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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. I have no idea when it comes to betting or odds or whatever but I just managed to make a bet on Kimi Raikkonen to win the F1 Championship this year. And I put another bet on for my mate than Felipe Massa will win the Championship.I was told the odds aren't that good though as Raikkonen's favourite and Massa's 2nd favourite. They're both 2/1.

  2. Downfall


    I thought this was a really good film. I love this subject-matter anyway but this film really showed how schitzophrenic Hitler was during his last few days. It was a very claustrophobic film I thought - lots of intense close-ups and it really made you feel like you were in the bunker with them. I didn't quite understand the role of "Peter" though. I didn't say at the end what happened to him after the war. Was he real?



    United 93


    Probably one of the best films I've seen in a while. I had to be in the right frame of mind to watch this. I liked how it was in real time and that it really drew you in without exploring the characters too much. You know how it ends but you're still rooting for them to succeed. Powerful and touching.

  3. I've heard Smoking Aces is very much style over substance, is this not the case then?

    I wouldn't have said that myself but I can see why someone would think that. It is very stylish - again, this is coming from someone who doesn't usually pay attention to that sort of thing. There isn't THAT much of a storyline and because of all the intermingling characters it takes a while to get where it's going but because it's quite fast-paced it didn't drag at all. But as I said, I still found myself being able to connect with the characters and anticipating what was going to happen.
  4. Oh no, I think I may be veering towards becoming a gamer.I got a PS2 for Christmas. I now have an injury known as "Guitar Hero shoulder" where I am unable to move my arm in certain directions before I have severe pain in my shoulder.I got several games (some of which I soon discovered were shite) including: Guitar Hero and Guitar Hero II, a Smarties game, a Sonic game, a Simpson's game, a fucking ding-ding-ding frog thing game, and Lego Star Wars. I'm now in love with Lego Star Wars and have almost finished the game. So I have now per-chased Lego Star Wars II and Canis Canum Edit although I'm yet to play both.

  5. I saw Big Nothing last week.


    It's Simon Pegg, David Schwimmer and Alice Eve. I was in two minds whether to see it but there wasn't really anything else at the cinema I wanted to see. It was really good though. It was a very black comedy in the same vein as Shallow Grave. There was something quite British about it. It's quite tense with twists and turns that are quite unexpected. Pegg's American accent is hard to get used to but I think it's the first time I've ever seen Schwimmer not be Ross from Friends. I definitely want to see this again.


    Oh, and Rammstein's played quite a bit.

  6. Well, I was on holiday. It was on TV on Sunday evening. I'd been shopping and was killing a couple of hours before going out for some dinner. It was on TV and I just thought "Oh, I remember this. I'll watch 5 minutes.." before having a shower. And I ended up watching most of it. The only English-speaking channel on the TV was BBC Worldwide so I decided to watch this instead. I did also catch the Polish version of Deal or No Deal too. Now that was slightly weird.And where can I get some of that intriguinol? Sounds... erm... intriguing?

  7. I watched the Super Mario Brothers film in Poland. It was weirdly dubbed though - some Polish guy just talking over the top of the film rather than a script with different people for different characters. I remember seeing this film in the cinema though. It's still shit. I also watched Walker - Texas Ranger in the same style.

  8. I watched Jakob The Liar last night. Robin Williams really is an outstanding actor when he decides to actually act. Same with Jim Carrey.Anyway, basic plot of the film - set in a Jewish ghetto in WWII Poland. A rumour is spread that Jakob has a radio and has heard the Russians are coming to liberate the ghetto. Everyone's hopes are raised and they're happy. But then the gestapo find out someone has a radio and Jakob has to come clean. It's a really good film with some great characters in it. And, predictabley, it made me cry.

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