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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. Maybe I'll just post links to my blog so I don't spam the thread or something. And that's one of the reasons why I signed up to do it - I needed a goal to lose weight and get fit. It's too easy to slack off the gym because I feel a bit tired but I really can't do that from now on. I HAVE to make myself go because I certainly do not want to fail the climb.


    Also, you do know I'm not a blokey, right? ;)

  2. I'm doing it through work to raise money for GOSH. I went to an initial meeting about it 2 weeks ago and, after lots of thinking about costs, minimum fund-raising and stamina, I signed up on Monday. Got the confirmation today saying flights are booked so there's no going back now. It's real. I've already joined the London Altitude Centre and had my first session last night. I'm not seeing any side effects from working out at 3,000ft yet so that's a good sign. I'm now booked in for twice weekly sessions for the next 6 months as well as going to my regular gym in between. I invested in a FitBit in January and have lost 6lbs in 6 weeks - not much but hopefully the decrease will be more once I'm properly training.


    Well done on your preparation for the competition too. Even entering is an achievement in my book! I won't post photos or anything like that in here but I'll probably go back to updating my blog more regularly.

  3. <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Just to clear up a few things, McGann regenerated into Hurt, Hurt regenerated into Eccleston. Hurt was the 9th Incarnation but not technically a Doctor.


    The mini episode I posted a link to before goes against this theory though. As I said, the Hurt regeneration was a false temporary one because of the potion McGann drank. We know that McGann regenerated into Eccleston from when Eccleston first came into it, it wasn't Hurt. That's why Hurt's not in previous timelines because he wasn't technically a Doctor in the same way as the others.



    [close spoiler]

  4. SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

    Re: the regeneration - it might help to watch the mini episode HERE if you haven't already. Basically, Hurt is a forced temporary regeneration created by a potion drunk by McGann. So in Day of The Doctor you see Hurt returning back to McGann when he starts to regenerate.


    In the panel yesterday they were saying they still haven't even figured out what Capaldi's Doctor is going to look like as he hasn't properly started filming. This was why you only saw his eyes during the scene last night where each Doctor was shown together.






    Still can't get these spoilers to work properly...

  5. I feel a little disappointed by that episode to be honest, it wasn't bad but I think I was expecting the best thing ever with all the hype and it was just a good episode. Also, on the fake regeneration point, I wouldn't be surprised if it is bullshit and they are working everyone. It'd be a wonderful twist.



    What do you mean by fake regeneration?

  6. Christmas Day is when Peter Capaldi takes over. Nothing to do with tomorrow. I was at the filming of Graham Norton last night though and got to see both Matt Smith and David Tennant on the sofa. That was brilliant. I'm off to the ExCeL tomorrow for the Doctor Who Celebration and am really excited! Will be finishing off by watching Day of the Doctor at the event with all the other nerds and weirdos.

  7. Thanks! Surprised by the number of people at work who just can't look at me though. I'm talking to them and they're like "I'm sorry, you're going to have to e-mail me..." What's even more amusing to them though is that I'm absolutely terrified of zombies. I was ok doing the make-up but since it's all dried and stuff I'm having to avoid mirrors. I did just win a bottle of champagne for my efforts though so it's not all bad.

  8. The Laurence Rees ones are good specifically for Nazi stuff (Hitler, the SS, Auschwitz, etc.) but you should also check out Stephen Ambrose as well. He mainly focuses on specific events and tactical warfare but he still manages to evoke a lot of emotion in his writing. He wrote the Band of Brothers book that the series was based on and I recently read Pegasus Bridge which was very good. Everyone's got very 1940s nicknames even to the extent that the only black member of the squadron was called something like "Darkie Smith". I have another of his on my shelf to read which is Citizen Soldiers. Definitely recommended even if not specifically Nazi-related.

  9. You should also have a look at the BBC WWII series that have been associated with Laurence Rees such as Auschwitz: The Nazis & the 'Final Solution', The Nazis: A Warning from History and The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. They've all got accompanying books as well. Very good documentaries. I read the Auschwitz book while in Poland before going there and it was good to be able to put things into context once there.

  10. I recently started watching Once Upon a Time after a friend insisted I see it. I got all of the first series from Lovefilm and am now hooked. I've ordered season 2 off the internet but can anyone tell me where I can download series 3 online? It started in the US on Sunday but I'm useless with downloading stuff and have no idea what to do so would appreciate an idiot's guide please. Thanks in advance!

  11. I saw Rush last week too. I really enjoyed it and want to see it again but I felt like I couldn't really connect with the characters because all the non-racing scenes were short and choppy. I obviously knew the story already and knew the personalities of the drivers which I think helped otherwise I don't think I'd have liked it as much. Having said that, I think both Br

  12. I love Just A Minute, I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, The News Quiz and The Now Show. Looking about the comedy on the BBC website I came across a crime series thats very tongue in cheek called Boxer and Doberman. Apparently it got taken off the air because folks tuned into it expecting a proper crime drama when it was meant as a comedy.


    I love all of those too. Can't wait for the Friday Night Comedy podcast to come back this week. It's been off for ages and the Comedy of the Week's not been as good lately either. I love The News Quiz especially. I think Sandy Torksvig and Jeremy Hardy are brilliant. I keep listening to the one from July 26th when they're talking about the porn filter and hairlessness in porn. It's very funny.


    I mentioned the other day in another thread that I'm currently obesessed with Cabin Pressure. I'd love it if they made more episodes of that too.

  13. Saw Eddie Izzard looking fabulous outside work yesterday. Saw him the week before last in Boots buying tights.

    Where was that Monkee?


    Piccadilly Circus. It's a good place to celeb spot. When it was the 1D film premiere the other week, Morgan Spurlock was in the Lotus Shop opposite.

  14. One of the guys on my FB is in the US Navy and is always posting on a related page so his comments pop up on my timeline. Tonight he commented on a post that got me really angry. The admin had posted a photo of a pregnant lady posing in a camo jacket, looking down at her belly and kneeling on a bed. The main caption was "Ladies, this is not cute. If you feel badly because you got fat as fuck while pregnant then ask your partner [who's in the armed forces] for a PT plan." All the comments on the photo are slagging off this lady for being obese, having thick thighs, not eating properly because her hair's not shiny and her skin's not glowing like it should be, and lots of other purely vile comments. I'm disgusted by it. What makes it worse is that the admin who posted it is also a woman who justifies it by saying she's had 4 kids and never put on any extra weight (although admitting she has Grave's disease meaning she struggles to gain weight anyway) so she can call whoever she wants fat.


    Why would anyone do this?!?

  15. Oh my, Captain Picard! I had (have) a thing for Wil Wheaton and Patrick Stewart so TNG was one of my favourites. I loved Q and the Borg. Not to name drop again (clang) but I met Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner last year and almost went to pieces for both. Patrick Stewart could read the phone book and I'd go weak at the knees.


    I definitely put my list together too quickly because I'm seeing programmes and keep thinking "Naaw, I forgot about that, I would've voted for that!"

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