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Oh dear, oh dear a vegetarian has walked into a butchers shop and been offended by the offer of steak, lets ring up Mary Whitehouse, oh no we can't can we, she's dead thankgod.If you think for one minute that Pro-Wrestling should be PC in 2007, you seriously need to stop following it. FACT: Pro-Wrestling has NEVER been politically correct and never will be, it can't be by it's very nature. Lets put a promo into PC speak;Face: "Hello my fellow competitor, one would like to enquire about a vacant challenger spot for your Heavyweight Championship"Heel: "Certainly not, I could never face you for my Championship as this would lead to my losing of such title due to your excellent win record and performing ability"Face: "Oh please sir, I only enquired, maybe at the next show perhaps?"Heel: "Never, one could never defend my title against you"Face: "I Believe your discriminating against me due to my wrestling prowess, I'll be forced to lodge a complaint with the General Manager if you don't grant me my wish, which will lead to a suspension and eventual dismissal if found guilty for contravening the European Human Rights Act which prohibits discrimination of all kinds"Heel: "Your right young whipper snapper, I'm such a prejudiced man arn't I?...How about a goodwill gesture on my behalf as compensation, instead of fighting, sorry "performing" for those in the audience who were about to sue us for unlawfull advertising of a product, instead of performing at the next show, why don't we perform against each other this evening in the main event in a pre-planned performance lasting 20minutes with no actual intended physical violence and no swearwords, do we have a deal?"Face: "Good sport sir, three cheers for the Heel, hip hip, Hooray!"Do you still want Wrestling to be by the book and non-pc now?

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As someone with no opinion either way of being pro-1PW or otherwise, unlike yourself Dingbat going by your signature picture, I'm of the opinion that the promotion is to blame as much as the individual.It seems the wrestler's have free rein to say either whatever they want, or they were told to say what they said by the promotion. Regardless, this is the promotion's fault. Would anything like this occur at an All Star show? No, as the people running that promotion would make it clear what is allowed and what isn't.


I honestly don't see it to be much of a problem. It happens in alot of sports. At football matches you've got fans chanting sexist stuff to the female stewards, racist stuff to players (hardly ever in this country thankfully) & insults of a homosexual nature. I don't really see what's so wrong with chanting "faggot" towards a wrestler. If fans can get away with "you suck dick" & "she's a crackwhore" , I'm sure "faggot" can be let by. Whether the wrestlers encouraged it or not, it's nothing to throw a fit over. I bet you wouldn't complain if fans were mocking a gay wrestler calling him straight.

Posted (edited)

As someone with no opinion either way of being pro-1PW or otherwise, unlike yourself Dingbat going by your signature picture, I'm of the opinion that the promotion is to blame as much as the individual.It seems the wrestler's have free rein to say either whatever they want, or they were told to say what they said by the promotion. Regardless, this is the promotion's fault. Would anything like this occur at an All Star show? No, as the people running that promotion would make it clear what is allowed and what isn't.

So are you suggesting that 1PW should've told all their performers before the show "OK guys, have a great show, oh and one more thing, don't start up homophobic chants or use offensive language, i'm looking at you Smothers and Wallace. Let's go!" ?It is made very clear what was acceptable and what is not, especially by Stevie Aaron who had to issue apologies over the house mic. That is as much as the promotion can do, short of turning the microphone off, yanking the offending performers into the back and acting as if nothing happened. Edited by Dingbat

Erm, well yeah . . . . if you're running a show where families and children will be attending I'd think it a wise move to say to the boys "right guys, watch the language" etc. Does this sound stupid to you Dingbat?

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For the inevitable 'but it's not the companies fault' response, it is. They booked SoCo and the British Lions, they advertised them, and I'm assuming at some point, they had some say as to what went on in their show.The ultimate responsibility comes down to the company.And yeah, I'll turn around and say that I won't pay for another ticket with 1PW. OMG OVERREACTION!! The simple reason is I've gone there with groups before - groups of people I pushed the show on. I really can't begin to say just how embarassed and mortified I would have been to have pushed people to come to a show like this, and had this happen.And seriously, screw the 'It's wrestling! Since when was wrestling PC?'. I have no problem with 'adult'. I have a problem with 'bigoted'. This is Bernard Manning territory, not a night out at Jongleurs.

