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Everything posted by Monkee

  1. That’s what I thought! I mean, my source isn’t 100% foolproof - I heard it from William Hanson on I Sexted My Boss. I did just Google and apparently it’s a myth but it still makes sense 🤷🏻‍♀️
  2. A club sandwich is named “club” because it’s chicken and lettuce under bacon. I never thought about it really. Not sure what that means for club soda. And, cue SuperBacon…
  3. I saw Dogstar in Kentish Town tonight. I’ve been a bit obsessed with Keanu Reeves for an age and first saw them play T in the Park in 1996. They absolutely blew me away and I’m buzzing. I wore my Ramones shirt and was talking to the singer, Bret, before the gig. I said my favourite song is I Wanna be Sedated (knowing they cover it) and he said, “Well, we’re going to have to add that to the set list tonight, aren’t we?” True to word, during the encore, Bret says something like, “The next song is a late addition to the set because we met a girl earlier and this is her favourite song so here we go…” To say I lost my shit is a total understatement. I’m dining off that for the rest of my life! And here’s a photo of Keanu laughing when Bret forgot the lyrics to the second verse.
  4. Monkee

    Hot Drinks

    I got this as a Christmas present after going to Mexico. It tasted similar but I could never get it to the right consistency and the powder just floated to the top each time. It wasn’t unpleasant, just wasn’t the same as the authentic stuff. https://mestizomarket.com/product/abuelita-mexican-chocolate/
  5. Monkee

    Hot Drinks

    The Vietnamese egg coffee and affogato sound/look amazing. I need to try both. I’m not affected by caffeine because of ADHD so I’d have both on a drip please. Has anyone tried Mexican hot chocolate? I had it (funnily enough) in Mexico and it was amazing. It was a thick chocolate with chunky sugar and various spices and it’s like crack.
  6. I went to Ferrari Land last week and, much like their F1 strategy, it was quite shit.
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