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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vamp said:

    There's a wonderful documentary series on British politics called Yes Minister followed by the equally good Yes Prime Minister. Sadly I don't think they apply to contemporary British politics.Ā 

    Iā€™ll have to look for that. Is it in the on Netflix or can I maybe just search for a name, maybe like that Alec Bā€™Stard or whatever he was called?

  2. Good point. (Edit - that was to @Your Fight Siteā€™s comment)

    I have another one too (overactive brain tonight!) - when a new PM comes in, I know they get to appoint their cabinet. Do they also get a new back-room team?

    This might not be the correct terminology but Iā€™ll explain what I mean. This is based off an office conversation this afternoon so I may have got the wrong end of the stick with some things that were said so bear with me hereā€¦

    The PM is just the face of the party and thereā€™s a team in the background who will be pulling all the strings and looking at popularity polls and reactions to proposals/announcements and that sort of thing - hence the spineless lack of conviction and the spinning top U-turns.

    So is this ā€˜teamā€™ a permanent fixture of the party regardless of who the face is or does the team change with each new leader?

    If itā€™s a permanent fixture then why are there all these decisions that seemingly come from thin air and are poles apart from what was there before? Surely if itā€™s the same team then they should be tweaking rather than demolishing?

    But if itā€™s a new team each time, I get that they probably want to make their mark or whatever, but again why are the new plans just so vastly different from the previous team?

    Apologies if this is like British Politics 101 but I could probably do with something explaining it all to me like a 6-year-old because I just donā€™t get it.

  3. Genuine question: when Borisā„¢ļø resigned and there was the big battle for the new PM with debates on TV and all that shit, where did the money come from for that? Was that all funded by the party, by the individual standing, by the government or elsewhere?

    I donā€™t know the ins and outs of politics, government or political parties, and I donā€™t even know what specifically to Google to find more information.

  4. The Darkness: Iā€™m really not a fan. Justin Hawkins makes me itchy and Ā I see them as a novelty act and nothing more. However, I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed watching Justin at the Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert as he can obviously sing so I donā€™t understand why The Darkness produce such shitty music that makes my ears bleed. Him singing other peopleā€™s songs are a lot more palatable for some reason.

    Blink-182: Iā€™m very excited about the new tour announcement. I loved California and I really like Matt Skibaā€™s influence. I saw them on the last tour in (just looked it up and, Christ, it doesnā€™t feel that long ago!) 2017 and was blown away by how good they sounded. But Iā€™m excited about Tom coming back too although I hope it doesnā€™t mean a return to the bubblegum punk of the ā€˜90s. I loved California as it felt more grown up but still with a sprinkling of knob gags so we might have a taste of things to come on Friday when ā€˜Edgingā€™ is released - although the title makes me a little apprehensive.

    Iron Maiden: Iā€™m not a huge fan but I know some songs and wouldnā€™t mind seeing them live. Did I read somewhere though that the tour next year is just about their new album? Iā€™m not arsed about seeing them if thatā€™s all theyā€™re going to play.

    BST Hyde Park: Iā€™ve seen Billy Joel and P!nk have been announced (not on the same bill but that would be a hell of a show!) but any other rumours about who else might be added?

    Aerosmith: Iā€™m still clinging to the hope that these bastards might reschedule the tour they cancelled ā€œdue to Covidā€ and then promptly announced a Las Vegas residency.Ā 

  5. My mate sent me a screengrab of a conversation in her work WhatsApp group (limited to people she actually likes). The average age must be ā€˜toddlerā€™ because one girl said sheā€™s seen a clip from a film where these people are all dancing around a dining table and some hands come out of the prawn cocktails. She ā€œthinksā€ the film is called Beetlejuice and has anyone seen it.

  6. My morning coffee on the way to work. It has to be either Costa or Starbucks - Iā€™m not a fan of either company but they do vastly superior coffees to Pret or Cafe Nero. Iā€™d usually go for Costa over everything else but Starbucks is right outside the station. I justify the overly-inflated prices by having a very skimpy lunch but I wonā€™t (canā€™t!) go without a coffee in the morning.

  7. @Frankie Crisp, what are you in London for (i.e. how central do you need to be)? Ā There are some cheap and cheerful hotels in Stratford as itā€™s within easy distance of the Olympic Park, the ExCeL and the O2.

    This thread could be the death of me though as I fear once I start on ā€œdickhead behaviourā€ Iā€™m experiencing at the moment then I wonā€™t be able to stop. Iā€™m surrounded by pure imbeciles at the moment.

  8. Only just seen that Harry Landis has died. I knew him when I worked at Equity and he was such a lovely man. I absolutely adored him. I knew him as Felix in Eastenders and never watched Friday Night Dinner. A pleasure to have known him.



    This news just tops the shittiest day Iā€™ve had in a very long time. Today can fuck right off.

  9. I was looking at getting a ticket for Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott as I love the Beautiful South. They were the first band I saw when I moved to London in 2003. However, I was a bit dubious about buying tickets until I heard the new album.Ā 

    Also, I got tickets today for the Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert on Saturday (and gone to the theatre twice in the last 2 weeks) so I donā€™t think I can afford any more tickets this month.

