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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. 2 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    Is that actually true? I always thought it was because it was to do with a club or clubhouse originally. And that someone just decided to make up the letter thing.

    Thatā€™s what I thought! I mean, my source isnā€™t 100% foolproof - I heard it from William Hanson on I Sexted My Boss. I did just Google and apparently itā€™s a myth but it still makes sense šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

  2. I saw Dogstar in Kentish Town tonight. Iā€™ve been a bit obsessed with Keanu Reeves for an age and first saw them play T in the Park in 1996.

    They absolutely blew me away and Iā€™m buzzing. I wore my Ramones shirt and was talking to the singer, Bret, before the gig. I said my favourite song is I Wanna be Sedated (knowing they cover it) and he said, ā€œWell, weā€™re going to have to add that to the set list tonight, arenā€™t we?ā€

    True to word, during the encore, Bret says something like, ā€œThe next song is a late addition to the set because we met a girl earlier and this is her favourite song so here we goā€¦ā€

    To say I lost my shit is a total understatement. Iā€™m dining off that for the rest of my life! And hereā€™s a photo of Keanu laughing when Bret forgot the lyrics to the second verse.


  3. The Vietnamese egg coffee and affogato sound/look amazing. I need to try both. Iā€™m not affected by caffeine because of ADHD so Iā€™d have both on a drip please.

    Has anyone tried Mexican hot chocolate? I had it (funnily enough) in Mexico and it was amazing. It was a thick chocolate with Ā chunky sugar and various spices and itā€™s like crack.

  4. I got obsessed with the birds in my garden during lockdown. Came across a feeder my old neighbour left behind and, before I knew it, I bought about 20 different types of feeders and varying foods for each one. Iā€™ve calmed down a bit and now have 13 feeders and 6 food types.

    I get so many different birds, I love watching them - blue tits, great tits, long-tailed tits, robins, gold finch, green finch, dunnocks, sparrows, starlings, nuthatch, jays, parakeets, great spotted woodpecker, green woodpecker, jackdaws, magpies, crows, wood pigeons and gulls. I did once have a pheasant land in the garden and often see red kites flying overhead.

    Just yesterday I heard screeching and managed to catch sight of some sort of predatory bird (either kite or hawk) catching a smaller bird in the garden and flying off.

    I also get foxes, muntjac deer and badgers. Itā€™s like The Animals of Farthing Wood in my garden!

    I set up an Instagram account a while back to share some of my photos -Ā https://instagram.com/wild.en5

  5. I canā€™t count properly. A source of great embarrassment in certain circumstances. Canā€™t do my times tables except for 2, 5 and 10, canā€™t do equations, percentages, long division/multiplication, and struggle with listening to numbers and writing them down, e.g. if someone is telling me their phone number. I also canā€™t remember important numbers that I should know such as my mortgage rate. I go and do something in the kitchen when the numbers round comes on Puzzling because I canā€™t do those sums where you have to divide the pepperoni.

    However, give me an Excel spreadsheet and I will write the most complicated formulas, functions and logic with pivot tables and conditional formatting to make stuff happen automatically so that I donā€™t have to do it manually. And one of my favourite rounds in Puzzling is where they have the time in the mirror or letters at the clock points. No idea is this is an ADHD/autism thing.

    I canā€™t kneel or run. Iā€™m right-handed, write with my right but do lots of stuff with my left hand, wear my watch on the right and do a lot of things backwards. I canā€™t play guitar - my brother tried teaching me but I couldnā€™t co-ordinate my left hand to hold the chords. I canā€™t play piano because I canā€™t make my hands do two different things at the same time.

    I canā€™t burp either. I do these squeaky hiccup things. I used to love burping but bariatric surgery robbed me of that pleasure over 10 years ago. Also canā€™t swallow tablets.

    I canā€™t drink water. It just makes me gag. Even when Iā€™m brushing my teeth I canā€™t swallow any water. It feels thick and gloopy and I donā€™t like the taste. If I have squash then it has to be at least 3:1 squash to water. If I have ice which melts and dilutes my drink then I canā€™t drink it any more.