Posted (edited)

Erm, well yeah . . . . if you're running a show where families and children will be attending I'd think it a wise move to say to the boys "right guys, watch the language" etc. Does this sound stupid to you Dingbat?

It does when 1PW have always maintained that 'anything can happen', and that parents who bring their children to the shows are responsible for what they hear. Considering this is a company that last year ran a 'Barbed Wire Hell' match and issued a second separate warning about that, I really don't think 1PW is aimed specifically at kids.Darque Edge - you weren't at the show, were you? Stevie Aaron was forced to apologise for the language used. What else would you suggest 1PW did?

I'd like to know what any faggots thought of all this?

Well, my best mate is bisexual; he was front-row and he was offended, so he spoke out against what Smothers said on the forum. He didn't slate 1PW. Edited by Dingbat

I'm sure they say prior to the show "watch the language" & stuff like that, but seriously in the heat of the moment if a wrestler calls someone a fag or whatever, the promoters aren't gonna come out & apologise on the spot & make the wrestler apologise to anyone he/she offended. That's just stupid. You can hardly blame 1PW for something a wrestler said on a live show. 1PW may book the matches, but at the end of the day they have no control over a wrestler's voicebox. The sanest of wrestlers can just blurt out "fuck y'all niggas" during a match if they wanted to. Would this be the promotion's fault? I don't believe it would.


For the inevitable 'but it's not the companies fault' response, it is. They booked SoCo and the British Lions, they advertised them, and I'm assuming at some point, they had some say as to what went on in their show.The ultimate responsibility comes down to the company.And yeah, I'll turn around and say that I won't pay for another ticket with 1PW. OMG OVERREACTION!! The simple reason is I've gone there with groups before - groups of people I pushed the show on. I really can't begin to say just how embarassed and mortified I would have been to have pushed people to come to a show like this, and had this happen.And seriously, screw the 'It's wrestling! Since when was wrestling PC?'. I have no problem with 'adult'. I have a problem with 'bigoted'. This is Bernard Manning territory, not a night out at Jongleurs.

Bernard Manning, your delusional mate, seriously do you have a real grasp of what life in Britain is like in 2007? It's not the PC Utopia of Multiculturalism the propaganda of politics make out pal, if you get all hot and bothered about some wrestler calling another wrestler a faggot, you need to get a social life. I've met alot of Gays in my time, in fact a few Queens, and none of them would have had a problem with that remark, only jumped up little busybodies who take themselves far too seriously do. Now if they used ethnic racist words you'd have my backing, you would, but for the use of the words Faggot is taking it a bit too far. And don't come back with, it's starts there, because it doesn't, thats a completely different level.

Erm, well yeah . . . . if you're running a show where families and children will be attending I'd think it a wise move to say to the boys "right guys, watch the language" etc. Does this sound stupid to you Dingbat?

It does when 1PW have always maintained that 'anything can happen', and that parents who bring their children to the shows are responsible for what they hear. Considering this is a company that last year ran a 'Barbed Wire Hell' match and issued a second separate warning about that, I really don't think 1PW is aimed specifically at kids.Darque Edge - you weren't at the show, were you? Stevie Aaron was forced to apologise for the language used. What else would you suggest 1PW did?

I'd like to know what any faggots thought of all this?

Well, my best mate is bisexual; he was front-row and he was offended, so he spoke out against what Smothers said on the forum. He didn't slate 1PW.
Why did the MC apologise then if its the parent's responsibility for knowing what to expect?
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Haven't you got a demonstration to be at somewhere?

Nah. How's the comedy circuit coping without your blinding wit anyway?