  10. 4 hours ago, Gay as FOOK said:

    It's triggered my claustrophobia just looking at that!Ā 

    You definitely wouldnā€™t have like the armoured personnel carrier we got to ride in then. No windows, very cramped with only 8 people in the back, bumpy, dusty and very disorientating. Glad it was only a 5-minute ride.

  11. 23 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

    This was designed with the relevant members of staff, and may seem like a small thing, but it's just a simple effective change that might make a big difference to some people.Ā 

    I can't tell you what an absolute shit fit I throw when someone that isn't based at my office rocks up and sits at "my" desk, so I can only imagine how difficult it is for people that need a regular routine.

    I HATE hot-desking and, in a previous job, a great manager I only had for a short time made sure I had two monitors which then meant I had to sit at a permanent desk. I used to be made fun of in that job because of ā€œhow particularā€ I was about my desk. I donā€™t like people sitting in my chair, using my things or touching my desk. Everything has to be in order, in its place and as I want it.

    Itā€™s still really difficult for me to acknowledge that this isnā€™t me being anal or possessive or over-sensitive or even difficult. Since March I have gotten upset a few times about past experiences and how I was made to feel like I was going mad or I was a bad person for behaving in a particular way. Itā€™s really hard to change that mindset and I guess Iā€™m sad at what mightā€™ve been if Iā€™d been diagnosed sooner.

  12. If Iā€™m going out shopping I usually try and go early/very late to avoid crowds (one less thing to deal with). I knew some places do autism-friendly hours but had no idea that some places are now doing more than just an hour and provide headphones if needed. Thatā€™s brilliant!

    As for headphones, I use my AirPods Pro at the moment even just for noise cancelling if I need to. I canā€™t wear over the head ones as they hurt my ears and, more importantly of course, mess my hair up. #HighMaintenance

    Edit: I was diagnosed with ADHD and autism in March so everythingā€™s a massive learning curve right now.

  13. 5 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

    Popped big time for Billy, Libby and Stingray.

    I found the Natalie Imbruglia/Holly Vallance part quite strange. They were obviously in another part of Australia/another country but still had it professionally filmed rather than by their phone or whatever.

    The only thing that could have made it any better would have been a cameo from Lou Carpenter or the ghost of Drew.

    I think I read that Tom Oliver (Lou) is ill but his family are quite private so no-oneā€™s absolutely sure. It was a nice nod to him though when Terese was looking at the documents for River Bend and when she slid them into the envelope and turned it over it was addressed to ā€œT Oliverā€.

  14. Iā€™ve just finished crying. There were moments of pure joy in that finale. I just want to look forward to the Farewell Tour now and try not to think about it being so far away.

  15. 1 minute ago, DEF said:

    Oooh, jealous of the meet and great tickets. I was to late for them.

    Iā€™ve had a massive crush on Dr Karl for years and both him and Susan were the first confirmed guests. Iā€™ve met him twice - once at a Neighbours Night in Sydney and once after a pantomime he was in in Sevenoaks - and I turned into a knob both times so god knows what Iā€™ll be like at the M&G!

    And Iā€™m telling you now, if Jason Donovan is announced then I will absolutely lose my shit. I was seriously obsessed with him when I was younger.

  16. How have I missed this conversation about Neighbours?! Iā€™m genuinely devastated. Iā€™ve not missed an episode in years and I Sky+ it every day even when I go on holidays. Iā€™m going to miss it immensely!Ā 

    The subtle in-jokes recently have been brilliant. I liked it when, looking through Haroldā€™s Memory Book, someone quipped about how much Lucy Robinsonā€™s changed over the years and looks like 3 different people. NB Sheā€™s been played by 3 actresses over the years for those who didnā€™t know. Edit: missed @Merzbowalready mentioning this.

    My friend and I had tickets for a Neighbours Reunion that was meant to happen in 2020 and got cancelled. So when the Farewell Tour was announced we had the option of transferring the tickets or getting a refund. Of course we transferred (for amazing seats at the London Palladium) and then also upgraded to a meet and greet. I canā€™t tell you how ridiculously excited I am about this.

    Also, The Guardian ran an article last week asking people to submit their favourite memories and what Neighbours means to you. I practically write a novel. Got an email yesterday asking if they could include my submission in an article. Not sure when itā€™s coming out yet though.

  17. Iā€™ve started trying to compliment at least one random person each day as I just think itā€™s a nice thing to do and it makes me smile too.

    Yesterday I saw two girls of about maybe 10/11 when I was walking home. One had a Marvin the Martian skirt on so as I walked past I said, ā€œCool skirt!ā€ and they just looked at each other giggling so I looked back and said, ā€œItā€™s very cool!ā€ And she shyly called back ā€œThank you!ā€ as they crossed the road.

    Then today I saw a woman with a multi-coloured animal print skirt on and told her I really liked it as I went past. She thanked me and (in typical lady style, no idea why 99% of women do this) told me it was only Ā£6.99 from Shein.

    Randomly complimenting someone not only makes them happy but it really lifts my mood too. I was having a bit of a shitty day today until I saw the lady with the great skirt.

    Try it. If your worried about maybe coming across as creepy or a bit weird just go for something looking ā€œcoolā€ or ā€œfunkyā€ rather than ā€œI really like yourā€¦ā€ which could sound odd. Shoes are always a good one even for guys, ā€œCool shoes!ā€ can work on anyone. And that a little throwaway compliment for you might just be the highlight of someone elseā€™s day.

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