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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. You were lucky - they just tweeted that they've sold out! I have fond memories of "Keep on Movin'" Number 1 in November 1999. I say fond, more vivid than fond, but I still don't mind the tune.


    I wonder how they'll share stage time? I'm assuming 911 and The Honeyz will be the jobbers. Atomic Kitten and B*Witched mid-card. 5ive(4ive?) and then LibertyX as the main event.


    I still remember all the moves to If You Got The Feelin'. I'll be busting a move on the night when they do that one. I was wondering about the ordering as well. I think you've got it right there though. Not sure about the headliners though, definitely Liberty X or 5ive but I think it'd go off better with 5ive maybe doing We Will Rock You.


    I did read that they put an ad on Facebook for a 5th member to replace J though so I wonder if they will come out as 5ive or as 4our.

  2. Did you not watch tonight's episode? I didn't know either actually. Apparently Sean had a breakdown first and they 'unofficially' became four but kept the name. Then Scott had a breakdown too and left the band and that's when they were properly over. They mostly blamed J for it all so no surprise he decided not to show up! Abs seemed to be the hedonistic one of them all and was seriously pissed when it was over because he was living it up on all the drugs and stuff. They seem to have affected his voice too.

  3. I've followed the case closely since around the time it happened and read several books on it too. I don't think having that knowledge made West of Memphis less impactful though. I think it was very well made but, as Astro said, you just have to be careful not to make assumptions on who's really guilty given the Hobbs case on Paradise Lost.


    I'm not sure WoM is "definitive" though. It sums everything up, goes into a lot more evidence-based material than PL and tries to give everyone a voice. But it's hardly the be all and end all considering there still hasn't been a conclusion to the case. I think it's important to watch at least the first two PL docs to get an overview of the case and to understand that Byers was the first suspect. I'd definitely recommend anyone new to the case watch those before WoM but I don't think it's essential.

  4. Just caught up with the finale of American Horror Story: Asylum. Well, umm. I've watched this entire season thinking how great it was and an hour a week wasn't enough - exactly as I thought with the first series - but I just feel let down. I don't think it was very good at all and I'm disappointed.


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    It would've been a great twist if Johnny turned out to be Kit's son instead of Lana's and her baby really had died shortly after birth or something. I think it was all wrapped up too neatly and everyone lives happily ever after.



    [close spoiler]



    Anyone else?

  5. This thread has only just been brought to my attention and I'm really flattered to have even been mentioned. As I've said to a couple of people over the last few days, I really don't feel like I contribute much to this forum apart from being involved in the Secret Santa but that's just once a year and isn't a bother to me. I enjoy taking part but Frankie deserves the accolade for putting it all together in the first place. Thanks to anyone who did mention me though, I really do appreciate it. Thanks guys!



  6. I understand what you're saying and surely all the finger-pointing means that there's needs to be a proper investigation into the handling of the case if not a full re-opening of the case itself. It's because if the politics involved that this can't happen. The only reason they got released was because it was the authorities saying "Ok, we know we screwed up but if you don't tell anyone we said that AND don't sue us for fucking up AND admit you were guilty all along so it still makes us look good then we'll let you go free."


    There should be an independent enquiry to put the record straight once and for all and actually find out WHO did kill the three kids. Won't happen though so the finger-pointing will continue.

  7. I know I've mentioned the WM3 and Paradise Lost trilogy earlier in this thread but I was wondering if anyone's seen West of Memphis? I saw it at the London Film Festival and it was nominated for a BAFTA (didn't win unfortunately) but I thought it was probably the best documentary I've seen in ages. It summaries everything from the PL films but more in-depth and I think more objective too. It looks at the screw-up by the police, involves interviews with more people like the victims' families and eye witnesses, etc.


    It ties everything together but the most interesting thing it shows is that even though these guys have now been released they're still fighting. They've been exonerated (kind of) but when Damien Echols was on his book tour they wouldn't let him into Canada because he has a criminal record. Even giving them a statement by some legal bigwig about the case wouldn't make them change their minds. So, similarly he can't travel abroad either.


    The director, Amy Berg, was at the showing I went to and someone asked whether any of the police involved had seen the film. She said there had been no comment because it's election time in Arkansas and none of them wanted to jeopardise their positions. I hate how politics can affect that sort of thing in the US.