Oh dear, oh dear a vegetarian has walked into a butchers shop and been offended by the offer of steak, lets ring up Mary Whitehouse, oh no we can't can we, she's dead thankgod.If you think for one minute that Pro-Wrestling should be PC in 2007, you seriously need to stop following it. FACT: Pro-Wrestling has NEVER been politically correct and never will be, it can't be by it's very nature. Lets put a promo into PC speak;Face: "Hello my fellow competitor, one would like to enquire about a vacant challenger spot for your Heavyweight Championship"Heel: "Certainly not, I could never face you for my Championship as this would lead to my losing of such title due to your excellent win record and performing ability"Face: "Oh please sir, I only enquired, maybe at the next show perhaps?"Heel: "Never, one could never defend my title against you"Face: "I Believe your discriminating against me due to my wrestling prowess, I'll be forced to lodge a complaint with the General Manager if you don't grant me my wish, which will lead to a suspension and eventual dismissal if found guilty for contravening the European Human Rights Act which prohibits discrimination of all kinds"Heel: "Your right young whipper snapper, I'm such a prejudiced man arn't I?...How about a goodwill gesture on my behalf as compensation, instead of fighting, sorry "performing" for those in the audience who were about to sue us for unlawfull advertising of a product, instead of performing at the next show, why don't we perform against each other this evening in the main event in a pre-planned performance lasting 20minutes with no actual intended physical violence and no swearwords, do we have a deal?"Face: "Good sport sir, three cheers for the Heel, hip hip, Hooray!"Do you still want Wrestling to be by the book and non-pc now?

What the hell are you on about?Nobody is saying that wrestling needs to try and be ultra PC. Political Correctness gone mad is no help to any situation, pro wrestling included. What people are complaining about is homophobic attitudes that simply would not be allowed in any other type of entertainment aimed towards children. Your promo ramble makes no sense. There's not really a problem using homophobic or racist characters in theory (it rarely works mind you), as long as they are shown to be heels, saying heelish things. But when a face does it for a cheap pop it's total bullshit and should not happen. I was not at the 1PW show, but I'm not suprised there were "gay" jibes. It happens at many shows for many promotions. I recently witnessed kids aged 8 or 9 being encouraged to chant "gay boy" at a wrestler by his opponent at a very family oriented show.I don't know whether or not it's one of those "tough guy, wrestler" things where they feel the need to prove their straightness, but when playing the part of a Face character for fans (kids included) to cheer, there should be no gay cussing or racist shit.

Well, this doesn't surprise me at all.I'm sure, though, that all the 1PW fans were perfectly pleased with it eh? I mean, we're 1PW fans, so we must not be offended by stuff like this, right? Hell, we probably sat there laughing all the way through and after the show commended Smothers on this hilarious segment. In fact, we all turned away from the awesome Nigel McGuinness/Darren Burridge match in order to go and ask Tracy to make more homophobic comments towards Tighe and Simmons.Well for anyone assuming that, you're wrong, and this seems to be gearing towards being another veiled attempt to condemn 1PW for whatever reason can be found. Call me paranoid all you like, but that's my honest opinion of this post. I don't see a single part of that post where you even begin to mention that Smothers and Hamrick themselves could be held responsible for it, rather than the promotion. Myself and my friends were offended by the segment too and we made a point of it on the 1PW forum. Smothers' words weren't funny - they were just typical of a 'redneck' character. Now, that doesn't make it acceptable and that's why we complained, but I fail to see how this was the promotion's fault, in much the same way that James Wallace swearing like a wounded pirate wasn't the promotion's fault either. At any rate, I also don't see any other promotions who have booked Smothers kicking him off their cards, so I guess not everyone was offended.

Hey to be honest, i have never heard of 1PW until i did a quick search on this forum, all i know is how wrestling fans can be at times, and most of them were probably more concerned with the quality of the matches than the content of a promo.Hell if they offended guys who weren't good workers or if Smothers and Hammrick were better it would probably be considered more acceptable.
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