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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through, @Frankie Crisp, and to your mate’s family obviously. Your posts have really cut me up and I don’t even want to imagine what you/they are going through.

    I don’t want to take anything away from your pain but this situation is exactly what I’m petrified of - my parents are that same age, my dad had underlying health problems and he would go to pieces if anything happened to my mum.

    I had to leave a WhatsApp group recently because I was sick to death of seeing these people (‘friends’) hanging out in each other’s homes and having parties, going to pubs and restaurants, going on physical dates (and booking into hotel rooms) evening sharing an AirBnB together a couple of weeks ago. It enrages me that they just don’t give a crap about anyone else. Talked about this a lot yesterday in therapy too because being in the WhatsApp group and seeing all this going on has really knocked me the last couple of weeks. They’re all a waste of space.

  2. Twitter’s statement about Glinner is quite hypocritical considering a lot of other verified accounts out there that people are calling for to be suspended:

    “Twitter defines platform manipulation as ‘using Twitter to engage in bulk, aggressive, or deceptive activity that misleads others and/or disrupts their experience’.”

    Katie Hopkins is gone, now Glinner. Let’s hope they’re finally growing a spine.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Abe_Knuckleball_Schwartz said:

    Such a shame that is being rethemed, racism never once came into my mind when riding this.

    Have you ever seen the film? Do you know the story behind the theming?

    I think it’s a great idea. It’s never stood out as particularly Disney to me and, while the ride itself is a classic, it’s outdated and needed a spruce up. In all the times I’ve been to Disney I think I rode it once when I was little and once as an adult. It’s boring. It doesn’t even have that ‘it’s so rubbish it’s great’ vibe that other rides like Pirates of the Caribbean has.

     I think reimagining it as Princess and the Frog is a great idea.

  4. 10 hours ago, Your Fight Site said:

    This is one of my favourite facts. I think I picked it up from Shooting Stars or something.

    Also related: “Big Mo” (Laila Morse) from EastEnders is the sister of Gary Oldman.

    Laila Morse is her stage name (she’s Maureen Oldman) and was suggested by Isabella Rossilini.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    You can still be a radical feminist without being a TERF though. That’s where the first two letters makes the distinction. 

    Absolutely. I didn’t define it properly so that’s my mistake. Thanks for clarifying.

  6. 9 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    I know this may sound very ignorant but this would be around or thereabouts where I stand on the matter, and I don't think it's that extreme a way to be about it.

    I don’t think it’s ignorant. I think I may have mis-worded what I said... TERF is a ‘radical feminist’ by definition. You’ve already shown you’re not a TERF as you said you believe a trans woman has every legal and personal right a woman has. TERFs do not accept trans women at all especially legal and personal rights because they haven’t earned them by being born with a penis. So while you might agree on some of the ideology, which is perfectly reasonable obviously, you don’t sound (to me as a cis woman) like you’re being ignorant or offensive.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Loki said:

    Now all of a sudden, you're not a woman, you're a cis woman.  You're now a subset of your own gender, and all the progress and safe space and understanding that has been won for women is now to be shared by a new set of people who've not shared that journey, not fought those fights.  A group of people moreover who were born as men and who do not share some of what you regard as intrinsic parts of the female experience.

    Disclaimer: the following isn’t aimed at you but about those women who believe in this statement.

    I don’t agree with this - it’s TERF ideology. It (in my opinion) is bullshit and it’s in the same vein as what Rowling is spouting on about. It marginalises trans women even more because now they don’t fit in anywhere. I get why they’re  saying what they’re saying but it’s just not the right way to go about things. It’s an extreme ideology and I doubt there will ever be a middle ground for them.

  8. @King Pitcos “Watch your tone” is not transphobic which is why I had no issue with it, you utter twat. Again, you didn’t quote anyone - you said it.

    I’m not arguing this with you any more because you’re obviously oblivious to what you did and it’s like talking to a brick wall (or someone with the social awareness of). You’re ignored.

  9. 9 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

    Yeah, I found it disgusting as well - but you thinking it's my comment shows your lack of knowledge on the subject, so maybe you should educate yourself and redirect your idiotic outrage in the future.

    I don’t follow JK Rowling and have no interest in what she has to say. In the context of this thread though, you think it’s ok to just repeat something deplorable as this? You said it therefore it is your comment. If you were quoting it then put it in quote marks.