    On a side note, Damien Echols has been doing a lot of events in NYC that my friend has been to. He was interviewed at his book launch by Johnny Depp and has an art exhibition at a gallery where Trent Reznor was one of the guests. She went to both events and on Friday I got a package from her. She got me Damien's book signed by him. It totally blew me away, I love it! :)

  8. I might have a look for that. Sounds like a good collectors' item. I borrowed all my dad's Beatles CDs over Christmas and put them on my MP3 player. Don't know why it took me do long to get around to doing that. Also, the Abbey Road tickets arrived on Friday. I'm stupidly excited about going there. Has anyone on here actually been there before? They've done these 'sessions' over the last couple of years so I'd like to know what past ones have been like.

  9. FanVision won't be available at races for 2013 as they couldn't reach an agreement with FOM. That totally sucks for those who attend races especially in GA where you can't see the big screens. I wonder if there's a similar company that'll step in instead.



  10. If you and Brownie don't make it to the alter, I call dibs.


    Aww shucks! :love:


    We took my mum to see the Bootleg Beatles for her birthday the other night. Fun night out.


    The Bootleg Beatles were my first ever gig when I was 10. They played a tiny club in Wales around this time of year. My dad took my brother and I after my school Christmas concert. I've seen them about 6-8 times since then too and they're always on top form. Brilliant show.

  11. I love The Beatles and have lyrics from In My Life tattooed on my arm. It was my dad's 60th birthday last week and I got him tickets to Abbey Road for a studio tour and lecture next March. He was over the moon and, as I'm going with him, I'm really excited too.

  12. Fanvision


    Anyone used that before? Seems to be an extension of the red button stuff we can access at home.


    A friend of mine owns one of these devices - FanVision.com - and takes it with her when she's at races which great because sometimes even if you're sitting near a jumbo screen you still can't quite see the timings and on-screen graphics. It only works where you can get the FanVision signal though so you can't just sit at home or in the pub to watch a race. You can listen to team radio or audio commentary as well as watching the live feed. You can rent them at circuits (just like you could with the KangarooTV that used to be available) or you can buy your own device which works out cheaper if you're planning on going to more than one race. Thing is though, if you buy one you then also have to subscribe to the package for each race you attend so it's still not cheap.

  13. Am I the only one who thought this was a boring race yesterday? If it wasn't for the fact that it's a new circuit and the penultimate race then I think this would've been a bore fest. I didn't think there was much to cheer about other than the fact that the championship's down to the wire (and Hamilton winning - if you like that sort of thing). And WTF were those Pirelli hats on the podium? Did Hamilton need any help with being a bigger dickhead than he does already (faux-US accent, etc.)? I just wasn't impressed by much of it at all but I seem to be in the minority.

  14. I love Kimi and his radio talkback just added to that for me yesterday. It was brilliant. What was even more brilliant was the drivers trying to out-pottymouth each other on the podium. Kimi did a "shit" while Vettel did a "fucked up" and a "bloody". I was half expecting Coulthard to go back to Alonso for his final words where he proceeded to slip in a C-bomb just to compete with the big boys.

  15. Thanks! My hand is killing me today though. I only had a knife, a spoon and a pair of tweezers to get the bugger done. My hand was cramping all night after this took me 3 hours to finish.


    This was last year's effort. I left it too late and could only get a teeny tiny pumpkin.



  16. After ten years of talking about it, me and my best mate finally did Richie and Eddie for a Halloween party Saturday. [bottoms Up][bottoms Out]

    That is fucking awsome! I'm totally impressed by those costumes.And I didn't know where else to post this but I wanted to show it off. Here's this year's pumpkin creation for Halloween...Frankenstein.jpg
  17. I really wish the FIA would come up with some sort of consistent penalty system. The number of accidents caused by Maldonado far outweigh what Grosjean did yesterday. Ok, it was a bad accident but to get a one race ban when other drivers have barely been penalised for similar is ridiculous. It's so annoying and makes people dislike particular teams/drivers more because they think there's favouritism involved. If there was one penalty system that was clear in 'if this is what you do, this will be the consequence' then it would be so much better.


    As for F1-related books, check out Professor Sid Watkins' Life at the Limit. A great insight into the health and safety aspect of the sport and how [mainly] one man changed it all.

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