Michael3165 on the subject. I forget which one it was, but one of them stated that he is gay. Therefore, I think he should say whether he is offended or not by Southern Comfort's behaviour.

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But Hamrick was joining in the 'faggot' jokes? And Tighe and Simmons were playing up to them?

Tighe and Simmonz prompted the 'faggot' jokes with their dancing in the 'dance-off', apparently inspiring Tracey to make a comment. The dresswearing was what caused the 'faggots' chant afterwards.
A simple 'yes' would have done.

Whereas I think it couldn't be more obvious that this incident paints 1PW in a bad light all by itself.

Not really. I'd say it reflects badly on Tracey Smothers and Chris Hamrick more than anything; that is, for anyone who isn't continuously trying to trace it back to the promotion.
Right, we're finally beginning to get there. It reflects badly on Tracey AND Chris. Would you agree it reflects badly on Tighe and Simmons for playing up to it? And at which point do you turn around and say 'well, it was only four wrestlers for ten minutes. What's the problem from the company point of view?'And I'm loving how you're portraying me as 'continuously trying to trace it back to the promotion'. This isn't the CIA murdering Kennedy, or the American Government organising 9/11. It can be 'traced back to the promotion' by the fact that it took place at a 1PW event. Or is that stretching?I'll accept this was nothing to do with the promotion if the following turns out to be true.A - Smothers and Hamrick went into business for themselves. B - Simmons and Tighe didn't know it was going to happen, and played along with it because they didn't really have anything else they COULD have done.C - 1PW put out an apology distancing themselves from what happened totally.D - 1PW either send Smothers and Hamrick out for a public apology at their next show (and a REAL one, not a quick 'sorry for the bad language), or don't book them again.E - 1PW completely cut the segment from their DVD, so they don't try to profit from it. Shouldn't be too difficult - it was a six hour show. They'll need to cut stuff anyway.If all of those are true (and it's not totally unlikely. It'd be the professional thing to do, and it'd reflect well on Simmons and Tighe that they made an honest mistake), then 1PW are totally in the clear.If, on the other hand, they were pleased with the match, Simmons and Tighe were either pleased with the match, or were aware of what was going to happen in advance, then frankly, fuck them.
Posted (edited)

I sure as hell don't remember 'ass down face up' at all. I think I'd have noticed something like that.

It was "ass up, face down, pillow biting faggot" - Believe me, Hamrick did say this.

But Hamrick was joining in the 'faggot' jokes? And Tighe and Simmons were playing up to them?

Tighe and Simmonz prompted the 'faggot' jokes with their dancing in the 'dance-off', apparently inspiring Tracey to make a comment. The dresswearing was what caused the 'faggots' chant afterwards.
Nah, the homophobic comments were made before the dance-off. Tighe and Simmonz just played up to it. Edited by Shimmer
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I sure as hell don't remember 'ass down face up' at all. I think I'd have noticed something like that.

It was "ass up, face down, pillow biting faggot" - Believe me, Hamrick did say this.

But Hamrick was joining in the 'faggot' jokes? And Tighe and Simmons were playing up to them?

Tighe and Simmonz prompted the 'faggot' jokes with their dancing in the 'dance-off', apparently inspiring Tracey to make a comment. The dresswearing was what caused the 'faggots' chant afterwards.
Nah, the homophobic comments were made before the dance-off. Tighe and Simmonz just played up to it.
Thanks, Shimmer. Could you clarify Stevies apology, please?

Stevie Aaron only apologized once during the show, and that was for Wallace saying "cunt" once in his promo. There was no apology for SoCo's homophobic comments that I recall.


i think this may be all getting a bit blown out of proportion. i would never blame a company for what someone may put into a promo, the promoter cant stop something from being said on a live mic!In SWA in scotland, the faction known as the A--List are usually called the Gay-List on interviews and promos. I've never heard of anyone being offended by that

I'm ALWAYS offended by it. Anyone who knows me knows my feelings on it and I won't rant about it here as that's not the specific subject of this thread, but casual homophobia in wrestling is all too common and when it's faces using "gay" as an insult which they encourage children to chant at heels, it's just wrong in every way.
I'm not offened by it, but I DO think it's something that could be done without. The same goes for the case of Smothers and Hamrick here, and if the Iron Lions play up to it then they're just as bad. I do think that 1PW have to take measures to make sure this doesn't happen again. Just words to the roster saying "cut out the shit". I'm certain that the 1PW backstage people didn't see the faggot thing happening, although if that section of the dance off was booked by 1PW, then yeah, 1PW take responsibility full on.