    And you’re talking bollocks about your MBB comment. You said it in response to a comment about something else and not whether you find it funny or not. You’ve been called out on it and you’re backtracking.

    Edit: I’m also not “outraged”, I just think you’re a prick đŸ‘đŸ»

  10. 12 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

    What Houchen said. 

    No, that’s no what you said so don’t jump on what Houchen said.

    In response to Factotum saying about CIS men telling CIS women what to think you said:

    1 hour ago, King Pitcos said:

    Hopefully it leads to cancelling Mrs Brown’s Boys and Kenny Everett.

    It wasn’t about the comedy aspect so please explain.

    Also, I found your comment about choking on your “fat trans cock and die” fucking disgusting and shows your lack of knowledge on the subject so maybe you should avoid making stupid comments like that again in the future.

  11. 55 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

    Hopefully it leads to cancelling Mrs Brown’s Boys and Kenny Everett. I don’t know if Kenny Everett’s stuff is even on anything now anyway, but it used to reet annoy me on the Paramount channel in the nineties.

    Mrs Brown’s Boys - while I’m not defending the ‘comedy’ aspect nor am I trans - doesn’t take the piss out of trans women. It’s drag in the same way as RuPaul. They’re not being derogatory of trans women, gay men or anyone in between. So why would MBB be cancelled in this context?

    I can’t remember much about Kenny Everett so I can’t comment on that.

  12. Just now, HarmonicGenerator said:

    I believe that it’s been taken to a secure collections store following them getting it out of the river this morning, and is then going to a Bristol museum, yes.

    Thanks for clarifying. Then it should go on display as is - damaged, on its side, graffitied (if it is) - to show a story and educate people.

  13. 36 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

    Feel like BBC/Netflix have lost the plot with this a bit. A few years ago in the US before showing old Looney Tunes cartoons that featured racist caricatures they added the below. I feel like BBC/Netflix should do the same.


    This is what I said earlier about Disney. You can’t erase history but you can learn from it.

    In this regard, the statue of Colston that they pulled from the river - is this now going in a museum? I’m not up-to-date on this story. I don’t think all statues should necessarily be destroyed but made an example of. If this ins was going in a museum then use it to teach people who this guy was a what he did. There are busts of Hitler still around but they’re used as examples of propaganda and to teach people about who he was and what he did. I’m not saying that a statue of Jimmy Saville should be in a museum but people of historical importance.

  14. This is a really interesting topic to read. A couple of months ago I was asked by an audience review website I’m on to watch Lenny Henry’s Race Through Comedy. It’s available online if anyone’s interested:


    It’s very enlightening (from my perspective of being white) as to how comedies from the past were seen from a BAME perspective. I’m not sure the programme did the subject justice really as it was crammed into an hour and I got bored for about 20mins in between however it looked at the Black & White Minstrel Show, Love Thy Neighbour, Rising Damp, etc.

    I think I remember someone saying that even though Love Thy Neighbour was taking the piss out of the Alf Garnett character it still promoted racism. Either because people didn’t get it (as previously mentioned) or because this was the only representation of black people that some white people had seen so they learned new [profoundly racist] terminology they might never have learned if it wasn’t for these programmes.

    What struck me though is that I was left feeling that these programmes that are now deemed unacceptable shouldn’t just be erased for no-one to ever see them again. They should be held up as examples of what is not acceptable. A good example is Disney and their old non-PC films. Instead of just deleting them and pretending it never happened, there are now disclaimers saying they were made in a different time and some content is not acceptable now but it teaches children (and some adults) to understand WHY it’s no longer acceptable.

    You can’t delete history but you do have to learn from it without glorifying it. Having said that, I saw a tweet earlier saying something like, “This is ridiculous, it’s comedy FFS!” in relation to Little Britain being taken off air. Comedy is subjective but it doesn’t give a free pass to being offensive and you can’t object to the offence if you’re not the one offended. If that makes sense.

  15. 19 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

    Pampas Grass out the front or is that an urban legend?

    It’s a terraced house so not in this instance. I’ve heard of that before as well but am yet to see actual evidence.

    19 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    I set up a trail cam in the yard to see what wildlife visit and there are Magpies who visit early morning. One of them picks up cat biscuits in his beak, then dips them in water before eating them!