    I can, however, rewire a plug, change a fuse, check the oil/water/washer fluid in my car, measure and drill holes (without making a mess), paint a wall (brush and roller), and I reckon I could do a decent job at some other stuff like wallpapering, plastering or mixing cement having watched my dad so many times. Iā€™m also not bad at cutting hair. I enjoy watching people at work and really absorb techniques and how to go about things.

  6. On 7/2/2023 at 3:32 PM, Egg Shen said:

    How was the show Monkee? I told myself id never goto Hyde Park to see another show, but I would make an exception for a Golden Circle ticket.

    It was fantastic. I was actually really impressed by Axlā€™s voice and his energy through the whole show. Slash really does have the charisma of a Brussels sprout though.

    I actually swapped the spare Gold Circle for a VIP Terrace ticket - great view and better facilities. The guy who swapped with me had friends in the GC but, by the time he went to buy his ticket, theyā€™d sold out and only VIP was left. So we were both totally made up with the exchange.

    I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get a GA ticket for a show in Hyde Park. I had a free ticket (Gold Circle) for Pink the other week but watched Gwen Stefani from GA with a friend. The sound isnā€™t as good and the delay on the screens was bloody awful.

    Now that Ticketmaster and the like do payment plans on a lot of tickets, Iā€™d rather spread the cost of a more expensive ticket than have to do GA again.

  7. 10 hours ago, Shy Dad said:

    14 hours in a car yesterday for a 3 hour journey.

    Got onto disabled camping at 2am, people still arriving at 4/5am. Fucking horrific.

    Luckily nothing was dampening my mood so that worked perfect to keep my spirits up.

    Hope today improved for you! I had no issues getting in today. Iā€™m at a hotel 20mins away and it literally took that time to get to the South Car Park and drive straight into the Access area. I read about the long queue for Access wristbands too but it was less than 10mins. Guess I got lucky.

    Highlights of today for me were The Bronx, Alter Bridge, Skindred and Metallica.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    The other tag is ā€œNo reality tv bollocksā€. Sorry about your shit phone.Ā 

    Iā€™m not sorry about my iPhone 14. Sorry about your shit attitude.

    11 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

    You can probably use this one if it helps :)Ā -Ā 


    Thanks very much! This is more like the response I expected and itā€™s appreciated.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    No, check the thread tags.Ā 

    I only see one tag for threads on my phone so if there are more than one then theyā€™re not there. I only see ā€œFuck Off Duaneā€ so if thereā€™s another one I donā€™t see it. Regardless, your handbag is showing.

  10. 14 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    Interview With The Vampire is surprisingly great for a modern "reboot", doesn't shy away from being horny as fuck either. The basic premise is a more mature Louis is retelling his story to the same reporter decades later and works really well.

    I watched the original last night and I donā€™t think itā€™s aged well. Iā€™m interested in seeing the reboot though and what it does differently.

    On a different, but still TV-related, noteā€¦ Am I allowed to mention Iā€™m a Celeb round these parts? I have a huge crush on Chris Moyles and Iā€™m stupidly excited that heā€™s going into the jungle. Heā€™s mates with Boy George too so Iā€™m hoping for some good entertainment there.

  11. Premier Inn in Archway is a good shout. Even if you miss the tube thereā€™s the N20 night bus thatā€™s only about 15mins. Also central for anything else you might want to do while youā€™re there.

    Thereā€™s a Travelodge in Finsbury Park as well which again is close to the tube and on the N29 bus route.

  12. I hadnā€™t even heard anything about this. So my perspective - regardless of whose opinion that is, itā€™s nothing new. Keanu Reeves has been slated his entire career and there are no end of other actors heā€™s been paired against to show how bad he is. But, at the end of the day, even though that might be true, itā€™s obviously not affected his career (or how heā€™s viewed as a person) in the slightest.

    In conclusion, mā€™lord, who gives a fuck about what anyone - particularly Matthew Perry (whooooo?) - has to say about the household name, superstar, [occasional] box office smash, genuinely all-round lovely human (totally not biased here), Keanu Reeves?


    PS Iā€™m adding this as itā€™s one of my claims to fame - another reason why Keanu Reeves is just so damn amazing is because he once threw me the horns when he saw I was wearing his bandā€™s T-shirt šŸ˜Ž

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