I think it should be applauded if anythingI'm sick of all this PC bollocks

Ha! Let's get the old racist chants going too. Wouldn't want to perpetuate this "PC bollocks" thing that so sickens you. Woooo! Time to encourage some hatred!We'll have to remember to start a chant of "Smells like ga-as *clap clap clapclapclap*" next time we see a Jewish wrestler too. After all, being pig ignorant is a way to combat political correctness, is it not? Go you!
Haven't you got a demonstration to be at somewhere?
Lmao!! :laugh:

For what it's worth, I was at two shows in Wales last week that Tracey Smothers was on - no homophobic comments at all.


Damned if you do damned if you dont. If a promotion dont script what a wrestler says and someting is said out of turn then i guess based on this incident then they will have to tighten the reigns however what I dont understand from Darque Edge is that if the promotion has apologised for what was said immediatly after the offence took place then why wouldnt you go to future shows. Seems a bit childish in a industry that is positvely riddled with political incorrectness or are we just turning a blind eye to other stuff that has taken place in wrestling as a whole.

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The promotion hasn't apologised though, from what I can see. If the promotion takes the steps I've outlined above, then they'll be a company I have no problems with. If they don't (or at least don't take similar steps), then they're a company which endorse and promote this kind of bullshit. Which means I have no desire to spend money on them.

Seems a bit childish in a industry that is positvely riddled with political incorrectness or are we just turning a blind eye to other stuff that has taken place in wrestling as a whole.

Which was the last show you were at that had this kind of thing going on? You know, if it's 'riddled'? I'm not talking 'policitcally correct', I'm talking 'not completely offensive'. I'd say this is going over the line, and the line isn't often gone over.
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positvely riddled with political incorrectness

Anyone who tries to downplay racism & facism as political incorrectness is a fucking idiot.Calling Christmas "Winter Festival" is PC gone mad, calling a black man a "nigger" or a gay man a "Faggot" is moronic and has no place anywhere, let alone on a family wrestling show in England.1PW shouldn't apologise if it wasn't scripted by them. They shouldn't use the two guys again. If they do, they are guilty of accepting and condoning it.

Curb your tongue Rick your getting far too excitable. If you have a personal issue with me then PM rather than calling me a fucking idiot then we can discuss it there. To be honest though it comes as no surprise you would pounce on anything that I post.I was pointing out that pro wrestling is riddled with stereotypes that promoters have taken advantage of which to me and many others is politically incorrect and also offensive. Now I understand why people would be offended by what was said. I was backstage at the time so didnt see it or hear it but I was under the impression that Steve Aaron aplogised on the mic on behalf of 1pw after the match had taken place.

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Damned if you do damned if you dont. If a promotion dont script what a wrestler says and someting is said out of turn then i guess based on this incident then they will have to tighten the reigns

Why go from one extreme to another? All 1PW have to do in future (and I'm sure they will) is to lay down some basic ground rules, and the wrestlers can work around them. No racism, no homophobia, no religious hatred. If they can't get heat without resorting to one of those, they're obviously not good enough.
Posted (edited)

1PW shouldn't apologise if it wasn't scripted by them. They shouldn't use the two guys again. If they do, they are guilty of accepting and condoning it.

I agree.But in 1pw I think its the case of the lunatics running the asylum. Hamrick and Smothers probably have the attitude of they can do what they like. 1pw may have said sorry after but I BET the two idiots that said it werent even spoke to about it. Edited by bootcleaner
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