    I’ve been putting out cat biscuits too. Not seen then doing this. They also seem to really like grapes but throw away anything else I’ve put out like pita bread or crackers.

  16. 9 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Is it anti-Semitic to give magpies Jewish names?

    They are the names of a couple who live near my parents. I’d named Mervyn first and then my mum joked about the other one being Sylvia.

    In real life, Mervyn and Sylvia were a couple of swingers back in the day. They had a live-in “lodger” called Brian and Sylvia would always be hanging skimpy underwear and leather accompaniments on the washing line.

    This has no relationship to me naming the magpie Mervyn...

  17. I spent over £50 this week on bird feeders and bird food. And I’ve started talking to Mervyn and Sylvia - the two magpies that have taken up residence in my garden.

    I think I’m losing the plot.

  18. 2 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    3 years on they still open Animal Kingdom an hour early every day just so people can queue for it inside the park.  They pen in at the bridge by Nomad Lounge and there's a 3 hour wait by the time the park "officially" opens.  I'd say enough people know about it.

    I didn’t explain it properly. It’s obviously popular because of the queues. I meant that I don’t think they describe it enough for people (like me) who really aren’t bothered about Avatar. It’s an absolutely incredible ride and I’m so grateful that it broke down and I got to ride it otherwise I would’ve just dismissed it.

    2 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    Because you're gliding through the air?  Front row, centre vehicle is best as you're dead on and there's no feet in front of you.  It's ASMR on a gigantic scale.

    My experience is that it wasn’t immersive enough. I could see the edge of the screens, I could see the other ‘vehicles’ in my peripheral vision. It just felt like I was on a crappy simulator ride. Maybe it was because I wasn’t in the best seat but surely any seat should be at least a good seat.

    38 minutes ago, King Pitcos said:

    Is mission space the one where you sit really close to a screen and there are four of you doing different jobs? I liked that one.

    Yes! I absolutely LOVE that ride. That’s another technically brilliant ride where you’re totally immersed in the experience - the same as Flight of Passage. For me, a great ride is one where you lose yourself. These two do that for me.

  19. With the exception of Flight of Passage, Disney really just tend rehash rides all the time. The last new ride at Magic Kingdom (I think) was the Seven Dwarves Mine Train - another train ride to go with Thunder Mountain. It’s nothing new. Then there was the Na’avi River Ride - another river ride. Ok, I don’t think there’s another river ride at Animal Kingdom but it’s just so boring! There hasn’t been a new ride announcement from Disney (with the exception of Galaxy’s Edge) that I’ve ever been excited about. They did sell Flight of Passage very well either.

    It was only pure luck I went on FoP as Pandora hadn’t long opened when I was last there and the wait times for it were 6+ hours. You couldn’t get a FastPass for love nor money! We were just walking through Pandora to see what all the fuss was about as neither my friend or I particularly liked the film. FoP has broken down (again!) and they’d cleared the ride. Just as we were leaving it reopened and we were able to walk in. We still had to wait about an hour inside because it broke down while we were inside but we did eventually get on. And it was absolutely incredible. It’s genuinely like some sort of spiritual awakening and everyone getting off looked like they’d just been touched by God or something. Disney really doesn’t sell it enough and if I hadn’t been on it already then I really wouldn’t be interested.

    On the flip side, they promote Soaring like there’s no tomorrow and is absolute bollocks. I went on that not long after it opened and that too broke down while we were queuing. And I’m still angry I wasted my time waiting to go on such a shitty ride. I really don’t understand all the praise it gets.

  20. The only film I’ve ever walked out of because I literally had no idea what was going on was called White Sands. I just looked it up on IMDB as I’d blanked out anything about it. I had no idea any of the people it says were in it were in it.

    I also saw Jeepers Creepers at a cinema in Australia and if it wasn’t for the audience (around 8 of us) all laughing and shouting at the screen together then I probably would’ve walked out of that too.

  21. I’ve had a creative lethargy (can’t be arsed to do anything) over the last few weeks but saw the RAF Museum was running a poster competition this week... and they had an over-18s category too! I asked if you could enter more than once (very few T&Cs) as I had a concept for a series of posters but had no response so I knocked these 3 up on Wednesday night. Had some really positive feedback and, even if I don’t win, I might do a few more designs and stick them on Redbubble. A friend already wants me to do one with a C-47 on it.






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